Israeli Film Reports Pfizer Shots Mayhem

By Neenah Payne

Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease at the National Institutes of Health, published Covid-19 – Navigating the Uncharted on March 26 in the New England Journal of Medicine which said “the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a fatality rate of approximately 0.1)…rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively”.

CDC statistics show COVID is not a “deadly pandemic”. Such a mild flu would not justify the “health” policies Fauci has pushed which are tearing the nation apart. We were told “fifteen days to flatten the curve”. Now, more than 17 months later, that has turned into “vaccine” mandates for which we are now told booster shots are necessary — possibly every few months.

CDC Director: ‘We May Need to Update our Definition of Fully Vaccinated’ as Booster Eligibility Increases
SHOCKING: CDC has been lying to the public about COVID jab safety
More Than 200,000 Have Already Died From the COVID Jab in the US

Israeli Documentary: The Testimonies Project

Israel used the Pfizer COVID “vaccine” and issued a “vaccine” passport. Now, Israelis who got two shots have been told their passports will not be valid without a third shot.

Take Control of Your Family’s Health — Immune System Support Kit (Ad)

The testimonies project the movie interviews formerly healthy Israelis whose health was severely compromised or whose relatives were killed by the COVID shots. The video interviews Israelis who experienced the following problems after getting the Pfizer shots: heart problems, bleeding and miscarriages, disease outbreaks, blood clots, infections and inflammations, skin problems, and neurological problems. This information is denied by most Israeli doctors and ignored by the government and media.

THE ISRAELI PEOPLE’S COMMITTEE – REPORT OF ADVERSE EFFECTS RELATED TO CORONA VACCINE MAY 2021 (Video) Dr. Pinky Feinstein, the chairman of the Israeli People’s Committee, with a crucial message to the world – NEVER HAS A VACCINE INJURED SO MANY! The American VAERS system reveals 3,409 reports of mortality amongst vaccinated people in the United States in the first 4 months of 2021.

Is COVID-19 A Bio-Weapon?


“Dr. Richard Fleming takes Del through a shocking paper trail surrounding the SARS-CoV2 virus and its link to Fauci and US funded gain-of-function research.”

Science Journals Support Claim that Pfizer Covid Vaccine May Cause Deadly Neurodegenerative Disease points out:

“A recent article published in the scientific journal Microbiology and Infectious Diseases makes the claim that the mRNA Pfizer Covid vaccine may contain prions which cause deadly neurodegenerative disease, sometimes called ‘Creutzfeldt-Jakob’ or  ‘Mad Cow’ disease.

The article, titled ‘COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease,’ was published in January of 2021 and has been studiously ignored by major media, which has focused its efforts on encouraging individuals to take the jab….The paper goes on to state that ‘The folding of TDP-43 and FUS into their pathologic prion confirmations is known to cause ALS, front temporal lobar degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological degenerative diseases.’ In other words, the Pfizer mRNA vaccine may have the capability of turning brains to mush.”

“They Don’t Want to See People Like Us” (Video) says:

“Del sits down with three healthcare workers who were on the frontline of Covid vaccine rollouts in America…the three women go back to the day they received their vaccine, the severe reactions they endured starting just days after, and the complete denial the medical community has towards the groundswell of injured people looking for help.”

Doctor Warns The World

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his Zelenko Protocol which saved millions of COVID patients worldwide.

A Doctor’s Grave Warning For Israel (Video)

Dr. Zelenko says:

“Prolonged fear and anxiety, coupled with human isolation, psychologically decompensates the individual that they have a breakdown and are not capable anymore of rational thought. There’s a global psychosis going on. People will gravitate towards any false promise that will reduce the emotional pain that they’re in because of the fear. So, you can dangle a false vaccine in front of them and they’ll believe it just because they don’t want to feel the pain anymore. You challenge that narrative, they become belligerent because what you’re really doing is bringing them back into that emotional pain state that they don’t want to be in. They’ve lost their minds, literally.”

“We could have prevented 84% of the deaths.”


Why Natural Immunity Is Vastly Superior To COVID Shots

Del Bigtree demonstrated in How Del Has Been Ahead of The Curve on COVID (Video) in Episode 226 Ahead of The Curve (Video) why COVID injections cannot compete with natural immunity. Del used a football analogy to show the difference between the “non-specific antibodies” in the natural immune system that can handle any variant vs “specific antibodies” created by COVID shots that are powerless against all variants!  That’s why fully-vaccinated people have to get “booster” shots now — and for every variant.

