5G Earth Day Countdown, More Wireless! How Do the Bees Vote?
How do bees feel about 5G? – a dozen thoughts…
1 – The Insect Inspector – 5G Licensed to Kill. “The Insect Inspector investigates what you are not being told about the 5G grid…dismissing the link of insect decline to invisible wireless radiation is an easy option. But all the signs point to a strong connection between the two. From bugs to birdsong, small things disappearing easily escape our notice, but Insects make our life possible. Their destruction breaks a vital link in the food chain. It’s critical to postpone the rollout of what scientists, environmental groups, doctors and citizens see as a potentially toxic infrastructure without a public debate. We must not blindly accept every technological development especially one we are tricked into thinking as Green. Let us not sleepwalk towards an insect armageddon that may herald our own.”
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2 – The EMF Safety Network reminds us: The Honey Bee Says Stop 5G:
Source: http://emfsafetynetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Honey_Bee_Says_STOP_5G.pdf
3 – Wireless Silent Spring, Wireless Technology Acts as an Environmental Toxin Also Silencing Nature “Wireless Silent Spring, published in the October 2018 issue of the Santa Clara County Medical Association Bulletin…discusses the scientific evidence and observations regarding the impacts of wireless technology on the environment including birds, bees, amphibians and plants. Scientists have discovered that many animals use the Earth’s low energy magnetic field to navigate and that the increase in manmade artificial pulsed electromagnetic fields interferes with bird and bee navigation. The resonance effect explains why 5G technology is especially harmful to insects. These are among the many aspects of wireless radiation impacts on natural biologic processes described in the article.” [i]
4 – The Environmental Health Trust provides an overview of scientific research regarding the environmental impacts of radiofrequency exposures on bees, and more, here: [ii]
5 – Oceanside Monk Leaves A Sweet Legacy Through Beekeeping “Brother Blaise now has 50 hives, with thousands of bees making honey from nearby wild brush like anise, sage, and buckwheat. His bees are from unwanted swarms collected from properties around the county. In the spring, each hive can produce about a gallon of honey per week, which is then jarred and sold in the abbey gift shop. When his queens die or get injured he can order new queens for $25 each. Harvesting honey at the abbey has had its ups and downs. Twenty years ago Brother Blaise had twice as many hives.”All of a sudden all my bees died just almost overnight. They had just constructed four cell phone towers on our property. I didn’t think anything of it. Those towers looked innocent to me,” said Brother Blaise. The Abbey signed a long-term contract to house the towers on their property. Brother Blaise believed the microwaves from the towers interfered with the bees’ internal navigation system, so they couldn’t find their way home. But the towers were here to stay. “So, I took my cell phone out. I walked around until I didn’t get any message. Down at the bottom of the hill, you don’t get any signal in that little cul-de-sac. And so I moved my bees there and I have no problem anymore. The microwaves coming off those towers do not interrupt the bees. “ He moved his hives 250 feet down to a clearing at the bottom of the hill. After a few months, his bee colony started to thrive again and so did the honey production.” [iii]
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6 – Piti Theatre Group: Bee Weeks, To Be or Not to Bee, The Story of My Bees: Farmer James has lost his bees, there’s only gruel to eat and now the townspeople (the audience) have arrived to protest, chanting “There’s no good food, we’re in a bad mood!” [iv]
7 – How could 5G contribute to the loss of insects, The Swiss nature preservation organisation, Pro Natura published a statement highlighting the severe loss of insects over the last three decades. According to the document, 75% of current diverse insect populations have already been wiped out. While the number of insect species decreases, there are already 163 species believed to be extinct in the Switzerland. The study was published in 2018 by the Scientific Reports journal and discusses the huge disparity between the wave frequencies generated by 4G and the new 5G network. The wave frequencies generated by 5G can reach up to 120 GHz! According to researchers, insect body temperatures can dramatically increase if the waves absorbed by insect’s antennas are more than 10 GHz.[v]
8 – We, the People… are driving insects to extinction… Exposure of Insects to Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields from 2 to 120 GHz. Thielenset et al., Scientific Reports 2018, 8:3924. [vi]
9 – Electromagnetic radiation from power lines, wi-fi, phone masts and broadcast transmitters poses a ‘credible’ threat to wildlife, a new report suggests, as environmentalists warned the 5G roll out could cause greater harm. An analysis of 97 studies by the EU-funded review body EKLIPSE concluded that radiation is a potential risk to insect and bird orientation and plant health. However, the charity Buglife warned that despite good evidence of the harms there was little research ongoing to assess the impact, or apply pollution limits. The charity said ‘serious impacts on the environment could not be ruled out’ and called for 5G transmitters to be placed away from street lights, which attract insects, or areas where they could harm wildlife. Matt Shardlow, CEO of Buglife said: “We apply limits to all types of pollution to protect the habitability of our environment, but as yet, even in Europe, the safe limits of electromagnetic radiation have not been determined, let alone applied.[vii]
10 – Mobile phone radiation may be killing insects: German study The analysis of 190 scientific studies was carried out by Germany’s Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU) together with two NGOs, one from Germany and one from Luxembourg. Of the 83 studies deemed scientifically relevant, 72 showed that radiation had a negative effect on bees, wasps and flies. These effects ranged from a reduced ability to navigate due to the disturbance of magnetic fields to damage to genetic material and larvae. Mobile phone and Wi-Fi radiation in particular opens the calcium channels in certain cells, meaning they absorb more calcium ions.[viii]
11 – Radiation From Cellphones, Wi-Fi Is Hurting the Birds and the Bees; 5G May Make It Worse In the new analysis, EKLIPSE, an EU-funded review body dedicated to policy that may impact biodiversity and the ecosystem, looked over 97 studies on how electromagnetic radiation may affect the environment. It concluded this radiation could indeed pose a potential risk to bird and insect orientation and plant health, The Telegraph reported.[ix]
12 – In their series ‘Animals and plants under radiation stress,’ The World Foundation for Natural Science offers their recent observations:
The article states, “Beeping bees Daniel Favre has been researching the behaviour of honey bees for decades and knows about the sensitivity of these insects to electromagnetic fields, because they also orient themselves to the Earth’s magnetic field, among other things, and sense changes in the weather caused by electromagnetic fields long before humans notice a change. Favre was already able to prove in 2011 that bees emit distress signals (worker bee beeps) when irradiated with a mobile phone, which they otherwise only produce when attacked by birds or other insects or shortly before they want to abandon their colony and swarm out (Favre 2011). The evidence that bees sense, respond to and are stressed by mobile phone radiation was thus provided. Nevertheless, critics claimed that radiation from a mobile phone at close range was not a realistic situation for bee colonies and that Favre’s results were therefore negligible.
