August Harvest vs. EMF/RF/5G; Telecom “Science” vs. Health, Insight, and Wisdom for a New Age

By Patricia Burke

I was talking recently with one of the most intelligent individuals I know, my friend Mark.

We are both extremely well versed on issues surrounding the health and environmental risks of various environmental stressors, including utility infrastructure magnetic fields, and microwave radiation sourced from wireless devices.

We have both taken the leap of faith to work with individualized, alternative approaches to long-standing chronic health challenges, rather than relying on mainstream medical and drug interventions.

I can’t tolerate salicylates, he can’t tolerate oxalates. We don’t get into a battle of wills about who is right about health. We share higher ground of diversity and inclusivity. We can speak freely about most anything, because we share a love of respectful inquiry. And we understand that health is an individualized journey.

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Both of us recognize that the set-point for the dominant culture’s understanding of the wireless issue is inadequate.  The science is going to reach a point of critical mass where inaccurate belief systems will be shattered. Both the damage and the corruption is undeniable, much like the issue of glyphosate and other chemicals that persist in industrialized agriculture.

Of this I am certain; we are on the right side of history.

There is another way of describing our dynamic together.

We have each gone through the betrayal trauma of realizing that authoritarian structures dictating our lives are increasingly operating from a love of power instead of the power of love.

And once this dynamic is recognized, it is easier to recognize other paradigms of control, at the expense of evolution.

Bright Green Lies

One of my most favorite descriptions of the requirement for a necessary paradigm shift is outlined in the recent contribution of Bright Green Lies.

The work describes how the environmental movement has been co-opted to support industrialized capitalism. It is justifying profound abuses of human rights, property rights, and environmental justice.

Wayshowers point to the need for an upgrade to society’s belief systems regarding industrialized agriculture. Now, sustainability, and energy policy is coming into focus. Telecommunications and health care policy will follow.

This type of inquiry and love of truth is dangerous to those who love power.

I live, breathe and love these movements. This is the task of our generations.

Real Science and Respect for Real Scientists Once Held Sway

On August 21, 1980, The New York Times reported that Cornell University’s beloved Professor William Keeton had died, noting his contributions in understanding navigation in homing pigeons.

A memoriam, written by Steven T. Emlen, explained,


Professor Keeton demonstrated a brand of scientific inquiry that is mark of an extraordinary, unused potential at this time on earth.

When researchers published results that conflicted with his findings, he invited them to his lab to collaborate together in search of Truth and Understanding.


When inquiry is not ruled by the profit motive, greed, arrogance, competition, fear, and ego, “science” has the opportunity to evolve at a dramatic pace.

This is the promise of heaven on earth.

Musings with Mark about Current Health Challenges and the Narratives Surrounding Them

So the last time that my friend Mark called, he asked me, ”What is your take on…. the current health care issue that is being so widely censored, and has so widely divided the populace.”

I didn’t know what to say. Now I know.

  1. Increasing Polarities

There was a time a while back where neighbors of differing political parties could socialize together, then, a great polarity ensued.

There was a time where neighbors did not feel threatened by the individual health care choices of their neighbors, and even their partners and family members.  Now, another layer of divisive separation is ensuing.

  1. Mass Psychosis

I have heard people I respect greatly speak on both sides of this issue that Mark asked me about.

This issue is on the tip of the tongue of every politician speaking about covid and climate, to justify every corporate and industrial investment under the sun.

When Mark called, I said simply, “I really don’t know what to think about this health issue.” I have friends posting very pointed and opinionated memes and accusations, near and far, about other people’s decisions and choices.

There are so many conflicting narratives that do not make sense.

I feel certain of my footing on the wireless issue, regenerative agriculture, and weaponization of the climate narrative.

I kept quiet about the other topic. I was listening, observing, and processing and waiting for clarity.

But then, a week later, I received a link to an extraordinary 22-minute video by Academy of Ideas that gave me the answer I was seeking.

Clarity isn’t coming.

MASS PSYCHOSIS – How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL

The answer was that the confusion that I am experiencing is by design.

“In this video we are going to explore the most dangerous of all psychic epidemics, the mass psychosis. A mass psychosis is an epidemic of madness and it occurs when a large portion of a society loses touch with reality and descends into delusions. Such a phenomenon is not a thing of fiction. Two examples of mass psychoses are the American and European witch hunts 16th and 17th centuries and the rise of totalitarianism in the 20th century.

This video will aim to answer questions surrounding mass psychosis: What is it? How does is start? Has it happened before? Are we experiencing one right now? And if so, how can the stages of a mass psychosis be reversed?

(This video was made in collaboration with Academy of Ideas. They create videos explaining the ideas of history’s great thinkers in order to help supply the world with more knowledge, to empower the individual, and to promote freedom. Please check out their youtube channel for more brilliant content. or visit their website to learn more”

  1. Confusion and Delusion is a Weapon

Once I saw the video (which one can simply to listen to without even needing to view the images), everything changed for me.

I recognized that confusion itself is a weapon, as dangerous as weaponized gain of function in illness.

In watching the video, I became inoculated against confusion.

I am actually not confused.

And it is my right to lift myself out of the confusion, and to seek the company of extraordinary individuals who mirror the attitude of the William Keetons of the world. These inquirers understand the danger of censorship. They seek inclusion of data that alters a paradigm.  They want to know about black swans. They don’t resort to war-gaming. They don’t manufacture data.

These are individuals who work to free themselves of an emotional charge that prevents them from accessing their full intellectual capacities, and their compassion.

They untangle themselves, and in doing so, they do not need to exclude others in order to protect their sanity.

In a Golden Age, humanity continuously seeks deeper knowledge and understanding. In a Dark Age, wisdom, and even accumulated wisdom, is suppressed.

Can We Make Different Choices?

I suspect that we are on the verge of another contraction of rights, which will be fueled by various narratives and various special interests.  It seems difficult to comprehend how there is not more scrutiny regarding how much money was concentrated into the bank accounts of those who benefited from the disaster capitalism of the last year.

If this happens again, can we make different choices?

Rainer Maria Rilke, written in his letter to Franz Xaver Kappus, a 19-year-old officer cadet and aspiring poet, on July 16, 1903:

“…I would like to beg you dear Sir, as well as I can, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.”

Even if culture is crashing, there will be individuals leading extraordinary lives, and reaching for an evolutionary path.

They will be the ones who do not operate from a state of existential terror that justifies cruelty, force, ridicule, exclusion, and other abuses. They will see through the corporate narratives, because they understand the energetic signature of lies. They have a well-refined ability to detect decision-based evidence-making B.S., and will not accept it.

But their focus will be kindness. They will cultivate sharing and community, despite all odds. They will have mastered the beauty way.

If your mind and heart is polarized between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, you have missed the boat.

It’s not about having the right answers or beliefs about an unfolding medical mess.  It’s about having sovereignty over how you treat others, even when you are being socialized into terror and separation.

Research reports that many people have fewer close friends than 25 years ago.  Change this.

Be of service in whatever way makes your heart sing.

And forego the push towards wireless. It is also by design.

Read more: “The Panic Pandemic – Fearmongering from journalists, scientists, and politicians did more harm than the virus” by John Tierney.

Top image courtesy Flo Freshman

See the complete August Harvest Series HERE.

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