Environmental Health Trust Court Victory Needs Your Support
Most of you who read this blog will be aware that the Environmental Health Trust, Children’s Health Defense and other petitioners have won their case against the FCC. They argued that the FCC’s 1996 standards, which the FCC reviewed between 2013 and 2019, but left unchanged, are out of date and do not take into account decades of studies showing harm at levels below FCC limits. The judges agreed, and have ordered the FCC to review the evidence. They will have to either amend their standards or provide a reasoned explanation of why they refuse to do so.
This is a significant legal victory, but did the mainstream media report it? It did not. It wasn’t in any of the major newspapers, and it wasn’t on TV. As far as the general public is concerned, FCC limits are safe and they can go on using their wireless devices—and giving them to their children—without a care. The mainstream media, which is itself heavily invested in wireless technology and much more interested in the stock market than in human health or the environment, has once again failed to provide the general pubic with information it ought to know, and has a right to know. So what can we do about it?
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Although this good news is on every anti-wireless website, the general public may not go to those sites. We must ourselves take it to them, and we must do this the old-fashioned way, by using the printed word. So I want to ask each of you that reads this to print out the short piece I have written below and hand-deliver it throughout your neighborhood. You can put it in people’s letter-boxes or stick it behind the windshield-wipers of cars along the street. Some people will throw it away unread, but most people will at least glance at it first, and a good many will read it.
It doesn’t matter if you live in the US, UK, Canada or elsewhere; this is international news that affects everyone and people everywhere should know about it. You can make a huge difference by doing this, and it won’t take much effort. If the mainstream media won’t do its job, we must do it for them.
You can also send a copy of this to your local representatives in government. You can e-mail it, or send them a printed copy in the post. Personally, I believe that people pay more attention to the printed word, but it’s your choice. Here is the text: you can copy and paste it or download it at https://app.box.com/s/brf8z0pja5bpog2yomxbzs73yufd1mrp
Are Your Children at Risk from Wireless Technology? US Federal Court Slams FCC for Ignoring Decades of Scientific Studies Showing Damage to Health.
On August 14, 2021, The Environmental Health Trust, Children’s Health Defense and other plaintiffs won a major victory in the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on behalf of children, pregnant women and the environment. The court ordered the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to explain why it ignored decades of research showing harm from wireless radiation, especially to the young and the unborn, when it reviewed its standards between 2013-2019.
Despite the huge increase of Radiofrequency Radiation (RF) in the environment, the FCC left its original 1996 standards unchanged. Many independent scientific studies show that serious damage can occur at RF levels below what the FCC considers “safe”. The FCC also ignored the 2011 classification by the WHO’s IARC of RF as a potential carcinogen. Now the FCC must review these studies and either justify its safety standards or modify them in accordance with the evidence.
Such a landmark decision ought to have been reported in the mainstream media worldwide, but it wasn’t, except in Italy, Israel and Nigeria. Why not? Owners of the mainstream media want the stock market to stay up; they are heavily invested in tech stocks and 5G rollout. They don’t want the public to know how dangerous this technology really is. Radiation standards are pretty much the same in all English-speaking countries and throughout much of the world, so this decision affects everyone, no matter where you live. Many reputable scientists say that current wireless radiation standards do not protect you, or your children, or the environment.
Dr. Devra Davis, President of the Environmental Heath Trust, says,
“If cell phones were a drug they would have been banned years ago. 5G would never have been allowed to market. An ever mounting body of published studies — ignored by the FCC — clearly indicates that exposure to wireless radiation can lead to numerous health effects, especially for children. Research indicates wireless radiation increases cancer risk, damages memory, alters brain development, impacts reproductive health, and much more. Furthermore, the way the FCC measures our daily exposure to cell phone and cell tower radiation is fatally flawed and provides a false sense of security.”
The court ordered the FCC to “(i) provide a reasoned explanation for its decision to retain its testing procedures for determining whether cell phones and other portable electronic devices comply with its guidelines, (ii) address the impacts of RF radiation on children, the health implications of long-term exposure to RF radiation, the ubiquity of wireless devices, and other technological developments that have occurred since the Commission last updated its guidelines, and (iii) address the impacts of RF radiation on the environment.”
People use wireless devices, live near wireless infrastructure like cell towers, smart meters and Wi-Fi routers, and give their children wireless devices because they assume that these things are safe. They assume that government bodies like the FCC which set radiation standards would not allow such infrastructure and such devices if they were harmful. This is not true, and after reviewing 11,000 pages of evidence, a federal court has just said so.
What can you do? Avoid using wireless technology as much as possible, and above all, keep children safe by turning off the Wi-Fi at home and not allowing them to use wireless devices. This advice also applies to pregnant women. If you live outside the US, demand that a similar review be conducted by the regulatory body of your country.
Get informed about the health and environmental effects of wireless radiation. Here are some good sites:
To read more about the court judgement and the actual decision go to: https://ehtrust.org/in-historic-decision-federal-court-finds-fcc-failed-to-explain-why-it-ignored-scientific-evidence-showing-harm-from-wireless-radiation/