Woke Virus: COVID is Sustainable, Equitable, Inclusive, Racially Unbiased and Climate Aware
THE STORY: The woke ideology is spreading everywhere throughout Big Government and the Corporatocracy, functioning as a clever cover for a nefarious agenda.
THE IMPLICATIONS: Wokeology relies on noble-sounding, insubstantial, feel-good buzzwords and virtue signalling with the aim of modifying human behavior.
Did you ever notice how smoothly the COVID rhetoric has morphed with climate change rhetoric, Agenda 2030 rhetoric, Great Reset rhetoric and NWO rhetoric in general? Every technocrat and his dog are going around pushing their favorite elite agenda, mixing it with Agenda 2030 and politically correct woke buzzwords and projecting it all onto COVID. If I didn’t know any better, it’s almost like COVID has become the pretext to hide and promote just about every single NWO (New World Order) agenda under the sun. COVID has now become the most sustainable, equitable, inclusive, racially tolerant and climate aware disease and pandemic in the history of humanity. This is a good thing, since if the imaginary SARS-CoV-2 can’t be a particular deadly virus (COVID survival rates are 99.5+% for most age groups up to 69 years old) then at least it can be a woke virus.
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Sustainable COVID
Our philanthropic masters over at the Rockefeller Foundation, who only have humanity’s best interest at heart, have released a new report entitled “Financing Global Vaccination and Sustainable Growth” which is an interesting mixture of COVID fear, mandatory vaccination and sustainability. After all, what’s the point in injuring and killing millions of people with dangerous and experimental RNA technology, or just plain old blood-clotting technology, if it’s not done sustainably? Everything must be sustainable and the depopulation agenda is no exception. The report states:
“Just as the entire world shared in the spread and pain of the pandemic, we must now share in orchestrating its end, and a transition to a just, equitable, and sustainable recovery … For this reason, we must act swiftly to achieve a global vaccination rate of up to 70 percent by the end of 2022. This Action Plan, the first in a series, highlights three mutually reinforcing goals leveraging the power of existing multilateral financial architecture:
Goal 1: The issuance, reallocation, and leveraging of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) by the International Monetary Fund to ensure equitable global access to vaccines
Goal 2: Unleashing the full lending power of the World Bank and other multilateral development banks (MDBs) for a climate-friendly and equitable recovery
Goal 3: Leveraging private capital at scale through new, innovative investment vehicles.”
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Note how they are pitching equitable and sustainable as part of their vision of the end of the pandemic. Also note how they want to continue the same decades-old predatory lending practices that made them rich and powerful (as detailed by whistleblowers like economic hitman John Perkins). Translation: we want more nations to go into debt to buy our toxic vaccines and drugs using their own resources as collateral. That way, it’s a four-for-one: we infect people, we injure and kill people, we introduce microchips or nanotech or into their bodies and we gain control of their infrastructure and minerals when they default.
Equitable COVID
The WEF (World Economic Forum) seems like one of those B-grade or C-grade Hollywood actors that, since the advent of Operation Coronavirus, is trying to pretend it’s in the top tier of NWO think tanks. The WEF is pushing the 4th Industrial Revolution and the Internet of Bodies, or in other words, an inescapable Smart Grid to lay the foundation for transhumanism. It recently held a Global Technology Governance Summit which features – you guessed it – more buzzwords galore. This one focused on equity, equality and resilience. They say the summit was to foster the “equitable use of technology” but it seems like another stepping stone to Global Governance by creating a framework of rules (to fill in “governance gaps”) that they hope will eventually be brought into a One World Government. Here’s the article from their site:
“New and emerging technologies can help humanity become more resilient and adaptable in a post-pandemic world … as we harness powerful new technologies brought about by the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to “build back better”, we have to make sure that we adopt them in such a way that they do not exacerbate inequality … Our aim will be to develop a common set of guidelines on how to implement both existing and future technologies – guidelines that address a series of current “governance gaps” of which we are aware.”
Inclusive and Racially Unbiased COVID
Going back to our friends at the Rockefeller Foundation, did you know that COVID is paving the way for a more inclusive future? Their article Forget the New Normal: Let’s Head to an Inclusive Future contains the full gamut of soppy buzzwords designed to please:
“Covid laid bare, once again, deep systemic inequities that create barriers to healthy diets and dignified work, education and even internet access. In a post-Covid world, a sustainable recovery must have justice and parity at its heart, both in the U.S. and globally. In this Matter of Impact, our team and grantees share how we are reimagining a more inclusive future. From ground breaking worker-owned companies, to using food as medicine, to creating inclusive technology incubators, to developing racially unbiased A.I. algorithms, this issue introduces the pioneering people who are partnering with The Rockefeller Foundation to change lives, empower communities, and work toward an innovative and inclusive recovery. Read on and join us.”
Climate Aware COVID
SARS-CoV-2 must be a woke virus indeed, because apparently it’s also saving the Earth by sparing us from dreaded manmade climate change. We were repeatedly told at the start of this scamdemic that the one good thing about the lockdowns was the reduction in pollution. Thousands of mainstream articles along these lines were written, such as this one as an example (Can Covid-19 Help Ease the Climate Crisis? The Global Pandemic Offers Chance to Embrace Clean Energy). I pointed out back in April 2020 that there were already many eerie similarities between the coronavirus and climate change hoaxes. Since then, the pandemic has become further drenched in wokeology. It’s not surprising, because the NWO is one giant conspiracy with many facets, and the propaganda used to push it is evenly applied to these many facets – propaganda which is boring and predictable once you have decoded it.
Woke Virus: Beware the Explosion of Feelgood Buzzwords to Push the Same Old Tired Agenda
The idea of a woke virus is a deliberate piece of satire to draw attention to the way the NWO manipulators are dramatically ramping up the use of this languaging to obfuscate the real agenda. I highlighted this in a recent article that pointed out this very same phenomenon at work in the WHO letter calling for a new international pandemic treaty. There are buzzwords galore – sustainable, equitable, inclusive, racially unbiased, climate aware, diverse, fair, resilient – but it’s just fluff. None of it means anything substantial. It’s just window-dressing to make the agenda of control more appealing and palatable. Glenn Greenwald summed it up with his article title: Big Corporations Now Deploying Woke Ideology the Way Intelligence Agencies Do: As a Disguise. It’s all empty virtue-signaling. It’s the military deployment of wokeology. It’s sickening and it’s shallow. Yet, how many people are falling for this new woke virus-style of propaganda?
Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles, author of the book Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and senior researcher at ToolsForFreedom.com. Makia is on Steemit and LBRY.
Source: The Freedom Articles