“Vaccine Secrets: COVID Crisis” — Free Online Seminar September 28
By Neenah Payne
Register for the free Vaccine Secrets: Covid Crisis which will discuss the global economic impact of the COVID “health” policies on Tuesday, September 28 at 5pm PT (8pm ET).
“Lockdowns, Quarantining the Healthy, and Failed Public Health Policies have led to the greatest redistribution of wealth for billionaires and economic disaster for virtually everyone else in the world, but there is hope for those of us most injured by the C0V1D coup d’etat.”
This event is hosted by Jonathan Otto, host of the Free Docuseries “Vaccine Secrets Covid Crisis” August 30. For more questions, email support@healthsecret.com.
This docuseries was organized by Dr. Henry Ealy who holds a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine, a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, and is Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition. He is an ordained minister and was the first Naturopathic Doctor to regularly teach at a major university. He helped author a paper exposing Willful Misconduct of the Covid Deception.
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Panel On C0V1D-19: The Economic Impacts & How We Recover
“Join our distinguished panel of solution-oriented economic experts featuring Jeffrey A. Tucker founder of the Brownstone Institute, Dr. Murray Sabrin professor of finance, and Dr. Richard Ebeling professor of ethics and free enterprise leadership, and Charles Frohman, lobbyist for the National Health Federation, the oldest health freedom organization in the world.
What has been broken can be rebuilt by dedicated people ready to stand together for what is right and work together for a future of freedom for all.”
Also see:
CDC COVID-19 Conduct Must Be Investigated: Learn from Dr. Henry Ealy + Take Action
COVID-19 Data Disaster Created | Stand For Health Freedom
Take action to save our health and freedoms.
Covid-19 and the Global Predators is Dr. Breggin’s new book.
Interview with Dr. Peter Breggin is shocking.
Home – Oregonians for Medical Freedom
The collection of this growing body of evidence demonstrates that an independent grand jury investigation and congressional investigation into the research discussed in our position paper is a reasonable and necessary action on behalf of all Americans.
Two Easy Ways You Can Take Action:
1) Help Stand For Health Freedom, a nonprofit advocacy organization, convene a formal grand jury to investigate allegations of willful misconduct by federal agencies during COVID-19; add your signature to this petition now: https://standforhealthfreedom.com/action/cdc-grand-jury-investigation
2) Send a pre-drafted, customizable letter through Stand For Health Freedom urging Congress to thoroughly investigate alleged violations of federal law by the CDC that compromised COVID-19 data: https://standforhealthfreedom.com/action/investigate-the-cdc
An Evidence-Based Position Paper to Ensure Ethical Conduct
“COVID-19: Restoring Public Trust During A Global Health Crisis”
Safe and effective treatments for COVID-19 are inexplicably being withheld…..
A Statement from Lead Author Dr. Henry Ealy:
“Our COVID Research Team has dedicated more than 20,000 hours into investigating all aspects of COVID-19. The authors feel that it is a seminal manuscript that will empower elected officials, attorneys, professional organizations, and the public to take action on behalf of good people throughout the world.
Our aim is to provide our readers with information pointing toward acts of willful misconduct, based largely upon what we believe is the withholding of evidence-based treatments, clear violations of federal law, unproven theories of asymptomatic transmission, fatal flaws in PCR testing, significant problems with projection models, and unethical practices that have created the possibility of poorly conceived experimental biologics being touted as the only solution to the global crisis we all face.
We are grateful for this opportunity to serve humanity. Our hope is that this position paper sparks actionable ideas and meaningful conversations that bring people hope and a more detailed understanding of what is truly going on, which the mainstream media has failed to properly investigate in open and honest journalism.”
Click here to read the entirety of COVID-19: Restoring Public Trust During A Global Health Crisis
Research contributions from Elba Cornier.
Neenah Payne writes for Natural Blaze and Activist Post.