Free AFLDS White Coat Summit July 27
By Neenah Payne
Dr. Simone Gold, a front-line doctor and lawyer, is the founder of America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS). AFLDS exploded on the national scene with their July 27 press conference in front of the US Supreme Court last year. They came to tell America that hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is an inexpensive cure for COVID-19 that has saved over 200,000 lives. HCQ is so safe it is an over-the-counter drug in many countries. The video of the conference (the most viral video in history) was seen by over 17 million people before Big Tech took it down. Dr. Gold vowed not to allow the Tech Titans to silence AFLDS.
Watch Their New Live Stream HERE Tuesday, July 27 starting at 1pm ET.
Dr. Gold is the author of the 2000 book I Do Not Consent: My Fight Against Medical Cancel Culture.
Dr. Simone Gold: I DO NOT CONSENT! shows that Dr. Gold has been consistent in her courageous leadership in the defense of science and freedom in challenging the national response to COVID-19.
AFLDS Bringing You The Truth For One Full Year
- They told us: “15 Days to Slow the Spread”
- They advised us to lock our church and shop doors
- They banned early treatment with safe drugs
- They lied that masks protect from tiny respiratory viruses
- They tried to make us afraid of each other – to weaken us
- The Lancet and the NEJM published fraudulent studies
- They lied to weaken us: the frail died, the children suffered, and the middle class faltered
- Now they are coercing you to accept an experimental biological injection
America’s Frontline Doctors spoke truth
- You knew they were lying, and you were hungry for the truth
- The truth resonates with free thinking human beings, and you heard us
- .. TRUTH is the death of propaganda
- We could not have continued our work without your generous support
America’s Frontline Doctors still speak truth
Friends, one year later and they are still trying to brainwash and silence us. They want to steal our freedom of life and liberty. Using deception and tyranny, they intend to collapse our Constitutional Republic. We need you in the fight with us. Together we will win.
Donate to AFLDS to support their pioneering work to protect our health and freedom.
Health & Freedom Conference
Millions Watched Health & Freedom Conference Free April 16-17 shows that Dr. Gold was a featured speaker at the conference which was attended by 4,500 unmasked people and seen by 4 million people online. She repeatedly rocked the house and got standing ovations! Dr. Gold spoke about “The Religion of Public Health” — the subject of her May tour through the southwest and her June tour through the rest of the US. Dr. Gold shows that the COVID “health” policies are based on agenda-driven dogma — not science.
Dr. Gold explains that COVID is a new “religion of public health” creating medical apartheid in which the unquestioned, worshiped “deities” are Fauci, Gates, WHO, CDC, and the “vaccine” manufacturers. Facts and science are not relevant, believers need to convert others, and there is a moral righteousness about masks, social distancing, and vaccines. This new religion is ruled by fear — convert or be condemned, silenced, and isolated. Dr. Gold says, “We have a medical issue, but we also have a legal crisis”. She says: “Human beings do not belong to the state, to the WHO, or to society. Rise up!”
Dr. Simone Gold: The Fight Against Medical Corruption
The short film Dr. Simone Gold | The Fight Against Medical Corruption was played before Dr. Gold’s speech at the conference.
AFLDS Is Defending College Students From COVID Shots
AFLDS is looking for college students in Colorado, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, or Pennsylvania whose school is trying to force them to take the Covid-19 “vaccine”. Students who fit those categories can fill out the AFLDS College Student Plaintiff Form and submit it. If you know college students in any of those states, send them the form. AFLDS is working to protect Americans from vaccine mandates. The danger is not from the federal government now, but from schools, state governments, corporations, airlines, etc.
Whistleblower: COVID “Vaccines” Have Killed 45,000 Americans
BREAKING: Whistleblower claims 45,000 Americans died from COVID jabs within 3 days of injection
Vaccine Lawsuit Filed: Insider Blows Whistle on Coverup — Exclusive Attorney Interview is an interview with Attorney Ana Garner who is a member of the AFLDS legal team which recently filed a lawsuit against the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). “The lawsuit is focused on the experimental Covid vaccine, the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) and includes sworn testimony from a whistleblower alleging the government reporting systems for adverse reactions to the Covid vaccine is under-reporting deaths by at least five times and projects the real numbers are closer to 45,000 people who died after receiving the vaccine.”
Compare that to 3,000+ Americans killed on 9/11. The CDC reduced the number of COVID-related deaths from 12,000 to 6,000 because it claimed there was no proof of causal relationship. However, Garner explains that about half the deaths occurred with 36 hours to three days after a COVID shot.
