August Harvest: Stop 5G Bee Action in Northwood Park, Cowes, Isle of Wight, UK
By Tanja Katarina Rebel with Patricia Burke
(Controversial “Connected Cowes” is bringing 5G to the international sailing regatta being held in the U.K. this week)
People came dressed up as bees to highlight the harm caused by pulsed, high-frequency radiation which is being rolled out without independent Health or Environmental impact assessments in Cowes, and soon other parts of the Island.
The concern is that projects such as “Connected Cowes” run counter to the original spirit of Cowes Week, and the right of participants to enjoy a healthy, natural environment in the beautiful surroundings of the Isle of Wight.
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Carbon Footprint of 5G/EMF/RF
Research from the France Climate Council and from China shows that the carbon footprint of 5G technology will be several times higher than that of 4G, itself a major user of power sources.
Should we really be promoting something that runs counter to climate change targets at an event such as Cowes?
Environmental Impacts of 5G
Furthermore, several wildlife scientists have produced peer-reviewed research showing harm to wildlife, including bees and other pollinators from man-made electromagnetic radiation.
“Could our obsession with mobile technology destroy wildlife?
A scientific review of the impacts of electromagnetic radiation launched today reveals our limited understanding about how changes we are making to the environment may be damaging wildlife. Pollution levels have been rapidly rising, and plans for saturating coverage of wi-fi and 5G will push levels higher still. Despite concerning evidence that such radiation could harm plants, insects, birds and other species, there is very little work underway to understand the impacts or to apply even basic pollution limits.
Following a proposal by Buglife a review of the impacts of electromagnetic radiation on wildlife was undertaken by EKLIPSE, an EU funded mechanism that considers policy relevant knowledge relating to human interactions with biodiversity and ecosystems.Â
The review found evidence that electromagnetic wireless signals, including from powerlines, radar, TV/radio broadcasting, Wi-Fi and 2G/3G/4G communications pose a credible threat to wildlife. While surprisingly few studies have been published, from the 97 useable papers the scientists highlighted electro-magnetic radiation as a potential risk to bird and insect orientation and movement, and to plant metabolic health. Serious impacts on the environment could not be ruled out.” –
See also: 2021 Electromagnetic radiation as an emerging driver factor for the decline of insects
Human Health Impacts of 5G/EMF/RF
Microwave radiation from both 4G and 5G masts has been proven to be harmful to humans, particularly children, in a large number of studies including the $30 million National Toxicology Program study in the US and the multimillion dollar Ramazzini Cancer Research Institute study in Italy.
It is high time for our elected leaders as well as Event organisers to live up to their responsibility and to exercise their Duty of Care towards the Health of Island residents as well as the Environment. Profit and “entertainment” should never be rolled out on the back of Public Health and Ecology….
Yours sincerely, Tanja Katarina Rebel Global 5G Protest 18 September
Learn more about the 5G-ification of the Cowes Regatta here:
Read the rest of the August Harvest Fest series HERE.