Is NFL COVID “Vaccine” Policy Endangering Team Members?
By Neenah Payne
Is the National Football League endangering the lives of its players by pushing the COVID shots?
Report: More than half of NFL players are vaccinated, but four teams lag behind says:
“The NFL’s 32 teams have done their best to educate players about the benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine. The league isn’t requiring vaccines for players but is encouraging them by relaxing its COVID-19 protocols for players who are vaccinated and for teams with 85 percent of all players vaccinated.
That still isn’t incentive enough for some players, though. Mark Maske of The Washington Post reports that more than half of the league’s players have received at least one dose of the vaccine for COVID-19. Sixteen teams have more than 50 of 90 players on their rosters vaccinated, including three teams with 70 or more players vaccinated. Maske, though, reports the Colts, Jaguars, Cardinals and Chargers are lagging behind in their vaccination rates. The league and NFLPA have not released vaccination rates.
The fact that most teams are struggling to get to 85 percent compliance could result in some unvaccinated players low on the depth chart — and thus unlikely to make the final roster — to lose their jobs before training camp. Teams close to the threshold could decide to take fewer than 90 players to camp, shedding unvaccinated players to reach the magic percentage and thus have relaxed protocols.
(Teams are not allowed to cut players based on vaccination status. But let’s be honest, if a team is deciding whether to keep player A or player B, and player A is vaccinated and player B isn’t, the vaccination status likely will serve as the deciding factor….)
The NFL has all but required coaches and staff members to be vaccinated, mandating they do so to maintain Tier 1 protocol status that enables them to work in proximity to players. Media is expected to face a COVID-19 vaccination requirement to enter team facilities or NFL stadiums.”
NFL’s Coercive COVID “Vaccine” Policy
NFL reveals extensive restrictions for unvaccinated players in training camp COVID-19 protocols reports:
“The NFL has laid out new COVID-19 protocols for its teams during training camp and the preseason. The league and NFL Players Association have agreed to relax some guidelines for fully vaccinated players while keeping in place strict practices for unvaccinated players.
Unvaccinated players still must be tested daily for COVID-19 as well as wear masks at team facilities and during travel. Vaccinated players, however, will not face the same restrictions. Unvaccinated players may not leave the team hotel or interact with people outside the organization while traveling, both of which vaccinated players are permitted to do. Any unvaccinated players found to have broken these rules could be fined $50,000 by the league or their respective teams for a first offense.”
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NFL creates two very different post-COVID worlds for vaccinated and unvaccinated players points out:
“The NFL is relaxing some of its COVID-19 protocols for vaccinated players going into training camp and the preseason for 2021. For players who are not vaccinated, life will continue to be difficult and inconvenient.
The league issued a memo Wednesday detailing an update of its COVID-19 protocols for players, coaches, staff and media for the 2021 season. For those players who are vaccinated, doing their jobs and taking big steps toward resuming a “normal” life is closer to reality. The revised protocols won’t help unvaccinated players, because the league is maintaining its strict practices and rules.
According to a report, just half of the league’s 32 teams have at least 50 players who have had at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. The league wants to ramp up the number of vaccinated players before training camp begins, which is July 27 for most teams. The NFL isn’t requiring players to get vaccinated, but the league is sending a clear message to unvaccinated players: Get vaccinated or prepare to relive 2020 again.
Unvaccinated players must wear masks at the team facility, when traveling and they must travel separately from vaccinated players. Vaccinated players do not need to wear masks. Unvaccinated players are prohibited from leaving the team hotel or interacting with people outside the organization while traveling. Vaccinated individuals can interact with family and friends during team travel.
Vaccinated players are allowed to go to high-risk places like bars and nightclubs, but unvaccinated players are not and violations can result in fines of up to $50,000. Unvaccinated players are not allowed to eat meals with teammates and they’re not allowed to use the sauna or steam room. Vaccinated players are permitted.
Unvaccinated players will continue to be tested daily while vaccinated players will be tested once every two weeks. Unvaccinated players are required to quarantine – and lose potential playing and/or practice time – after close contact with someone who has COVID-19. Vaccinated players will not be required to quarantine after close contact.”
This shows the two worlds the NFL COVID “vaccine” policies are creating.
The NFL and NFLPA have agreed to updated COVID-19 protocols for 2021 training camp and preseason, per source.
How different will life by for vaccinated and unvaccinated players? From the memo that just went to clubs:
— Tom Pelissero (@TomPelissero) June 16, 2021
Some NFL Players Push Back
From NFL Encountering Substantial Vaccine Hesitancy Among Players:
“Despite the National Football League strongly encouraging and incentivizing vaccinations, several prominent players throughout the league have expressed skepticism about the vaccine’s safety and have thus far refused to get their shot, which could impact their availability to play and practice this season.
