August Harvest vs. 5G: “The Cloud” is Dark and Stormy on Planet A

By Barb Payne, Reprinted by permission from the blog MEGA; Make Environment Great Again

Hundreds of expert scientists and medical authorities have been warning that we need to reduce all types of everyday wireless emissions and exposures. Therefore, increasing the density of wireless emissions is not acceptable, and increasing the number of wireless emission sources is not acceptable. Such increases are not acceptable—regardless if presently deemed legal, and especially considering that modern, non-wireless connectivity for information, communication, and technology is available and can be prioritized.

Also, telecom and other wireless network providers and device manufacturers now have equipment that additionally puts wireless emissions into indoor and outdoor inhabited environments at frequencies that were previously only aimed into airspaces that are usually uninhabited, or are used in individual tightly-controlled medical treatments to physically alter a person’s body or its functions, or are emitted by crowd-control equipment to cause pain sensations so that people flee.

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For 5G, infrastructure and devices will generate wireless emissions that are various frequencies (millions and billions of cycles per second), all of which are radiofrequency radiation that can penetrate into living organisms (yes, that’s you) and is indisputably proven to be biologically active. You may see 5G emissions described as “millimeter waves,” or 5G and other wireless infrastructure named “small cell” antennas; please don’t be fooled into thinking that the words “millimeter” and “small” mean harmless. The strength of a dose of radiofrequency radiation, whether it’s momentary or longer or continuous exposure, doesn’t necessarily depend on the size of the wave nor the size of the source.


To communicate and connect I use corded devices and corded accessories, so all wireless can be off and I reduce my electrosmog footprint and exposures. I HOPE YOU DO TOO…

Prefer corded connections • Provide corded connections • Request corded connections • Use caution with all types of power

PracticeSafeTech & e-Hygiene are good lifestyle habits so that our bodies, homes, and environments everywhere are cleaner, healthier, greener, and safer… and truly user-friendly. Electrosmog and related illnesses can be prevented.

I care about children, adults, and Planet A.

Images Courtesy Barb Payne here.

See Environmental Health Trust: Scientific Evidence That 5G And 4G Densification Is Not Safe

See the complete August Harvest Series HERE.

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