COVID Injections Causing Heart Inflammation and Blood Clots
“Serious cases of myocarditis in young people after receiving the #Covid19 vaccines are piling up across the US.”
FATHER & SON SUFFER SEVERE BLOOD CLOTS AFTER COVID VACCINE reports: “When her 17-year-old son and husband were both hospitalized with life-threatening blood clots days after receiving the #Covid19 vaccine, Cherie Romney made it her mission to speak out.”
Everest Romney, a basketball star in his junior year, expected to be recruited by colleges. However, after getting the Pfizer shot, he is struggling just to function now.
Dr. Mercola points out in Moderna Rep Admits Everyone Is Part of Huge Experiment:
“Here’s the most disturbing part, though: It appears these COVID injections may have been designed to cause this kind of cell damage on purpose. Why? Because the researchers also tested the natural spike protein subunit of another coronavirus called NL63. This virus was chosen because it, like SARS-CoV-2, uses the ACE2 receptor for entry into the human cell. The NL63 spike protein did not, however, trigger this kind of heart damage. ‘They knew what they were doing when they engineered this mRNA to make this particular spike protein,’ Ruby says.”
So, Dr. Mercola says evidence points to the fact that the COVID injections could easily have been made safer just by using a different approach that would not have damaged the heart. However, the COVID vaccine manufacturers chose the more harmful approach which is crippling a growing number of people.
In SITUATION UPDATE: AMERICANS ARE NOW LIVING UNDER FOREIGN OCCUPATION, Mike Adams, editor of the Natural News site says the shots might be designed to target young men because they would be the ones called up to defend the US . Really diabolical, if true.
Dangers Of Spike Protein In COVID “Vaccines”
Vaccine Researcher Drops Bloodcurdling ‘Truth Bomb’ reports:
“Google tried to censor it, but this previously unseen research cannot be ignored — and suggests the COVID-19 vaccines could be far worse than they look. Not only is the ‘spike protein’ your body produces worse than COVID itself, it spreads like fire.
The assumption that vaccine developers have been working with is that the mRNA in the vaccines would primarily remain in and around the vaccination site. Pfizer’s data, however, show the mRNA and subsequent spike protein are widely distributed in the body within hours.
This is a serious problem, as the spike protein is a toxin shown to cause cardiovascular and neurological damage. It also has reproductive toxicity, and Pfizer’s biodistribution data show it accumulates in women’s ovaries. Once in your blood circulation, the spike protein binds to platelet receptors and the cells that line your blood vessels. When that happens, it can cause platelets to clump together, resulting in blood clots, and/or cause abnormal bleeding
The article warns:
“The mRNA enters your bloodstream and accumulates in a variety of organs, primarily your spleen, bone marrow, liver, adrenal glands and, in women, the ovaries. The spike protein also travels to your heart, brain and lungs, where bleeding and or blood clots can occur as a result, and is expelled in breast milk. This is a problem, because rather than instructing your muscle cells to produce the spike protein (the antigen that triggers antibody production), spike protein is actually being produced inside your blood vessel walls and various organs, where it can do a great deal of damage.”
Dr. David Martin explains why the COVID injections are not vaccines. Dr. Judy Mikovits warns that the shots can cause Multiple Sclerosis, Lou Gehrig’s disease, Alzheimer’s, and accelerated cancer.
COVID Shots Are Killing Large Numbers of People
Research Group Warns Adverse Event Reports Indicate COVID Vaccine “Unsafe for Use in Humans” reports:
“The group of scientists and doctors at the Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy (EBMC) in Bath, UK has examined the data reported to Yellow Card and has found a startling trend….
Like the CDC data, the sheer number of reports of adverse reactions — which have surpassed the last 20 years of all adverse reactions reported for all vaccines, combined — are raising serious concerns among doctors and scientists….The scope of morbidity,” Lawrie declared, “is striking, evidencing a lot of incidents and what amounts to a large number of ill…..
While there is not a direct correlation, EMBC’s letter to the MHRA states that ‘the MHRA now has more than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans.’”
World Renowned Conventional Doc Blasts The COVID JAB-Erwocks links to an interview with Dr. Peter McCullough, Vice Chief of Internal Medicine, Baylor University Medical Center. The article says Dr. McCullough “might be the world’s top cardiologist, who also holds an MPH degree and is a professor of medicine. His work/background is totally stunning, and seems impossible for one person. …Even better, he’s also world famous. Meaning…he has the exceptional intelligence to analyze and dissect the COVID VAX atrocity. The measured way in which he delivers this bombshell is also remarkable.”