Washington defensive end Montez Sweat, the team’s first-round pick in the 2019 draft, said Wednesday that he is ‘not a fan at all’ of the vaccine, adding, he ‘probably won’t get vaccinated’ until he gets ‘more facts.’ ‘I haven’t caught Covid yet, so I don’t see me treating Covid until I actually get Covid,’ Sweat said. Washington coach Ron Rivera had a Harvard immunologist speak to his team this week and told reporters Wednesday that only approximately 50% of Washington players have been inoculated.
Carolina Panthers quarterback Sam Darnold confirmed Wednesday that he has not been vaccinated, stating, ‘I still gotta think about all those certain things that go into it.’ Lions left tackle Taylor Decker, who recently signed a four-year, $60 million contract extension, said in April: ‘I did not get vaccinated, and I’m not going to. I’m just not going to speak to the reasons why. I have my reasons.’
Last month, Bills wide receiver Cole Beasley stirred up controversy via a series of social media posts questioning the efficacy of vaccines, tweeting, ‘Do what you think is right personally. Don’t feel like you have to go with the ‘trend.’ Have a mind of your own.’
….The NFL isn’t mandating vaccinations, but the league and the Players Association agreed to a series of modified protocols in April in the hopes of successfully incentivizing players to get their jabs. Vaccinated players no longer have to be tested daily or wear masks at team facilities. They’ll also be permitted to dine together in the cafeteria, visit with vaccinated family members while on team trips and won’t be required to quarantine if they are exposed to someone who tests positive. Unvaccinated players have to undergo daily Covid-19 testing and could be forced to quarantine and miss time if they are deemed a close contact to someone with a confirmed Covid-19 infection.
All 32 organizations participated in a vaccination education program this spring and, on Tuesday, the Washington Football Team invited Kizzmekia S. Corbett, an immunologist and leading coronavirus vaccine researcher, to speak at their facility. “We do think players and all personnel are safer if they’re vaccinated,” Commissioner Roger Goodell said last month. ‘I think that is true throughout our country and throughout our world. I don’t know of a single medical source that is respected that doesn’t believe that and doesn’t believe that vaccines not only work and are effective but are also safe.’
WHAT TO WATCH FOR: Dr. Allen Sills, the NFL’s chief medical officer, has reportedly told teams that players need to get their first Pfizer or Moderna shot by the end of this week in order to achieve full vaccination status by the start of training camp in late July.
TANGENT: Last Friday, NFL Network’s Tom Pelissero reported that ‘assistant coaches from at least four NFL teams are refusing to get’ the vaccine. Coaches are considered Tier 1 employees and will be prohibited from accessing practice fields and meeting rooms, or having direct interactions with players, if they are not vaccinated. ‘For many coaches, there are two choices as of now: Get vaccinated or spend the season in your office,’ Pelissero wrote.”
Standing His Ground
NFL player swears off vaccination, suggests he’ll defy rules
“If I’m forced into retirement, so be it,“ Buffalo Bills’ wide receiver Cole Beasley said.
The article reports:
“Buffalo Bills wide receiver Cole Beasley vowed Friday to remain unvaccinated for Covid-19 and suggested he was ready to face sanctions rather than abide by new rules proposed for NFL players who aren’t inoculated.
Beasley will likely face a new set of protocols for unvaccinated NFL players during training and preseason games…. The proposed rules also prohibit marketing and sponsorship activities and traveling with a team. Violators could face fines of up to $50,000 per offense. Beasley, 32, said in a statement on Twitter that he’s prepared for the consequences, including decreased income. ‘I’ll play for free this year to live life how I’ve lived it from day one,’ he said. ‘If I’m forced into retirement, so be it.’
Beasley, in the third year of a four-year, $29 million contract, said he would face the pandemic by eating well and exercising. ‘That is MY CHOICE based on MY experiences and what I think is best,’ he said. ‘I’ll be out in the public,’ he warned. ‘If you’re scared of me, then steer clear, or get vaccinated.’
“Buffalo Bills Wide Receiver Cole Beasley laid down the gauntlet this week when he challenged the NFL’s discrimination of players choosing not to get the experimental Covid vaccine.”
Five Fundamental Facts NFL COVID “Vaccine” Policy Ignores
The NFL COVID-19 “vaccine” policy is overlooking five critical facts:
1 – CDC statistics show COVID-19 poses little risk for most people.
