5G/EMF/RF: Glasgow Climate Talks, COP 26, Nov. 1-12, Join the Protests, And It’s Not Just About Planes and Carbon

Compiled by Patricia Burke

“Last week, Extinction Rebellion activists claim to have blocked all major entrances to Farnborough Airport in Hampshire, with a stretched limousine parked at the gates as part of the protest. The protesters, including a former airline pilot, are raising awareness of the emissions caused by private flights.”- Glasgow Times

The Glasgow Climate talks take place November 1-12 in Scotland.

Protesters are already objecting to the carbon emissions of the participants’ private jets.

There is much more at stake. Significant environmental issues are receiving attention from the public, include the inter-related, enmeshed concerns of green-washing, equating “sustainability” and “climate initiatives” with carbon while ignoring distorted data, ignoring other downsides of another wave of industrial-scale development and exploitation (for example, lithium mining and battery disposal in poorer nations for electric vehicles), militarism, and 5G.

“War and militarism are amongst the unnamed enemies of our ecosphere,” said Chris Nineham of the Stop the War Coalition. “The U.S. military is the biggest single consumer of oil on the planet, and the last two decades of war have polluted on an almost unimaginable scale. It is a scandal that military emissions are being excluded from the discussion.”

Green-Washing: Bright Green Lies

The authors of Bright Green Lies highlight rampant green-washing supporting exploitive industrial-scale capitalism.

“Once, the environmental movement was about protecting the natural world from the insatiable demands of this extractive culture. Some of the movement still is: around the world grassroots activists and their organizations are fighting desperately to save this or that creature they love, this or that plant or fungi, this or that wild place.

Contrast this to what some activists are calling the conservation-industrial complex–­big green organizations, huge ‘environmental’ foundations, neo-environmentalists, some academics–­which has co-opted too much of the movement into “sustainability,” with that word being devalued to mean ‘keeping this culture going as long as possible.’ Instead of fighting to protect our one and only home, they are trying to “sustain” the very culture that is killing the planet.”

5G is a Weapon

5G is a weapon. Why implement it in every country…simultaneously? (6 ½ minutes)


The Military is Married to 5G

Kate Kheel of Stop 5G International and the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Weapons in Space has been at the forefront of identifying the risks associated with the “Race for Space.”

In her articles Microwaving the Planet, Satellites, part 1 and  part 2, she outlines many reasons to be concerned about humanity’s impact on space, beyond the carbon footprint of space tourism, including increasing militarism.

As Kate described earlier in the year, 5G And The Military is a Marriage Made In Hell.

She says,

“What 5G means to the military 5G wireless communications is expected to move voice, video, text, and image data with bandwidth as fast as 300 GHz to create data on demand for the battlefield. 5G telecommunications technology offers far more to the military than today’s voice and data radio. It has the potential to create a ubiquitous infosphere where data from sensors, targeting, surveillance, and signals intelligence are instantly available.” LINK

Unbeknownst to many people, 5G/satellites/CubeSats/data/AI/machine learning, and the Internet of Things are infiltrating and permeating the earth and skies and finding their way into the military as well.

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How these technologies will be integrated and used on the “battlefield”, in the skies, and in cyberspace, is as yet unknown, but what is clear is that the 5G/data/AI juggernaut will provide the backbone for the new 21st century systems warfare and increase the lethality of war.

Against the backdrop of the rollout of 5G, is an increasingly unstable world with nations vying for power, profit, and dominion over earth and space. Along with a shift in power, outer space has increasingly become known as a war-fighting domain.

Countering the China Threat – At What Price?

Koohan Paik-Mander, a board member of the Global Network, discusses the US empire’s strategy of fighting wars from both space and the sea in her article, Countering the “China Threat”–At What Price?

“In early June 2021, in a classified directive to Pentagon officials, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin slammed the former Trump administration for talking big but never taking action to counter ‘the China threat.’[ ]  His ‘tough guy’ rhetoric strikes just the right tone for a massive, costly, military-infrastructure overhaul that would render the conventional warfare of the twentieth century unrecognizable: more nukes, fewer troops, and an omnipotent 5G network.

The goal of this overhaul is to give the United States and its allies the ability to summon, at once, unmanned military forces to rain terror down on any spot in the world—a swarm of drones, hypersonic missiles, submarine torpedoes, and bombers—all with the ease of calling an Uber.”

“[ ]… Expansive swaths of the ocean are being set aside for year-round military exercises.” – Koohan Paik-Mander

Read her complete article here.

Stop Excluding Military Pollution from Climate Agreements…and stop ignoring the environmental impacts of 5G!

World Beyond War, RootsAction.org, Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action, GCOMS – Global Campaign on Military Spending, and Peace Action Maine are among the many groups supporting a petition effort to “Stop Excluding Military Pollution from Climate Agreements.”

Petition and Events: Stop Excluding Military Pollution from Climate Agreements

Individuals and organizations can sign the petition here, and also sign a similar petition created by Conflict and Environment Observatory here.

We encourage groups and individuals to organize events to advance this message on or about the big day of action in Glasgow on November 6, 2021. Resources and ideas for events are here.

Join our event in Glasgow on Nov. 4, 2021Facebook event: https://m.facebook.com/events/306617617607261/?_rdr

Join sessions from anywhere on Earth at the Nov. 7 – 10 People’s Summit:

Nov. 7 On Line U.S. Militarism, Space Tech, and Climate Crisis. U.S. Militarism, Space Tech, and the Climate Crisis – The Role of Demilitarization in Climate Justice https://cop26coalition.org/peoples-summit/u-s-militarism-space-tech-and-the-climate-crisis-the-role-of-demilitarization-in-climate-justice/  This panel will identify the intersections of militarism, space tech, and climate change – and how these can be challenged.

Contributors: Lisa Savage – Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, Koohan Paik-Mander – Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, Adrienne Kinne – Veterans for Peace, David Collins – Veterans for Peace UK, Ashik Siddique – National Priorities Project at the Institute for Policy Studies Shadow World Film Screening.

Many more events and resources here:


And here. https://worldbeyondwar.org/events/

Can we stop presuming that 5G from satellites in space is for internet access?

Not only should we stop excluding militarism from climate agreements, we should stop deluding ourselves into believing that the public is demanding connectivity of 5G, and/or that it is safe, or “sustainable” It isn’t.

 “How dumb do they think we are?” – Clare Donegan

Top image credit: Glasgow Times

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