Water: The New Oil

By Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath

Water is the great unifier. Water equals life.

Water makes up 70% of the Earth’s surface, and 70% of the human body by weight. On a molecular level, humans are 99% water. Humans are water beings. We are born out of water called amniotic fluid, as part of Nature, which makes human interaction with water a Natural right.

Natural rights are said to be God-given rights because they are inborn. There is no price attached to natural rights. The Human Paradox is that humans did not pay for the water inherent within each cell. So what happens when water is no longer a free resource? How do humans protect natural rights against entities that presume otherwise?

Just because its life, doesn’t mean it cannot be priced. – Willem Buiter, Economist, DW documentary

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Like gold, silver, or oil, water has become a commodity. Does that make humans a commodity by association?

In the early 1800s, officials in a few states began to privatize water as a”public service.”  In 1972, The Clean Water Act was established to regulate (allow) discharges of point source pollutants, from industries, into the water supply. In 1996, the Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.EPA) established drinking water standards for more than 90 contaminants under the Safe Drinking Water Act. Did these Acts work? While point source pollution declined over the few last decades, non-point source pollution, from storm water runoff,  increased. How effective has the government been in protecting the Earth’s greatest resource?

Overall, most people who care about the quality of their drinking water choose to buy Spring water, visit a Spring for water, or spend hundreds to thousands of dollars to filter their water. In a world where you learn that water is abundant, moving through a Water Cycle that maintains a constant, unending supply to support all life, the term, water scarcity, serves to confuse and create fear. Why compare the value of water to oil?

Private water companies flooded the market, changed the narrative, and hijacked the universal solvent to fit their bottom lines.

Every time they take a sip of water there is an opportunity cost. And they feel it in their wallet. How else are you going to get people to use less, if you give it to them for free? – Willem Buiter, Economist, DW documentary 

Who are these water profiteers who don’t care that creating unsanitary conditions through price gouging might bring back Medieval diseases such as Hepatitis A and Cholera?

They are bankers and investment brokers whose primary concern is making money. Some profiteers, such as water utilities, have been cutting off people from water supplies who do not pay their bills. Others, like Coca Cola Company deplete groundwater in India and other nations to fill their bottling plants and sell it back as Coke, Dansani waters, and Honest Tea. Meanwhile, persistent droughts have dried up groundwater and local wells, forcing residents and farmers to rely on water trucked in daily by the government, or by private water companies that make it rain.

We have restricted credit, we have restricted opportunity, we have controlled development, and we have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated, governments in the civilized world–no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and the duress of small groups of dominant men. ~ Woodrow Wilson, (1856-1924) 28th US President, The New Freedom

In the documentary, The Global Fight Over Water, British economist Mike Young, advisor to the United Nations, is crystal clear about who is in control when he says, “water scarcity is part of the future of the world. …and abundance is a thing of the past.”

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Is this UN agent hired to control the narrative under The Great Reset agenda?

When water becomes scarce, and as it becomes scarcer, then somebody has to stop using it. What markets do is they discover and reveal the most appropriate people to pull out of agriculture…. We live in a competitive world. – Mike Young, University of Aelaide, DW Documentary

Water MANipulation

When water reserves go empty due to droughts, farmers must resort to buying water from the private sector. In Australia, when twelve months of water costs half a million dollars during a rainy season, under drought conditions, the price of water jumps to one million dollars in three months.

The price of water has doubled, but in the next ten years it will double again. Because of intensive agriculture – David Williams, banker, Lords of Water, “the water bandit” DW Documentary

The Water Lords are water landlords to peasant farmers, just as it was during the Middle Ages. History repeats itself. What was old is new again. The snake eats its tail (or tale) over and over, again and again. By design?

If you doubt the cycles of corruption, then why is human trafficking still alive and well? According to the UN, today, nearly four hundred thousand refugees and migrants from 40 different countries are sold and trapped in Libya. Why are there cyclical banking crises? Why do the publicized epidemics, from 1520 to 2020, happen every 100 years, like clockwork?  Is that the amount of time it takes for people to forget their inherent rights?

In ten short years, while the people have been distracted with “natural disasters,” governments have set quotas for water consumption, and the creation of the Water Stock Exchange has placed a financial value on water by the mega liter. The days of long hot showers are over. For a list of water stocks trading on the NASDAQ, look here.

Water Scarcity

Just as ground water and oceans are commoditized, manipulated, and harvested, so too are the rivers of the sky.

So, too, are the people.

People are told by governments that they are responsible for “Global Warming” and “Climate Change.” They are persuaded that their bodies and habits will need to be regulated like point sources through behavioral changes. What they are not told?

Climate Change is code for Climate Control, and Weather Man-ipulation. Why should weather control remain unknown by most people when the skies have been harvested for the water since the mid 1800s? In the Age of Information Ignorance is a choice. Analysis of NEXRAD images are available to those who wish to dig deeper.

