Canadian Politician, Doctors Condemn Censorship of Scientific Inquiry and Suppression of Information on Vaccine Risks to Kids
Children’s Health Defense Team, Guest
Canadian politician Derek Sloan and three medical professionals — who say they represent hundreds of their colleagues — said last week in a press conference on Parliament Hill the Canadian government is suppressing information about the harmful effects of lockdowns, vaccine risks in children and the efficacy of certain COVID treatments.
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) issued a “dire statement” late April threatening doctors who spoke out about what they witnessed in their local hospitals and communities while working on the frontlines of COVID, said Sloan.
“The purpose of CPSO is to protect the public,” said Sloan, “not stifle legitimate scientific inquiry or dissent by professional doctors.”
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The government’s attempt to intimidate doctors had the opposite effect, said Sloan. Instead, his office was flooded with calls from doctors, nurses and other scientific medical experts who said they’ve been threatened and blocked from sharing their stories.
Byram Bridle, associate professor of viral immunology at the University of Guelph, Ontario, is one of many medical professionals who said they’ve faced extreme censorship for asking legitimate scientific questions about COVID.
Bridle was asked on a radio program if he believed COVID vaccines were linked to heart inflammation in young males. He gave his honest opinion, saying he did believe there is a link. He pointed to evidence to support it.
Within 24 hours, Bridle said he was attacked on all fronts. A “libelous website” and a fake Twitter account were created to slander him, said Bridle. He was harassed daily via phone, email and social media, and one of his colleagues even went as far as to release confidential medical information about his parents, Bridle said.
It was an “egregious act,” said Bridle. “A practicing physician should know they shouldn’t be releasing confidential medical information.”
In search of a place where he could speak freely, Bridle joined the Canadian COVID Care Alliance, a group of independent Canadian doctors, scientists and healthcare practitioners committed to providing balanced evidence-based information to the Canadian public about COVID.
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Bridle warned that suppressing open discussions of science and medicine in Canada violates the “hallmark of a Democratic society.”
Also speaking at the press conference was Dr. Patrick Phillips, family and emergency medicine physician, and Dr. Don Welsh, professor of physiology and pharmacology at Western University.
Both expressed concerns about their inability to speak the truth about the negative effects of lockdowns and the benefits of using treatments such as vitamin D for COVID.
Phillips said “massive lockdowns” have caused a lot of harm and, until now, he’s never seen so many suicidal children in his practice.
“Science has not been functioning properly for the last 15 months,” Welsh said. The government’s lockdowns, masks, infectious disease tracing and social distancing have “created a remarkable list of hardships for Canadians that will take this country many years to recover from.”
H/T: Waking Times