See NY Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Study

Del Bigtree’s Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) Eviscerates CDC IN Formal Exchange Regarding Natural Immunity:

“When the CDC chose to lift restrictions on the vaccinated, ICAN went to work. Through its attorneys, it formally demanded that the CDC also (at the least) lift restrictions on the naturally immune. It provided the CDC with over 60 studies reflecting that natural immunity is more durable and robust than vaccine immunity. The CDC’s response is shameful. It fails to address any of these studies, collectively involving millions of people, and instead cites a single irrelevant study of a few hundred people that does not even involve comparing vaccine versus natural immunity!

As reflected in ICAN’s formal exchange with the CDC, the available data and studies reflect as follows regarding the current virus causing most COVID-19 in the United States…As for next steps, if the CDC does not, as it likes to put it, ‘follow the science’ and lift restrictions on the naturally immune, we will be taking the CDC to court on this issue, that is federal court as well as the court of public opinion. And we look forward to doing so.”

Natural Immunity vs Vaccinated


Study after study proves the strength of immunity in those previously infected by #Covid is stronger to those who are vaccinated. Even CNN’s resident medical talking head, Sanjay Gupta, recently questioned Fauci on growing evidence that natural infection trumps vaccine protection.

Unprecedented Deaths/Injuries From COVID Vaccines

TFNT1: COVID vaccines have killed over 200,000 Americans


Importance of  Early Treatment For COVID

Dr. Peter McCullough is the lead author on the paper Multifaceted highly targeted sequential multidrug treatment of early ambulatory high-risk SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19) which shows there should be four approaches to handling COVID-19. However, the US government has skipped outpatient treatments which could have saved millions of lives in favor of poorly-tested “vaccines”. Why?

The article points out:

“There are four pillars to an effective pandemic response: 1) contagion control, 2) early treatment, 3) hospitalization, and 4) vaccination to assist with herd immunity (Fig. 1).  Many countries have operationalized all four pillars…. In the US, Canada, United Kingdom, Western European Union, Australia, and some South American Countries there has been three major areas of focus for pandemic response…Thus the missing pillar of pandemic response is early home-based treatment.”


More than 10,000 Physicians and Medical Scientists Sign “Rome Declaration” in Protest, Launch New Information Platform to alert citizens about the deadly consequences of Covid-19 policy makers’ and medical authorities’ unprecedented behavior, such as denying patient access to lifesaving early treatments, disrupting the sacred, physician-patient relationship and suppressing open scientific discussion for profits and power. They have risen up to take a collective stand against authoritarian measures by corporations, medical associations, and governments and their respective agencies. The objective of the declaration is to reclaim their leadership role in conquering this pandemic.

The Physicians Declaration Calls COVID Policies “Crimes Against Humanity”

Menticide: Killing The Mind To Drive A Nation Insane

The COVID “health” policies have caused massive harm:


Has the World Gone Mad?

Neil Oliver: ‘The West is firmly in the grip, not of a virus, but of delusional madness’


This is perhaps the most succinct and funny expose of the stupidity of the COVID “vaccine” mandates. “Follow the science”.

DEAR WHITE LIBERALS (Video): The US government has a history of lying to Native Americans and Black Americans when “helping” them. With COVID, it is now also lying to White Americans.


Dr. Sherri Tenpenny says it can take 4-14 months to experience the full effects of the shots.

Dr. Judy Mikovits and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: A New COVID Vaccine Could Kill 50 Million People in the U.S.


Exposing Vaccine Passports (Video) explains the hidden agenda of the COVID mandates.

See The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports and Where It’s Headed: Part 1.

“Vaccine” Passports Link To China’s Social Credit Score

Dr. Joseph Mercola’s October 24 article Chinese Defector Reveals COVID Origin included the following information. Note: Dr. Mercola deletes his articles after 48 hours now for political reasons.

“Li-Meng Yan, M.D., Ph.D., escaped from China to the United States to expose China’s cover-up of the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Vaccine Passports Will Usher in a Social Credit System

“Of course, the COVID shots and the vaccine passports also fit into the CCP agenda by making the whole world accept and adopt the CCP’s social control system. The vaccine passports are clearly designed to usher in a social credit system like they have in China. And with that, you get 24/7 digital surveillance and an unbelievable amount of control over every single person.

