August Harvest (vs. 5G): “Bees Are the Guardians” and Wireless Robotic Bees Are Not the Answer
By Natural Activist with Patricia Burke
How connected are you to the natural world? Try a little experiment. Draw a honeybee, and then go find one (or a photo of one) and see how closely what you drew resembles the real thing. Does a honeybee have two wings or four? Is it slim-waisted or thick-waisted? Is it yellow or brown? Is the tip of its abdomen round or pointed? Can you see its stinger?
If you got it wrong, you won’t be alone. Most people can’t draw an accurate picture of a bee (drawing skills aside) both because there are a lot fewer bees in our environment today, and because most people are becoming disassociated from nature.
Nature Photography Courtesy Lori McCray
“Bees are the batteries of orchards, gardens, guard them.” ― Carol Ann Duffy, The Bees
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Disassociation From Nature
Disassociation from nature, according to English philosopher Jeremy Naydler, is symptomatic of today’s highly electronic, Internet-based world. We are losing our souls and our connection with nature because of our reliance on electricity and wireless communications.
With the Internet, we have for the first time in human history reached a point where computers act independently of human supervision. It is also a world wherein people spend increasing amounts of time online, indoors, away from nature. With 5G, we are setting ourselves up for a world in which Artificial Intelligence will dominate the planet–and us.
It will be a world in which the lines between what is real and what is virtual become blurred, perhaps so blurred that many people will be unable to determine what is real and what is computer-generated.
5G will make Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality accessible to everyone. This, Naydler says, “will further accentuate this tendency for people to lose themselves, and it will weaken even more their relationship to nature…” The computer-generated virtual world will take up people’s attention, command their emotions and loyalties, assault their imaginations, define their thinking patterns, corrode their inner lives and alienate them from nature.
Virtual Reality will be used to seduce people into believing the electronic world is a better place to be than the real world.
With 5G, Naydler says, they are aiming to create “a 5G ecosystem”. This “will enable intelligent machines, or machine-organism hybrids, to usurp natural organisms. The technological revolution…is aiming at the replacement of nature with a fully technological planet.”
Robotic Bees To Pollinate Crops
One example Naydler gives of this is the creation of robotic bees to pollinate crops. We are killing off real bees, which are highly electrosensitive, with the electromagnetic radiation from wireless communications. But what will happen to wild plants when the bees and other pollinators are gone? Will anyone notice, if we spend our lives online instead of outdoors in the real world?
The Internet already operates with a large degree of computer autonomy, but 5G is needed to create a global Artificial Intelligence network that can operate independent of us. The Internet of Things, Naydler says, will only be the precursor to the Internet of Thinking.
This will be active everywhere in the environment, and we will be forced to interact with it to do the simplest thing. And this, of course, is the purpose of 20,000 satellites beaming 5G onto this planet from outer space, and the purpose of hundreds of millions of 5G small cells throughout our towns and cities.
To create the Internet of Thinking, the earth’s surface must be totally enveloped in electromagnetic radiation, no matter what the cost to nature or to us.
5G, Naydler says, is not about improved telecommunications. That’s how they’re selling it, but it’s not what 5G is really about. It’s about creating an electronic ecosystem, an Internet of Thinking, which is really “the infrastructure of electronic totalitarianism”.
If we don’t want to belong to the electronic ecosystem, a citizen of the electronic totalitarian world, what can we do about it? “Protest!” Naydler says. Break the spell of our reliance on the wireless world, on the Internet, on electricity, and re-establish our relationship with natural light, with nature, and our essential humanity.
We must not allow electronic totalitarianism to dominate our lives. Get offline, get out there—and protest. And go find a honeybee to look at, while you still can.
– Reprinted by permission of Natural Activist
Radiation, Robot Bees and 5G: The Nightmare Unfolds: The Creation of a New Electronic Ecosystem
(See footnotes and references in Jeremy Naydler’s writing here.)
Jeremy Naydler writes,
“Today you can walk in fields for miles on end in the UK and you are likely never to set eyes on a farmer or farm labourer actually standing on the soil. Within the farming community, with the exception of small organic and biodynamic farms, it seems that relationship to the land, to the soil as “mothering power”, has finally been lost. The 5G ecosystem will carry this tendency to an even greater extreme of alienation, because it is not an ecosystem for living organisms: it is an ecosystem for intelligent machines and robots. At the smart farming conference in the Netherlands, there was discussion on how to respond to the worrying decline of bees. No one mentioned that bees are highly electro-sensitive, a fact which has been known for more than forty years, with many recent studies confirming their hyper-sensitivity.
The connection between colony collapse disorder and exposure to radio frequency and microwave radiation has been repeatedly argued by researchers
… but at the smart farming conference a new, “smart” way forward was presented as the perfect solution to the problem: a new pollinator drone called “APIS”. The acronym stands for Autonomous Pollination and Imaging System. It is a fully autonomous “micro air vehicle” designed for greenhouses – one of several currently being developed in different research establishments across the world. The technical advances that have been made in indoor navigation, miniaturization and precise vision-based control underpin the viability of the design. If our bees are being killed off by the new electronic ecosystem, never mind. The new ecosystem enables them to be replaced with robot bees. In this one example the deeper purpose of the 5G ecosystem is laid bare. It is to enable intelligent machines, or machine-organism hybrids, to usurp natural organisms. The technological revolution that we are currently living through goes beyond the extension of our control over nature: it is aiming at the replacement of nature with a fully technologised planet.
Onlooker Consciousness
A great cry is going out from the Earth today. How can we open our ears to this cry, and wake up from the delusion that everything is going to be alright because so far we have managed to avoid complete catastrophe? The onlooker consciousness has now reached a critical extreme; it must be turned around, brought to ground, and transformed if we are to relate again in a respectful way to the primary reality of the Earth and the living creatures that dwell on the Earth.
Goethe spoke of the human being as the most powerful and exact scientific instrument possible, in so far as we make use of our healthy senses. He understood that only when we relate humanly to the world of natural phenomena, without the intermediary of technology, does it become possible to really participate in the secret of nature’s process. Otherwise we remain outsiders – peering, probing, provoking. To the extent that we inhabit a world conditioned by our clever technologies and dominated by our clever technological thinking, the technological mindset itself prevents us from opening ourselves to the deeper mystery of existence.
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What Goethe was suggesting can only come about through deliberate resolve, the application of will and repeated effort on our part. At its heart is a moral step that we are obliged to take in order to overcome our alienation and self centredness – to overcome the collective habits of centuries.
We have to disarm ourselves of our gadgets and devices
To take on this challenge, we have to disarm ourselves of our gadgets and devices in order to experience a more authentic knowing. Only then do we have the chance of perceiving things in their spiritual identity, inwardly illumined by the focused and reverent awareness which we can bring to them, and with which we can hold them in our consciousness. In such redemptive acts of perception lie both nature’s, and our own, hope for the future.
Counteract the Delusion That the Future Of Humanity Rests On Building A Technological Paradise
But it needs us to set aside our smartphones, our tablets, our multiple devices – to leave them indoors, if only for a short time each day – the better to attend to the “sun, moon and stars, the waving grasses, the flowing streams, the whispering winds”. Thereby we can begin to actively counteract the delusion that the future of humanity rests on building a technological paradise, and engage in the real task of restoring both nature and ourselves to the “Great Mystery” that is our true ecosystem.” – Jeremy Naydler
Read Jeremy Naydler’s essay here.
Nature Photography courtesy Lori McCray, Follow Lori McCray Photographer, Poet, Musician, Mother, Mystic, Gardener, friend of wild creatures, swan whisperer here.
See the complete August Harvest Series HERE.