“Climate Anxiety” vs. Those Underwater from EMF/RF/5G Devastation: Who Controls Activism Focus? The Corporatocracy
“Avaaz is a 65-million-person global campaign network that works to ensure that the views and values of the world’s people shape global decision-making. (‘Avaaz’ means ‘voice’ or ‘song’ in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages.”
On Sept. 23, Avaaz published a briefing “What is Climate Anxiety” with the heading “I grew up being afraid of drowning in my own bedroom.”
Avaaz noted,
“Avaaz members just funded the biggest-ever survey on climate anxiety in children and young people — surveying 10,000 people in 10 countries around the world. In every country, it shows that anxiety about the planetary crisis is very high, and it’s not just because we’re witnessing devastating climate disasters, it’s also linked to governments consistently failing to take decisive, meaningful action to stop the crisis. We can still stop runaway climate change. We know what’s needed, and what governments must do. But it will require bold political will and determination — and that’s been woefully missing. Yet things are moving, there is new momentum, and there’s still tons of space for radical, grounded hope.”– Avaaz re: climate
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A “Deeper Green” is Urgently Needed, Now
In a series entitled, “Letters to Greta,” Katie Singer, author of Electronic Silent Spring, has been outlining many of the incomplete narratives about sustainability and climate initiatives.
Bright Green Lies is another very recent body of work that takes a much longer view than the idea that industrial-scale capitalism abd industrial scale utility investments will save the world.
If each generation only operates from the belief that it is responsible for fighting to oppose the carnage of the previous generation, and can be distracted from looking away at the build-out of the next wave of environmental destruction, corporatocracy will still reign.
While many sincere, earnest individuals feel that they are on the right side of history in opposing fossil fuels and other climate-sourced narratives, unfortunately, we do not have a chance of saving the bees, or saving anything, if we do not engage in deeper dialogue about the current wave of ecosystem destruction and human rights abuses that are being inadvertently supported by the majority of consumers.
Yes, it is alarming that so many young people are in a high state of stress regarding climate.
No, it is not an adequate solution to manipulate the core ideals of environmentalists, leading humanity right into the smart city/5G/IOT juggernaut, laden with human rights abuses and environmental devastation.
EMF/RF/5G: Children Are Already Drowning In Their Own Bedrooms
It is alarming to hear about children who are afraid of drowning in their own bedrooms due to climate concerns…but the voices of those individuals, including children, who are already experiencing a form of assault and torture, which will have long-term consequences for their health, must be given a seat at the table of every sincere environmental effort. Now.
Failure to Accommodate Health Vulnerable Individuals Is Policy, Despite Every Covid Narrative
Last week’s update on the mandatory installation of wireless smart meters in Maine and Pennsylvania, included the story of Ed Friedman, who has lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma, an incurable form of cancer. Ed requested that his utility provide an analogue opt-out meter, on the advice of his physician.
He wrote, “Suppose a store has both stairs and a wheelchair ramp, and it charges everyone a ‘stairs opt-out fee’ to use the ramp . . .the store is illegally discriminating against wheelchair users who, by virtue of their disability, require a ramp in order to access the store.”
In Massachusetts, one woman has been without running water for several years, when her municipality would not honor her request for a non-transmitting water meter, again based on her physician’s guidance.
The callous, disconnected response of industry, regulators, and decision makers towards individuals with a myriad of health challenges that are exacerbated by exposures to radio frequencies powering wireless devices is heart-breaking.
As MA activist Clare Donegan noted, “You don’t go smearing peanut butter on the walls of the home of someone with peanut allergies.”
Individuals should be free from harm in their own homes, as the very least. But it gets worse.
Causing Direct Harm: Technology Will Not Save Us From Abject Cruelty and Greed
A portion of the population with certain health conditions, including M.S., Autism, Parkinson’s, and Lyme, experience symptom relief and an increased health baseline when the polluted electromagnetic environment is addressed, yet the industry has failed to respond. But there is darker side to the story.
The introduction of manmade frequencies is knocking a portion of the previously healthy population, literally, out of their own lives, with the acute onset of microwave overexposure. This includes children. We are destroying our own human ecosystem, and harming our youth.