Do a little digging, and the truth of water scarcity is found in the technology that is openly controlled and operated by gas and electric power companies around the world. For more on how weather systems are manipulated by aerosols and ionospheric heaters, how jet trails dim the sun, and bunker fuel operations pollute more than all the cars in the world combined, see my article The “Climate Change” Deception and check out Mike Morales’ channel.

Examples of how the water cycle of corruption operates through the current supply and demand structure can be seen through U.S. government-approved programs such as California Precipitation Enhancement  and Texas rainwater harvesting. More than 50 countries around the world currently have weather modification programs and the World Meteorological Organization hosted an expert team meeting on weather modification in Geneva in June 2017.

Humans consent to cloud seeding, drought making, and profit taking when paying water and electric bills. They consent by believing and supporting the talking heads selected to speak on behalf of humanity. These chosen narrators are Controlled Opposition who push a false narrative only to keep the water cycle under the control of a few hands.

In 2010, the people of the world took an evolutionary step forward when the United Nations recognized water and sanitation as fundamental human rights. – Maude Barlow, Keynote, The Future of Water, United Nations, Stockholm, 2018

Are they saying only what they want the people to hear?

To truly guarantee the human right to water, we must protect it as a public trust and a commons, not a commodity to be put on the open market for sale like oil and gas. And we must challenge the current power structures and institutions that support the planet’s dwindling water supplies. – Maude Barlow, Keynote, The Future of Water, United Nations, Stockholm, December 2018

Blah blah blah….  The boat has left the dock. Water is already a commodity for sale on the open market.

Are water supplies dwindling? Or does the Earth’s water cycle maintain a constant flow of water through evaporation, transpiration, and precipitation? Can both be true?

Why not?

The Water Cycle

Remember the water cycle you memorized and drew out in elementary school science class? Water evaporates from the surface of the earth, rises into the atmosphere, where it cools and condenses into rain or snow, and falls as precipitation to collect in oceans, rivers, lakes and soil, only to begin the cycle again. And again.

The amount of water on Earth always remains constant. Forever. Water may not always exist in the same form, but it never leaves Earth’s atmosphere and it doesn’t come from outer space.

The truth about water is that there is both an abundant and constant supply of water for everyone on Earth as well as a manufactured scarcity of water, controlled and manipulated by a few bankers for profit.

Is that the reason oil baron and former president, George W. Bush, bought nearly 300,000 acres in Paraguay in 2005 and 2006?

That’s right, blue gold. [George W.] Bush bought the rights to a veritable ocean of fresh, clear-as-glass, Grade A water.
His land rests atop one of the largest freshwater aquifers in the world: Acuifero Guarani, by name.
According to Jody [Chudley], “Acuifero Guarani covers roughly 460,000 square miles under parts of Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina. It is estimated to contain about 8,900 cubic miles of water.” If you can’t quite imagine 8,900 miles of water, picture a pool nearly three times the size of California. That should give you a decent idea. – Jody Chudley, contributor

Why does a former president buy hundreds of thousands of acres of water rights in a remote South American country?

Because water and oil do mix when quantified and put on the commodities market.

Some say that we get the government we deserve because we elect officials voted into office. We consent to be governed in a corrupt system. So even if people believe they take responsibility by voting in the system, in the end, it is the system design that is set up to fail the people. Government assumes that people need to be protected from themselves because they are frequently their own worst enemy. If people do not correct this attitude it becomes  self-fulfilling prophecy. Self-sabotage.

That is why the next wars will be water wars, designed and implemented by governments that promote a scarcity of water. It will happen just as easily as they promote a scarcity of toilet paper, Pelton bikes and treadmills, and ketchup. The idea of scarcity causes prices to spike and people to accept blame for creating the problem. This is a tool known as the Hegelian Dialectic: a manufactured problem leads to a manufactured reaction, and finally to a manufactured solution. Get ready for another cycle of toilet paper shortages because the news cycle says so.

Protecting Health Sovereignty

Liberty has never come from the government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of government. The history of liberty is the history of resistance. The history of liberty is a history of the limitation of governmental power, not the increase of it.” – Woodrow Wilson

Natural rights do not derive from government. Instead, government exists to protect and secure God-given rights, such as water rights, as laid out in The Declaration of Independence:

“….to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

To understand how we reached this point of The Human Condition you can distill this idea down to five words: the consent of the governed, meaning, the consent of the human population has collectively agreed to be governed as commodities.  Will humans preserve themselves and their rights, or will they be manipulated, dry up, and blow away?

We are free to act, as long as our actions do not violate the freedom of others. It means that the main role of government is a negative one: to stop others from infringing on your rights. It is not there to provide welfare for certain groups, to tell everyone what to do, or to set national policies, except perhaps in a general way and in terms of making treaties and conducting wars. – David Christopher, MH, Health Sovereignty

Source: Nature of Healing

Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, Herbalist, writer, and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally. Find her on Facebook at facebook.com/Natureofhealing. Consult with her remotely at www.natureofhealing.org. Listen to her archived podcasts at blogtalkradio.com/rosanne-lindsay. Subscribe to receive blog posts via email using the form at the bottom of this page.

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