2 – Four inexpensive proven treatments for COVID have saved hundreds of thousands of American COVID patients.
3 – The COVID injections do not meet any of the five criteria for vaccines. The shots do not to stop people from getting or transmitting COVID. Their only claim is they may lessen symptoms.
4 – There have been many serious injuries from the COVID “vaccines”
5 – Video: VAERS shows more deaths from COVID shots in four months than from all US vaccines from mid-1997 to 2013 combined.
COVID Injections Are NOT Vaccines
Dr David Martin explains that COVID injections are not vaccines but medical devices (Video)
Dr. David Martin and Dr. Judy Mikovits were featured in the Plandemic: Indoctornation films that went viral last year. Dr. Martin explains why the COVID injections are not “vaccines”. Dr. Mikovits warns the COVID shots can cause Multiple Sclerosis, Lou Gehrig’s disease, Alzheimer’s, and accelerated cancer.
COVID Injections Causing Heart Inflammation and Blood Clots
HEART INFLAMMATION IN YOUTH RECENTLY VAXXED reports: “Serious cases of myocarditis in young people after receiving the #Covid19 vaccines are piling up across the US.”
FATHER & SON SUFFER SEVERE BLOOD CLOTS AFTER COVID VACCINE reports: “When her 17-year-old son and husband were both hospitalized with life-threatening blood clots days after receiving the #Covid19 vaccine, Cherie Romney made it her mission to speak out.”
Everest Romney, a basketball star in his junior year, expected to be recruited for colleges. However, after getting the Pfizer shot, he is struggling to function.
COVID Shots Are Killing Large Numbers of People
Research Group Warns Adverse Event Reports Indicate COVID Vaccine “Unsafe for Use in Humans” reports:
“The group of scientists and doctors at the Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy (EBMC) in Bath, UK has examined the data reported to Yellow Card and has found a startling trend….
Like the CDC data, the sheer number of reports of adverse reactions — which have surpassed the last 20 years of all adverse reactions reported for all vaccines, combined — are raising serious concerns among doctors and scientists….The scope of morbidity,” Lawrie declared, “is striking, evidencing a lot of incidents and what amounts to a large number of ill…..
While there is not a direct correlation, EMBC’s letter to the MHRA states that ‘the MHRA now has more than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans.’”
World Renowned Conventional Doc Blasts The COVID JAB-Erwocks links to an interview with Dr. Peter McCullough, Vice Chief of Internal Medicine, Baylor University Medical Center. The article says Dr. McCullough “might be the world’s top cardiologist, who also holds an MPH degree and is a professor of medicine. His work/background is totally stunning, and seems impossible for one person. …Even better, he’s also world famous. Meaning…he has the exceptional intelligence to analyze and dissect the COVID VAX atrocity. The measured way in which he delivers this bombshell is also remarkable.”
Dr. McCullough discusses the blood clots for which the J&J product was halted and points out that the blood clots caused by the mRNA vaccine are “probably 30 times that” — but it has not been halted. Dr. McCullouogh says “…keep in mind that the NIH is a co-owner of the Moderna patent.”
The article points out:
“One horrific injustice noted is that people are not being fully informed of the vaccine risks, nor of the volume of serious reactions. Official propaganda says “Safe”. McCullough indicts every member of the criminal cartel running this scam, from NIH to the WHO to the Gates Foundation. That spectrum includes the individual most of us know as a criminal from the outset – Anthony Fauci. Not that the clotting issue takes anything away from the part about being WAY past the death point where any drug would normally be pulled.”
Dr. McCullough explains that if a new drug causes five deaths, it gets a “Black Box Warning”. At 50 deaths, a new drug is called off the market. The 1976 SARS vaccine program was stopped after 25 deaths. However, in the US when about 77 million people had been fully vaccinated with the COVID shots, there were 2,260 deaths reported. Yet, those may be just 1-10% of the real number because a Harvard study showed that just 1% of vaccine injuries are reported to VAERS. Most of the deaths from the COVID shots occur on Day 1, 2, or 3. Some even occur at the vaccination center! Yet, now the plan is to vaccinate 12-15 year olds who have less than a 1% percent risk of catching the virus!
British Report Calls For Cessation of COVID “Vaccines”
‘Urgent’ British report calls for complete cessation of COVID vaccines in humans says:
“An ‘urgent preliminary report of Yellow Card data‘ issued by the UK-based Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy Ltd submitted to the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) states that “the MHRA now has more than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans.”
Top image credit: Oregon Live
Neenah Payne writes for Natural Blaze and Activist Post