Dr. McCullough discusses the blood clots for which the J&J product was halted and points out that the blood clots caused by the mRNA vaccine are “probably 30 times that” — but it has not been halted. Dr. McCullough says “…keep in mind that the NIH is a co-owner of the Moderna patent.”
The article points out:
“One horrific injustice noted is that people are not being fully informed of the vaccine risks, nor of the volume of serious reactions. Official propaganda says ‘Safe’. McCullough indicts every member of the criminal cartel running this scam, from NIH to the WHO to the Gates Foundation. That spectrum includes the individual most of us know as a criminal from the outset – Anthony Fauci. Not that the clotting issue takes anything away from the part about being WAY past the death point where any drug would normally be pulled.”
Is COVID-19 A Bio-Weapon?
“Dr. Richard Fleming takes Del Bigtree through a shocking paper trail surrounding the SARS-CoV2 virus and its link to Fauci and US funded gain-of-function research.”
Science Journals Support Claim that Pfizer Covid Vaccine May Cause Deadly Neurodegenerative Disease points out:
“A recent article published in the scientific journal Microbiology and Infectious Diseases makes the claim that the mRNA Pfizer Covid vaccine may contain prions which cause deadly neurodegenerative disease, sometimes called ‘Creutzfeldt-Jakob’ or ‘Mad Cow’ disease.
The article COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease, was published in January of 2021 and has been studiously ignored by major media which has focused its efforts on encouraging individuals to take the jab….The paper goes on to state that ‘The folding of TDP-43 and FUS into their pathologic prion confirmations is known to cause ALS, front temporal lobar degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological degenerative diseases.’ In other words, the Pfizer mRNA vaccine may have the capability of turning brains to mush.”
“They Don’t Want to See People Like Us” : says
“Del sits down with three healthcare workers who were on the frontline of Covid vaccine rollouts in America…the three women go back to the day they received their vaccine, the severe reactions they endured starting just days after, and the complete denial the medical community has towards the groundswell of injured people looking for help.”
British Report Calls For Cessation of COVID “Vaccines”
‘Urgent’ British report calls for complete cessation of COVID vaccines in humans says:
“An ‘urgent preliminary report of Yellow Card data‘ issued by the UK-based Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy Ltd submitted to the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) states that “the MHRA now has more than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans.”
Four Fundamental Facts COVID “Vaccine” Policy Ignores
The COVID-19 “vaccine” policy is overlooking four critical facts:
1 – CDC statistics show COVID-19 poses little risk for most people.
2 – Four inexpensive proven treatments for COVID have saved hundreds of thousands of American COVID patients.
3 – The COVID injections do not meet any of the five criteria for vaccines. The shots do not to stop people from getting or transmitting COVID. Their only claim is they may lessen symptoms.
4 – There have been many serious injuries from the COVID “vaccines”.
Video: VAERS shows more deaths from COVID shots in four months than from all US vaccines from mid-1997 to 2013 combined.
MRNA Inventor Says To Stop COVID “Vaccines” Now
More People Are Refusing COVID Shots
FDA adds “Guillain-Barré syndrome” warning to Johnson & Johnson COVID Jab reports:
“The FDA urges people to seek medical attention right away if they notice any of the following five symptoms after getting J&J’s COVID injection:
- Weakness or tingling sensations, especially in the legs or arms that gets worse and spreads to other parts of the body
- Difficulty walking
- Difficulty with facial movements, as well as problems speaking, chewing, or swallowing
- Double vision or inability to move eyes
- Difficulty with bladder control or bowel function”
Many Marines, Police, NFL , Nurses Refuse COVID Shot
Million-dollar lotteries fail to cut through vaccine apathy
Poll: 46 percent of unvaccinated say they will definitely not get vaccine
Millions of Americans view being anti-vaccination as a part of their social identity
“Today, more people are identifying as ‘Anti-Vax’ than ever before. Has Big Pharma accidentally triggered the hottest trend in the world?”
Michael Andrew, Olympic gold medal favorite, defends decision to remain unvaccinated for Tokyo Andrew said:
“Going to the games not only unvaccinated, but as an American, I’m representing my country in multiple ways and the freedoms we have to make a decision like that.”
Neenah Payne writes for Natural Blaze and Activist Post