Scroll ahead to 5 minutes to hear the McMann Family testifying in Sacramento: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgxd1X8as-U
Board of Health Meeting July 7, 2021. Amelia Gilardi speaks first and discusses how cell towers have affected her health. http://www.pittsfieldtv.net/CablecastPublicSite/show/40992?channel=3.
South Africa: Teen Ill From Cell Tower Outside Her Front Door
Amanda Collins lives with her fifteen-year-old daughter, Skyla, in Mitchells Plain—home to Cape Town’s non-white citizens whose families were relocated there during the apartheid years in South Africa.
At the age of four, Skyla was diagnosed with autism at the Red Cross Children’s Hospital. With this condition, she will never be able to enjoy a life independent from her mother.
Five years ago, an American cell-tower company—Atlas—erected an unadorned, monstrous cell-tower in the grounds of a church, within metres of their small home. The City of Cape Town had approved this cell tower, despite a petition signed by over 200 residents in support of Amanda, as well as a personal letter to Cape Town Mayor, Patricia de Lille.
Shortly thereafter, Amanda started noticing changes in Skyla’s demeanour. “She has retracted back into the shell she was starting to escape from and become quiet, introverted and rarely initiates conversations.” A once-vibrant woman, Amanda has also been severely affected by the non-stop radiation from the tower. She no longer works and has had to learn to live with buzzing in her ears, insomnia, constant headaches and severe depression. Read her story here.
One of the most heartbreaking stories related to EHS comes from the U.K, where a 15-year-old girl committed suicide.
“Mrs Fry and her husband Charles Newman told Oxfordshire Coroners’ Court two weeks ago that they believed their daughter became ill because of WiFi, and had removed the internet connection from their own home. They told how she would often hide herself in empty classrooms and would only sit in certain seats in lessons so that she would be as far away from the router as possible, they said. Speaking after the inquest, Mrs Fry said: WiFi and children do not mix. I believe that WiFi killed my daughter.”
See more testimonials of harm at We Are the Evidence.
Climate Fears Are Driving The Machine (still)
The Avaaz summary of climate fears will be used to justify every wireless application and corporate investment under the sun, from wireless smart meters to wireless sensors measuring air pollution to satellite monitoring of environmental destruction from melting ice caps to more wireless telecom infrastructure for emergency response.
Avaaz notes that “In every country, it shows that anxiety about the planetary crisis is very high, and it’s not just because we’re witnessing devastating climate disasters, it’s also linked to governments consistently failing to take decisive, meaningful action to stop the crisis.”
Like other waves of destruction caused corporations and governments that have enabled harm long after evidence was obvious, frenzy about climate and covid is being manipulated to fuel industrial capitalism.
When a person in their own home experiences the intrusion of a disharmonious frequency that alters their physiological functioning, the response by a reasoned populace should be to support that individual in receiving the support they need to have that frequency and its source investigated and stopped.
Instead, this sensory-gifted population, with an increased awareness and ability to perceive this environmental pollutant, is the source of widespread profound ridicule and dismissal (i.e. the tin foil hats label) and complete lack of accommodation, even in their own homes.
An individual with an enhanced nervous system can act as a significant messenger for species intelligence, not unlike the person who smells the gas leak first.
With reports of injuries to diplomats making the headlines, it is not appropriate for nations like the U.S. and Canada to not also investigate civilian reports of harm.
If any of the leading environmental and activist movements want to make a difference, they must not continue to cast a blind eye toward damages being inflicted by the wireless paradigm. These children must have a seat at the table.
The Sept. 23 the AFP Agence France-Presse International News Agency news reported, “CIA removes Vienna station chief over handling of Havana syndrome cases: report”
“Dozens of cases affecting embassy staff and Central Intelligence Agency officers and family members have been reported in Vienna recently, but the unnamed station chief expressed skepticism and showed insensitivity, the Post said, citing intelligence sources.”
No kidding.
ENDNOTE: The petition platform Avaaz hosts a number of petitions opposed to 5G, unlike other platforms that have censored similar efforts.
Top image art: Flo Freshman