“Stop Sonar Radiation in the Oceans, and 5G on Land and In the Sky” Livestream Event, Oct 2, 8:15-9pm Central
“We can’t use technology to clean up the mess technology has created. The solution must come from a deeper source. Years ago Rachel Carson said, ‘We have to love nature before we can protect it.’ We can begin to reconnect our minds with our bodies – our intellect with our heart – by consciously coming out of denial, by admitting there’s a problem….” – Marsha Green, PhD, Ocean Mammal Institute
Activists raising concerns about EMF/RF/5G have faced an uphill battle on many fronts.
The industry has benefitted from inadequate regulatory scrutiny of both health and environmental impacts, extending internationally, with pro-development countries, including the U.S., pressuring other more protective nations to relax their exposure limits.
EMF RF 5G Activism Has Been Opposed By…Environmental Groups?
Activists have been opposed by many of the major players in the environmental movement who are enamored with smart cities, smart grids, smart meters, data-based decision making, AI, VR, the internet of things IOT, and other tech innovations not grounded in reverence for Nature. Smart meter opponents were dismayed when groups including the Environmental Defense Fund, Union of Concerned Scientists, and Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) promoted smart meters, despite emerging evidence of harm.
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Post-covid, access to the internet is being equated with a human right. Unfortunately, societal messages are not distinguishing between benefits of internet connectivity vs. risks associated with wireless (and surveillance) infrastructure. Hardwired connections are safer and more secure. Decision makers are paving the way to address the “digital divide,” with pro-telecom entitlements and regulations, including OTARD. As a result. there is a growing backlash against the hundreds of thousands of new “small cell” antennas that will be placed close to homes, apartments, schools and businesses.
Reports of harm from wireless infrastructure receive dismissive coverage in the mainstream press. Short-sighted economic benefit claims trump health and environmental protection.
On the Right Side of History: Organic Consumers, Weston Price, Alliance for Natural Health, NRDC, Space4Peace
As we have seen time and time again, “late lessons from early warnings” about problem industries burden future generations. Fortunately, collaborations between the EMF/RF/5G activist community and other forces engaged for good are building. For example, Organic Consumers, the Weston Price Foundation and the Alliance for Natural Health regularly cover EMF concerns. The NRDC filed an amicus brief in the lawsuit brought against the FCC by the Environmental Health Trust and Children’s Health Defense, which the FCC lost.
In August, the Court ruled that the FCC decision not to update its safety exposure limits was not evidence-based. The decision included the issue of environmental impacts.
In July, Natural Blaze featured the article, “Independence Day 2021, 5G Concerns – One Picture, One Map, One Graph, And 81,000 Dead Whales And Dolphins. Per Year.”
“The most egregious example is the MITT (Mariana Islands Training and Testing), a plan to transform over a million square miles of biodiverse ecosystems into the largest-ever range complex for bombing and firing practice. The impacted area would be larger than the states of Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Montana, and New Mexico combined.
The largest multinational open-ocean military exercises in history will take place here, home to 26 species of cetaceans. The navy itself estimates that its activities will maim or kill over 81,000 whales and dolphins per year. And that doesn’t count the ecological casualties anticipated in other existing exercise ranges, such as those around Hawaii, California, Alaska, Australia, in the Sea of Japan, and in the Bay of Bengal.” – Koohan Paik-Mander See the interview with Koohan and Bruce Gagnon here.
On the Right Side of History: Dr. Marsha Green, Ocean Mammal Institute, “Stop Sonar Radiation in the Oceans,” Presentation, October 2, 8:15 pm Central, Fairfield Iowa, and Livestream (8:15 pm Central, 9:15 pm Eastern, 6:15 pm Pacific), Presented by Safe Technology Fairfield
Support Safe Technologies Fairfield efforts to Stop 5G locally, in collaboration with Ocean Mammal Institute’s efforts to “Stop Sonar Radiation in the Oceans”, with a fun and educational night out at the Cider House, this Saturday (10/2) from 7pm-10pm, in Fairfield Iowa.
The educational portion of the evening, from 8:15 to 9pm Central, will be a brief and powerful presentation from Dr. Marsha Green of Ocean Mammal Institute (OMI), and associate Fred Salzman.
RSVP, Livestream Link, and Donations
It will be live streamed at this link: https://youtu.be/nqyhWIs66ng
(Suggested $10 donation. Please come and enjoy the evening with us, even if you are not currently in a position to make a donation. It would be helpful if you RSVP to katika108@gmail.com )
Donations from all are welcomed here to support the work of OMI.
