Are We Following Irrational Authorities In Destroying Our Lives?

By Laraine C. Abbey-Katzev RN MS, CNS

We all need a good laugh these days so check out this nurse’s 15 seconds of COVID Vax wisdom:

Dr. Peter McCullough MD, MPH, one of the world’s most renown expert physicians and published researchers, is sounding the death knell on COVID vaccine mandates. Attorneys who represent mandated employees will find the scientific acumen in McCullough’s presentations nothing short of jaw dropping.

Speaking at the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (Oct. 2, 2021), which I urge you to watch and share,[i] Dr. McCullough stated, “The disability that we are going to see due to these vaccines will go down in history as an unbelievable atrocity!” He also shared that after a prior speech to the Heritage Foundation, a former president of the American Medical Association said, “Dr. McCullough we have the biggest biological catastrophe on our hands in human history.”

Dr. McCullough went on to make the case that the COVID vaccine has failed, is dangerous, and must be stopped immediately. His powerful indictments against this entire vaccine program are clearly evidenced in his data slides.[ii]

He detailed published research from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) showing a tight temporal relationship between the vaccine and the event as “50% of the vaccine reported deaths occurred within 48 hours of the shot and 80% of them occurred within a week. The authors noted 86% of VAERS reported deaths had no other explanation than the vaccine.

McCullough cited research evidencing fulfillment of the Bradford Hill criteria of causality, which include the deaths, cardiovascular, neurological, and immunological injury. Some injury examples are thrombocytopenic purpura [bruising and bleeding under the skin from immune system destruction of platelets], thrombosis [blood clots], severe hypertension, & myocarditis [inflammation damaging the heart]. He shows documentation that children are at exponentially greater risk from these demonstrably dangerous vaccines than from COVID and yet the mandates continue!

McCullough cites data, including that from Dr. Tess-Lawrie who contracts with World Health Organization, that has established these vaccines are not safe for human use and that a halt to the vaccine program is required while a full safety analysis is required. We are in a free-fall of a lawless state because there is no enforcement of pharmaceutical laws. It is clear across the world that this first generation of vaccines is not safe.” McCullough asserts multiple experts agree that they are simply not safe.

Further, he notes each of the three vaccines used in the U.S. are different, as even the amount of mRNA in Moderna’s (100 mcg) vs Pfizer’s (30 mcg) are not the same. So, if an employer is going to mandate a vaccine they must be asked, “which one?” How, and why, would products of unequal benefit be mandated?

The Israeli Pfizer vaccine data prove that the favored vaccine has failed. While the vaccine failures are becoming more evident, the successful early treatment of millions of people around the world with safe, repurposed drugs, is being censored and maligned and denied by NIH “Standard of Care” guidelines. Even trying to inform through social media is censored and efforts to publish any early treatment in medical journals has met with resistance.

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McCullough emphatically states, having authored nearly 700 papers in peer reviewed journals, that to suddenly encounter resistance exposes the depth of corruption to which some of the most prestigious medical journals have fallen victim. “They are corrupt… The New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, JAMA, all corrupt! How this happened will be a story in medicine.”

It’s also clear that many people don’t need these vaccines even if they were effective, as those who’ve had COVID have natural immunity that is robust, durable, and effective—even against variants. Vaccinating those who’ve recovered from COVID have a 56% greater likelihood of experiencing a severe side effect requiring hospitalization. “Six studies now show that if we vaccinate people who have natural immunity, we harm them considerably.”

His response to a CNN statement that we won’t get our freedom back unless taking a COVID vaccine is… “Since when are we going to lever freedom on an ineffective and unsafe vaccine?”

He concludes, “Somebody is behind the scenes provoking something…it’s about some kind of totalitarian takeover that’s taking place all over the world… Something very dark is going on, and a lot of it is in this book by Dr. Peter Breggin, MD, COVID-19 And The Global Predators: We Are The Prey.”

Breggin’s book documents within its thousand references that this pandemic was planned well before COVID-19 had been visited upon the world. It is must-reading for anyone who doesn’t understand that the real, world-stage agenda is the implementation of the Marxist/totalitarian centralized control New World Order (NWO) most recently championed by the World Economic Forum (WEF) founder & chairman, Klaus Schwab; and whose phrases (some as book titles) like “Build Back Better,” “The Great Reset,” and “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” have been echoed by world leaders around the globe. Listen to popular podcast host Will Johnson on this topic.

Dr Breggin is one among countless prestigious individuals who realize COVID-19 is being used (and perhaps created) to destroy national sovereignties in a takeover of the world economies to bring in a system of centralized control for a New World Order (NWO) the global elites have been working on for decades. This effort is mobilized by an interlocking consortium of global organizations that includes the World Economic Forum (WEF), headed up by its founder Klaus Schwab originator of the “Build Back Better” and “The Great Reset” concepts; the United Nations with its Marxist “Sustainable Developmental Goals” of Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030; the World Health Organization funded by the Chinese Communist Party and Bill Gates—vaccinator-in-chief; the International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization, and World Bank among them.

COVID19 presented the perfect vehicle to support the WEF’s “Great Reset to Build-Back-Better” goals. For any who are unaware that SARS-CoV-2 has been in the works for years, there are multiple patents exposed by Dr. David Martin PhD. You can better understand that story by listening to this interview with Dr. Martin.

Worldwide population reduction to 500 million is among the many globalist goals and has been enshrined among 1 of 10 items listed in a “Plan for the Earth” going forward as inscribed on the Georgia Guidestones in Elberton, Georgia. COVID19 would seem useful to reduce the population, destroy the U.S. economy, and terrify people to easily manipulate them into giving up liberty and welcoming government dependency Marxist policies.

The “fly in the ointment,” is the preventives and successful treatments that dedicated physicians figured out and are now used by countless folks around the world to protect their health and prevent their deaths. This has netted out a greater than 99% survival rate, which should disqualify COVID as a basis for all the tyrannical government insanity with lockdowns and mandates.

Perhaps the clearest demonstration of successful prevention and treatment lies in the experience in India’s province of Uttar Pradesh where 240 million residents were rendered COVID-free by use of the cheap, safe, decades old drug ivermectin. This 5-minute video by One America News Network’s Pearson Sharp reveals how.

It’s pretty clear, as folks around the world are realizing and Dr. McCullough and Dr. Peter Breggin have unequivocally exposed, that COVID-19 is a dark agenda for getting the entire world population vaccinated but for spurious purposes that have nothing to do with your health. To learn more about those spurious purposes visit

As Dr. McCullough so powerfully stated, “COVID-19 genetic vaccines have an unacceptable safety profile, and they are not sufficiently effective to advocate in clinical practice.”

So, to answer our title’s question, search The Milgram Experiment[iii] which demonstrated a truth-naïve public will be obedient to the dictates of irrational authorities. I’ll add that you might find some of my 2016 article, Liberty or State Control? You Decide relevant to the here and now[iv].






Laraine C. Abbey-Katzev, is a Registered Nurse (emeritus) and Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS) with a Master’s-Degree in Biology/Clinical Nutrition who maintained a private practice, developed health and weight control programs, nutritional products, and was a featured newspaper columnist for health and nutrition articles. Formerly, a psychiatric Head Nurse, Laraine earned the Huxley Institute Certificate in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice and her successful Orthomolecular treatment of Agoraphobia/Panic Disorder through diet and nutrient supplements, was featured in many magazine articles and books. Laraine is a health activist and a member of the American College of Nutrition.

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