August Harvest vs 5G; U.S. Militarization and Colonizing Other Countries to Fuel Space Wars vs. Equinox Actions
On the insanity planet:
…when tools of warfare hitchhike a ride on a reusable rocket being launched into space, supposedly to provide global wi-fi … it is promoted as some mark of progress.
Let’s not be hypnotized by phrases and terms like “reusable rockets” and “global wi-fi.”
Or, addressing the digital divide … or AI, VR, IOT, and 5G.
Let’s recognize industrialized capitalism, extending now into space. “Enough is enough.”
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New Zealand, Solstice 2021 Protests Against Weaponization of Space, Did You See This is The News? (No, You Didn’t)
“and the New Zealand rocket lab should not be selling out to the American Military Industrial Corporation” – Laurie Ross, Nuclear Free Peacemakers
At the solstice on June 21, 2021, New Zealanders gathered in Auckland to protest the weaponization of space, led by the United States.
‘STOP Militarisation of Space’ New Zealand- Rocket Lab Protest
“’STOP Militarisation of Space’ New Zealand ‘Rocket Lab’ protest 21 June 2021 in Auckland – It asks government and Space Industry CEO to refuse US military Space Missile payloads for warfare combat targeting. Speakers also expose dangers to health and environment from the proposed 100,000 satellites for civilian/military dual purpose. This public event reinforces NZ Nuclear Free Peacemaker policies and the Outer Space and High-altitude Activities Act. However, (OSHAA) regulations must be improved to keep ‘Space for Peace Aotearoa’. This requires an amendment to prohibit rocket launches of military weapons and satellites contributing to warfare infrastructure. In addition, the NZ government should actively pursue the UN PAROS Treaty (Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space) for protection of Heaven and Earth for humanity.”
See a map of U.S. overseas military bases here.
Hawthorne, CA 2021 Protests at SpaceX, Did You See This is The News? (No, You Didn’t)
You probably didn’t see anything in the mainstream news about the Equinox day of protest held in March 2021 at SpaceX headquarters in Hawthorne, CA and elsewhere, either.
“Join us and people around the world as we demand an immediate halt to 5G satellites & technology on earth & in space unless proven safe… as we call for safer and wiser technology options. Up to 100,000 low earth orbit satellites, complementary earth base stations & millions more cell antennas (aka User Terminals) have been approved by the FCC. SpaceX and other companies are now deploying satellites to provide 5G wireless internet to every corner of the globe, blanketing the entire planet in wireless radiation with potentially devastating consequences to all of life.”
1981-1983 Greenham Commons Protests, Have You Read the History about the U.S. Using Electronic Weapons on Women Protestors? (No, You Probably Haven’t)
As chronicled by the Imperial War Museum,
“In 1981 a group of women, angered by the decision to site cruise missiles (guided nuclear missiles) in the UK, organised a protest march from Cardiff, Wales to Greenham Common Air Base near Newbury in Berkshire. Here they set up what became known as the Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp.
Between 1981 and 1983 the protesters attempted to disrupt construction work at the base. Their methods included blockading the base and cutting down parts of the fence. In December 1982 more than 30,000 women gathered at Greenham to join hands around the base at the ‘Embrace the Base’ event.”
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Wikipedia also chronicles the protests, but what Wikipedia does not report is that the women of Greenham Commons were reportedly subjected to some form of electronic weaponry by the U.S. government.
As reported by Powerwatch,
“Alasdair Philips, a professional engineer, was Newsletter Editor for a group called Electronics and Computing for Peace. He and colleagues had been investigating the claimed (mis-)use of non-lethal electromagnetic weapons by the military, one particular example being the ‘zapping’ of the women peace protesters at Greenham Common ~ a RAF base being used by the American military as a Cruise Missile base. When they visited the Greenham Airbase they measured microwave beams, amplitude modulated at extremely low frequencies, aimed directly at the women by the US military. Interestingly, this was confirmed to Alasdair at a meeting where he was speaking by senior UK Home Office officials at a Mobile Phones and Health Effects conference held in Whitehall, London, in 1996.”
