5G/EMF/RF, Gatherers and Cultivators vs. Dominators
It is fall in New England, and the harvest season continues.
A select few are foraging.
How many have ever foraged?
The Khoisan people of S. Africa, and other indigenous groups, hold a treasure of ancestral knowledge about medicinal herbs and food formed by nature, both foraged and cultivated.
E-Course: Complete Guide to Wildcrafting and Foraging (Ad)
What Time of Year is it?
Some indigenous cultures recognize that the new year starts in autumn. Later, around Feb. 4, the seeds begin to turn underground to face the sun.
The Western calendar celebrates a “New Year” on a date chosen by the Church, to separate society from its reverence and intimacy with nature.
Previously, the separation had to be violently enforced.
Now, much of humanity has no direct contact with nature whatsoever.
Generally, there are no questions asked about who controls the content of what is allowed to be transmitted via devices, about nature or about anything, except for concerning certain polarizing and politicized topics. There is much frenzy now about censorship.
What are we cultivating as a humanity, and what garden are we building for next year?
We are building an artificial, dependent, addicted and degenerative control system
And we can step aside.
Consciousness is the goal, internet access is only a tool, now being misused
Internet access has to be managed so that it does not diminish consciousness. That includes the cultivation of addiction. At this time, it can only be managed on a small-scale and an individual and familial level, because it is a runaway train.
Facebook has changed its procedures for posting to groups, requiring that each share be manually inputted separately. This requires that the individual stay on line longer, which consumes more energy, but is advantageous to Facebook because the reader is the product, and more minutes on line = more money. If we were really concerned about energy conservation, the practice would stop, resulting in massive energy savings, based on the sheer number of users.
There have been other runaway trains on the planet before; for example, in the 1960s when economic growth and wide-scale reckless and destruction characterized the peak of explosive expansion of the chemical industry.
E-Course: Herbal Energetics (Ad)
Most of those harmed never received compensation or reparations.
The mercenary scientists who worked for industries that knew they were causing harm and lied still enjoy gainful employment, many working for the wireless industry.
Regarding the assumption that we can artificially alter the electromagnetic environment, which is the carrier wave of the sun’s sustenance for all living things, we are dead wrong.
We can’t rely on our “decision makers” to guide us. We need to listen to one another, and especially to those characterized as collateral damage. We don’t have 60 years to figure this out.
Gatherers and Cultivators vs. Dominators
The recent article at Natural Blaze about the Khoisan people of S. Africa noted the similarities between the historical experiences with land dispossession of indigenous societies by dominator cultures, and the planetary-wide aggression associated with rolling out the 5G network.
Domination and entitlement is extending beyond the earth and land to space itself, particularly for military and wide-scale surveillance purposes via satellite, while under the guise of providing internet access via 5G.
On October 12, Eliza Daley’s article on the Gatherers was posted by the inspiring community at Resilience.
“…. Going against the old narrative of how Man the Hunter developed this brain so he could develop increasingly lethal hunting tools (a theory that had already started to fail by the 1960s), Tanner showed that our expanding brain size and speech capacity, by allowing for memory storage and information transmission on a vastly greater scale than most other animals, enabled us to utilize a huge number of novel plant food sources. We could locate and process our favorite foods (mostly fruit), but we could also add new plants to our diet. Eating a wide variety of plants is complicated. Figuring out which plants to eat and how to prepare them is work only our big brains can tackle. And hunting is just not as stimulating to the brain.
Animal food sources were largely the same from region to region. If we could catch a beast, we knew how to eat it. Few of the birds and mammals we love to eat have defenses that survive the animal’s death — like a shrew’s poisonous flesh. (Though after death all the other things in a animal carcass soon render it inedible without a good deal of work.) But plants are not at all the same from region to region and they have deadly defenses. Being able to analyze, infer and draw comparisons meant the difference between a full belly and death. Being able to figure out what was edible in a new territory meant we could adapt to new environments — a necessary skill in the constantly fluctuating ice ages of the Pleistocene where your ecological niche could change around you in just a couple generations even if you never moved. Learning new ways to process potential foods was particularly important as most plants are not edible for humans in their raw state. Many are toxic until you learn how to neutralize the poisons, spines, shells and other plant defenses. Moreover, once we figured out how to turn these plants into edible foods, we could use our brain’s capacity for planning, for projecting our thoughts into the future, to develop ways to increase the supply — in other words, we could farm.
Tanner showed that it is a rather short step from intensive gathering to cultivating favorite plants. []
Women have many traits that are highly adaptive to food gathering — both because we had helpful tendencies before we became gatherers and because we have had those traits selectively strengthened by gathering. Principally, women are relational in thinking. We map our observations into relationship — this goes with that, that hates this, this needs that for… that only works when this… — we place all these relationships in vast linked data sets. Lists and flow charts and iterated webs of relationship. In fact, some of us store this information in something very like a map image. (Sherlock’s memory palace is a girl thing…) We picture relationship. You probably have encountered this when asking a woman for directions somewhere. Street names and mileage are often notably lacking. We navigate by relationship to landmarks. “Go past the big red house with the crooked oak tree and turn toward the fenced side of the road when you see the water tower.” This is the Gatherer finding her way in the world and passing on that information to newcomers.” – Eliza Daley
EHS/Microwave Illness is a Horrifying Disease of Domination
When our brains don’t develop along the capacities for knowledge, wisdom, insight, memory, and storage, and we use devices instead, we ourselves become part of the machine.
The machine has no compassion.
On October 4, citizens in Massachusetts spoke to legislators about several bills pertaining to radio frequency exposures and 5G.
In 3 minutes, Allison McDonough told her heartbreaking story about Electro-Magnetic Hypersensitivity here:
Joint Committee on Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure Hearing, Massachusetts
These stories are not being told by the mainstream news media, which, like policy-making organizations and regulators, is beholden to the industry.
5G/EMF/RF is a War Against Women, because they are the conduits of the life force. It is also a War Against Children, and Against Nature.
In her article about Gatherers, Eliza Daley wrote,
“The worst of it is those in charge of driving this imbalanced system do not seem to be able to understand that they are destroying… well, everything. The system. The earth. The people. Everything is damaged when you take more than your share. And privileged people apparently can’t understand that. I think this is because they are not gatherers. They are not involved in the work. They are blind to the work. That privileged class is blinded by their privilege to two fundamental problems.
First, they do not see that there are limits to what they can take. [] And [] the second blinder of privilege. The planet may be providing the raw materials — the fruits, the energy, the land — but the gatherers still have to process all that material into whatever we need.” – Eliza Daley
A wise tender of the earth, Pam Steinberg on Worcester, wrote, “Radiation without representation is tyranny.”
When society mistakes it for the human right of internet access, we have lost our way.
Recognizing that we are lost is the first step.
Earth, and not Mars terraformed by nuclear detonations, is home.