As explained by Yan, in China, the digital surveillance system is so advanced, if your phone GPS shows you were near an infected person, you are automatically ordered into isolation. What’s more, if parents or grandparents fail to get the COVID shot, the family’s children are barred from school, even if they got the shot. Every aspect of life is linked together through this system, so a poor social credit score will also have financial ramifications, and will dictate if, where and how you’re allowed to travel.

Yan points out that Americans, being unaware of the Chinese surveillance system, don’t understand that by agreeing with vaccine mandates and passports, they are saying yes to a total surveillance system that will dictate their entire lives. They’re also saying yes to being guinea pigs for an endless stream of questionable vaccines.

China Wants World Dominance by 2035

According to Yan, China’s goal is to achieve world dominance by 2035. With that aim in mind, they’ve spent decades developing unrestricted bioweapons. With COVID-19, they’re well on their way.”


October 24, 2021

“Li-Meng Yan is an M.D. and Ph.D., with training in coronaviruses. She escaped from China to the US to expose China’s cover-up of the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID shots and vaccine passports fit into the CCP agenda by making the world adopt the CCP’s social control system. Yan urges Americans to realize the destructiveness of communism and to resist it. This includes refusing vaccine mandates and vaccine passports.”


Breaking News: Oregon legislators file for a Federal Grand Jury Investigation

Dr. Henry Ealy explains that in early 2020, the CDC suddenly and illegally changed the definition of a “case” to inflate the COVID-19 case statistics to support government claims of a “deadly pandemic”.

CDC COVID-19 Conduct Must Be Investigated: Learn from Dr. Henry Ealy + Take Action (Video)

An Evidence-Based Position Paper to Ensure Ethical Conduct

“COVID-19: Restoring Public Trust During A Global Health Crisis”

A Statement from Lead Author Dr. Henry Ealy:

“The authors feel that it is a seminal manuscript that will empower elected officials, attorneys, professional organizations, and the public to take action.

Our aim is to provide our readers with information pointing toward acts of willful misconduct, based largely upon what we believe is the withholding of evidence-based treatments, clear violations of federal law, unproven theories of asymptomatic transmission, fatal flaws in PCR testing, significant problems with projection models, and unethical practices that have created the possibility of poorly conceived experimental biologics being touted as the only solution to the global crisis we all face.”

Click here to read the entirety of COVID-19: Restoring Public Trust During A Global Health Crisis

Covid-19 and the Global Predators is Dr. Breggin’s new book. See Interview with Dr. Peter Breggin.

Call For Grand Jury Investigation of CDC’s Conduct of COVID

Americans have been living under a state of public health emergency since January 31, 2020. Since that time, public health policies have been invoked at all levels of government that have radically changed the way we live, work, worship, learn, move about society and interact with others, including our own family members. Moreover, these policies have created widespread collateral damage, including economic collapse, a surge in suicides and other mental health issues, and unnecessary loss of life.

In a special live report on February 17, Stand for Health Freedom revealed that our ongoing state of emergency has been largely fueled by bad data that has been compromised at the hands of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Now, an independent research team that has dedicated more than 20,000 hours into investigating all aspects of COVID-19 has found strong evidence of willful misconduct by the CDC and others.

This is outlined in a new peer-reviewed paper, COVID-19: Restoring Public Trust During A Global Health Crisis. Citizens from coast to coast have been living under dire circumstances for more than a year now and deserve to know if crimes have been committed throughout the COVID-19 crisis. As such, we are calling on every citizen to urge Assistant United States Attorneys to impanel a special grand jury to investigate the CDC’s conduct during COVID-19.

Transparency is a hallmark of a democratic society and cannot be ignored, diminished or negotiated away during times of emergency. Let’s restore it now by signing this petition and urging assistant U.S. attorneys nationwide to convene a special independent grand jury investigation into the CDC’s conduct during COVID-19.

This is truly one of the most important actions of your lifetime!

Please be sure to sign — and encourage 10 friends to take action, too.

Sign The Petition

Research contributions from Elba Cornier

Neenah Payne writes for Natural Blaze and Activist Post

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