A September/October 1996 report by Microwave News covered the story here.
Microwave News editor Louis Slesin also wrote an article in 1987 for The Nation about the women.
“The women at the Greenham Common peace camp fear they are the victims of a bizarre radiation experiment. They cannot prove that they are being zapped, as they put it, nor have they been able to convince anyone to look into their allegations. Although the protest against cruise missiles at the U.S. Air Force base in southern England, now five years old, is a worldwide symbol of the peace movement, the women’s complaints have been dismissed as delusions by all but a few sympathizers. The trouble began two and a half years ago, when a number of those standing vigil outside the base began to suffer from agonizing headaches, unexplained anxiety and abnormal menstrual cycles. The women tested the food and water but found nothing that could account for the symptoms; they began to suspect some type of law-level radiation.
The radiation in question at Greenham is different from that associated with nuclear weapons or X-rays: it is non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation (NIER)–commonly called microwaves. NIER-based technology is used everywhere at the Greeham base–for radars and electronic warfare systems, for military communication networks and power lines, for microwave ovens and intruder-detection systems. With so many sources, the women may be suffering from accidental exposure to stray NIER. Partly because the medical problems surfaced when the Greenham protest was three years old and partly because the military and civilian authorities have tried practically everything to force them to abandon their peace camp, a number of the women think that radiation is being beamed at them intentionally. Experts agree that NIER can affect behavior, but the question is whether the radiation can be harnessed and used on people at a distance. With its MKULTRA program the C.I.A. began looking for the answer in the early 1950s. In The Search for the “Manchurian Candidate,’ published in 1979, John Marks relates that in response to a Freedom of Information Act request, the C.I.A. told him that it had a roomful of files on electromagnetic and related techniques to alter behavior and stimulate the brain. The agency refused to release the papers, and they remain classified. Despite the possibility that NIER could be used on people, the Greenham women’s appeals for help have been ignored.”
The Guardian reportedly covered the story in articles including “Peace women fear electronic zapping at base” (Guardian, Mar, 10: 3, 1986).” The reference is not accessible on the internet via the Guardian archives under the author’s name or the title of the article.
Most individuals on the planet today do not have the historical perspective of a news media independent of corporate and military objectives. Much is operating under the cloak of darkness.
“Human Beings Must Consider Our Place In Nature”
The remedy is transparency and light. And Compassion. And Humility. And Consciousness.
“Human beings must consider our place in nature, not as its masters, becoming those who control it, as if the creators of all, but rather, in our being, as another part of the living world. Humanity must reject civilization’s dominion over nature. To resist the machine, one must really come to terms with biology, rejecting that mechanical mind that makes us go against nature into nothingness.” – Donovan Cleckley, The Despisers of the Earth, Review of Bright Green Lies: How the Environmental Movement Lost Its Way and What We Can Do About It
More than one writer has noted that had so many of the earth’s resources not been devoted to aggression, competition, and warfare, that there would have been enough resources, worldwide, to provide adequate care, to address recent health challenges.
Watch A Beautiful Protest Offering from Scotland, “Enough is Enough, Didn’t I Give You Everything You Need?”
Enough is Enough by Karine Polwart, Oi Musica & The Soundhouse Choir
September Equinox 2021, How Will You Mark the Cross Quarter Observance of Nature, Balance, and Right Rhythm?
Meditate and pray, sing, drum, dance, grieve, post on social media, protest in the streets, donate quietly, educate yourself, speak with family and friends, buy corded hardwired devices, get rid of extraneous wireless devices, start turning your Wi-Fi off at night, turn your phone off, do a conscious digital detox…..
and spend time, in gratitude, with Nature.
Please, no by-standers. All hands are needed on deck. Earth Mother is Calling.
A meditation will be also held to mark the equinox on September 22, and an educational webinar hosted by Stop5GInternational will be held on Sunday September 26. Don’t miss the chance to be a part.
To image courtesy Flo Freshman
See the Harvest series here.