Internet of Things for ‘Smart’ Ocean?
The International Committee for the Internet of Things (IoT) has received approval to collect ocean data using sonar and transmit it wirelessly to satellites.
“it is essential to pursue research on new theories, architectures, and technologies to exploit the capability that is delivered by IoT for Smart Ocean….”
“Our speakers will discuss the current projects that OMI is working on to protect the Ocean and thus the World. Dr. Green will discuss the practical and esoteric reasons why it is so critical NOW to protect whales and dolphins from escalating threats in the ocean. Learn HOW whales are protecting this planet and what we can do to help them continue to do this. Fred Salzman will discuss a technique that will address the situation.” – Safe Technologies Fairfield
Marsha Green, PhD. Ocean Mammal Institute President and Founder
The Warrior Mothers book synopsis states,
“Marsha Green fell in love with whales on a vacation in Hawaii. Her love for these gentle giants sent her into battle against High Intensity Active Sonar testing which can induce a range of adverse effects in marine mammals. These effects include death and serious injury caused by brain hemorrhages or other tissue trauma; strandings; temporary and permanent hearing loss or impairment; displacement from preferred habitat and disruption of feeding, breeding, nursing, communication, sensing and other behaviors vital to the survival of these species.”
As noted on the OMI website,
“Marsha Green, Ph.D. is OMI’s President and founder. Dr. Green holds a doctorate from Temple University in animal behavior and physiological psychology. She is a licensed psychologist and Professor at Albright College in Reading Pennsylvania. Here she served as Chair of the Psychology Department until 1993 and founded the Psychobiology and Environmental Psychobiology programs.”
Habitat Loss From Human Intrusion
Since 1986, Dr. Green has been conducting research on the impact of human behavior on humpback whales and spinner dolphins in Hawaii. She has gained international recognition for her ground breaking studies linking human compassion with scientific field research to benefit whales, dolphins and their environment.
Dr. Green feels that the most important work she has done has been to stop the parasails in Hawaii when the Whales are present during their mating and breeding season (January to May). (Dr. Green’s students conducted the research on the parasails.)
She also cites her work with the United Nations to stop intense ocean noise (drilling, large container ships, sonar). Habitat loss from human intrusion is one of the most important issues for endangered species.
In 1998, she initiated a lawsuit against the Department of Defense, the U.S. Navy and the Department of Commerce in an attempt to stop the Navy’s test of Low Frequency Active Sonar (LFAS) on endangered humpback whales.
In 2002, Dr. Green began visiting the European Parliament and NATO, educating individuals on the dangers of high intensity active sonars on marine mammals. She took a petition signed by 68 environmental organizations in the U.S., Canada and Europe representing over 8.3 million citizens which requested the European Union adopt a moratorium on the deployment of LFAS until a global assessment of its environmental impacts can be done.
“We have to change consciousness.”
“Being in the Company of Whales”
The OMI website notes,
“As driven as she is to take a stand for what she believes in to protect our environment and its inhabitants, Dr. Green is also able to connect to and learn from the whales she studies”:
“Being in the company of whales has taught me so many things about nature and living in harmony with other creatures. Separated by thousands of miles of ocean, humpback whales in the North Pacific all sing the same song and it is the most complex song on Earth. Science has not been able to explain how they can do this and it one of the most wonderful mysteries of nature. Whales combine immense strength and power with grace and gentleness. They have shown me that it is possible to balance goal oriented activities with the compassionate, nurturing energies found in all of us.”
She believes that if we really want to work on preserving and protecting this planet and all life forms, we have to heal ourselves by getting our hearts and minds reconnected. As we rediscover our deep connection to the Earth we will naturally stop polluting the environment and overusing resources. To read more about her thoughts on the power of connecting to nature see Dr. Green’s talk, “Our Healing Relationship with Nature.”
Safe Technologies Fairfield and Ocean Mammal Institute are focused on raising World Consciousness, which is ultimately the only solution to our multi-level disastrous current World condition. This can be accomplished by communing with Whales and Dolphins, spending grounded time in Nature, and, Meditation. Transcendental Meditation is the original meditation from the Vedas being taught today.
Safe Technologies is also working to keep residential and school areas free from damaging EMF that is in close range when cell towers are placed in neighborhoods. Radio frequency from cell towers has been associated with tumors, cancer, and other adverse health effects.
Learn More:
Ocean Mammal Institute – Hawaii Internship
The new website for the Ocean Mammal Institute is under construction…watch for the launch soon.
Top image source article: Why don’t we use sonar to search for whales and dolphins?