In his latest research, however, Daniel Favre shows that bees also react to technical radiation without a mobile phone being nearby. Favre placed his microphones in the bee hives and started the recordings during the change of year. Although there was no source of radiation close by, the bees also reacted with their worker bee beeping, and not only during the period of the turn of the year in Switzerland, but also when the turn of the year was rung in large cities in other time zones, although these events took place thousands of kilometres away. What was the cause of this?—Have you ever tried to call a friend at the turn of the year to wish them a Happy New Year and you couldn’t connect? Haven’t you also received text messages and New Year’s wishes hours or days later? If so, you are one of the millions of people who can confirm that mobile phone networks are extremely overloaded on New Year’s night, especially between 0:00 and 1:00 a.m., and consequently the radiation exposure also increases very strongly. The bees are so sensitive to fluctuations in the earth’s electromagnetic field that they sense the changes caused by mobile phone radiation, even if they are caused thousands of kilometres away in another country. These disturbances could be fatal for bees in winter, when they leave their natural, warming, protective cluster, and, due to stress and confusion, get an increased need for food or even leave the hive and then freeze to death in the cold winter night (Favre 2020). The three examples (toxins in the rat’s brain, disorienting migratory birds, beeping bees) show that representatives of the animal groups mammals (rats), birds (robins) and insects (honey bees) react very sensitively to electromagnetic fields generated by humans. Just because most humans do not perceive radiation directly does not mean that this applies to other living creatures as well. [x]In addition to the examples described, there are a number of other disturbing findings for animals and plants.”[xi]
“There’s no good food, we’re in a bad mood.” – to Bee or not to Bee.
See Patricia Burke’s article archive for the rest of this 5G Earth Day series.
Patricia Burke works with activists across the country and internationally calling for new biologically-based microwave radio frequency exposure limits. She is based in Massachusetts and can be reached at stopsmartmetersMASS@gmail.com.
[i] https://mdsafetech.org/2018/11/03/wireless-silent-spring/ Wireless Silent Spring- Color Graphic version online http://www.sccma-mcms.org/Portals/19/SilentSpringAticle_color_pr2.pdf or _Wireless Silent Spring, SCCMA Oct 2, 2018 PDF Wireless Silent Spring- Black and White version http://www.sccma-mcms.org/Portals/19/Wireless%20Silent%20Spring%20%20SCCMA%20Oct%202018%20%20Final%20PDF_1.pdf
[ii] https://ehtrust.org/published-research-adverse-effect-wireless-technology-electromagnetic-radiation-bees/ and https://ehtrust.org/science/bees-butterflies-wildlife-research-electromagnetic-fields-environment/ and https://ehtrust.org/electromagnetic-fields-impact-tree-plant-growth/
[iii] https://www.kpbs.org/news/2017/dec/13/prince-peace-abbey-monk-sweet-legacy/
[iv] https://ptco.org/
[v] https://sciencepost.uk/2019/05/5g-loss-of-insects/
[vii] https://www.technocracy.news/scientists-5g-rollout-poses-credible-threat-to-wildlife/
[viii] https://phys.org/news/2020-09-mobile-insects-german.html
[x] Effects of technical radiation on mammals https://www.naturalscience.org/news/2021/02/animals-and-plants-under-radiation-stress/#4
Effects of technical radiation on birds https://www.naturalscience.org/news/2021/02/animals-and-plants-under-radiation-stress/#5
Effects of technical radiation on amphibians and reptiles https://www.naturalscience.org/news/2021/02/animals-and-plants-under-radiation-stress/#6
Effects of technical radiation on insects https://www.naturalscience.org/news/2021/02/animals-and-plants-under-radiation-stress/#7
Effects of technical radiation on plants https://www.naturalscience.org/news/2021/02/animals-and-plants-under-radiation-stress/#8
[xi] https://www.naturalscience.org/news/2021/02/animals-and-plants-under-radiation-stress/