The Flu No Longer Exists — Covid is the Only Thing that Exists
The world has gone Covid mad. Cancer, strokes, leukaemia, depression, or any other disease outside of Covid-19 are seemingly no longer an issue. The only thing to worry about is Covid-19, because the elite never let a good crisis go to waste.
Whilst the whole world has focused disproportionately on Covid-19, there has been a curious absence of flu cases and deaths this winter in many countries. If we look at CDC figures for flu deaths in children in the US, there has only been one pediatric flu death this winter season, compared to 92 at the same point last year.
In Britain, Public Health England has not detected a single case of flu in 2021 yet. Colds and common infections have also plummeted this winter in England. In San Diego County, one official recently called for an audit of Covid cases, as flu has almost completely disappeared. As of December 2020, San Diego County reported only 39 flu cases, compared to around 20,000 at the same time the previous year.
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Why has the Flu Disappeared?
Well, according to mainstream sources, it is the ‘godly’ restrictions imposed in the name of Covid by unelected, technocratic, public health scientists, in addition to the miraculous flu vaccine of course. And, to be fair, people being under de facto house arrest and not mixing as usual may be part of the reason why flu cases have dropped. However, there is another massive variable that the mainstream is ignoring: the fact that a percentage of flu cases and deaths are probably being counted as Covid cases and deaths.
Knut Wittkowski, a former biostatistician at Rockefeller University, has argued that “influenza has been renamed COVID-19 in large part.” He stated in an interview with Just the News in January that “there may be quite a number of influenza cases included in the ‘presumed COVID-19’ category of people who have COVID-19 symptoms (which influenza symptoms can be mistaken for), but are not tested for SARS RNA.” He added that patients “may have some SARS RNA sitting in their nose while being infected with Influenza, in which case the influenza would be ‘confirmed’ to be COVID-19.”
This is certainly a plausible explanation for why flu cases have dropped so significantly. Covid-19 and flu share many similar symptoms, meaning that it can be hard to tell them apart. In fact, the lines are so blurry between Covid-19 and other seasonal viruses that in early February, a group of doctors in Britain argued that anyone who has cold or flu symptoms should be treated as potentially having Covid.
Coronavirus Testing
There are also questions over how sensitive certain Covid tests are in picking up fragments of other viruses that are not SARS-CoV-2, which leads to Covid-19. We know that certain antibody tests – which examine whether a patient has had a viral infection – have had such issues for instance. As Reuters reported in October of last year:
“The antibody tests, which determine if a person has had virus, can sometimes pick up other seasonal coronaviruses. ‘People are seeing some cross-reactivity in antibody tests,’ said Dr Mike Skinner, Reader in Virology in the Department of Infectious Disease, Imperial College London. He said only about 20% of colds are caused by the seasonal coronaviruses, and the rest by rhinoviruses.”
It was reported in May of last year that the CDC’s website in addition to 11 US states were mixing the results of viral Covid tests with antibody tests – although viral tests (such as the PCR test) have their own issues. Furthermore, the CDC’s own website states that, “in general, a positive antibody test is presumed to mean a person has been infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, at some point in the past.” The UK governments website states that “a positive result means the test did detect COVID-19 coronavirus antibodies so it is likely you’ve had coronavirus before.”
Flu Season = Vaccine Season
There may be a twist in this story, however. The fact that flu has almost disappeared this winter season can partly be explained by all the reasons I noted earlier, but these may only be one side of a Big Pharma coin. An article that was featured in the BMJ in 2005 by Peter Doshi presented an interesting argument, which was titled: Are US flu death figures more PR than science? Doshi writes that:
US data on influenza deaths are a mess. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) acknowledges a difference between flu death and flu associated death yet uses the terms interchangeably. Additionally, there are significant statistical incompatibilities between official estimates and national vital statistics data. Compounding these problems is a marketing of fear—a CDC communications strategy in which medical experts “predict dire outcomes” during flu seasons.
He continues:
The CDC website states what has become commonly accepted and widely reported in the lay and scientific press: annually “about 36 000 [Americans] die from flu” and “influenza/pneumonia” is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States. But why are flu and pneumonia bundled together? Is the relationship so strong or unique to warrant characterising them as a single cause of death?
Doshi goes on to note that “stomach acid suppressing drugs are associated with a higher risk of community acquired pneumonia:”
David Rosenthal, director of Harvard University Health Services, said, “People don’t necessarily die, per se, of the [flu] virus—the viraemia. What they die of is a secondary pneumonia. So many of these pneumonias are not viral pneumonias but secondary [pneumonias].” But Dr Rosenthal agreed that the flu/pneumonia relationship was not unique. For instance, a recent study (JAMA 2004;292: 1955-60) found that stomach acid suppressing drugs are associated with a higher risk of community acquired pneumonia, but such drugs and pneumonia are not compiled as a single statistic.
Doshi then notes the number of deaths from pneumonia in 2001:
According to the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), “influenza and pneumonia” took 62 034 lives in 2001—61 777 of which were attributed to pneumonia and 257 to flu, and in only 18 cases was flu virus positively identified. Between 1979 and 2002, NCHS data show an average 1348 flu deaths per year (range 257 to 3006).
Finally, Doshi highlights the growing business of flu vaccines:
If passed, the Flu Protection Act of 2005 will revamp US flu vaccine policy. The legislation will require CDC to pay makers for vaccines unsold “through routine market mechanisms.” The bill will also require CDC to conduct a “public awareness campaign” emphasising “the safety and benefit of recommended vaccines for the public good.” Yet this bill obscures the fact that CDC is already working in manufacturers’ interest by conducting campaigns to increase flu vaccination. At the 2004 “National Influenza Vaccine Summit,” co-sponsored by CDC and the American Medical Association, Glen Nowak, associate director for communications at the NIP, spoke on using the media to boost demand for the vaccine.
Now that Big Pharma has a new Covid virus to sell their vaccines for, will we see the flu become less and less talked about in the coming years? After all, SARS-CoV-2 sounds much scarier than flu, and it has proved to be a much better stick for the establishment to beat the general public into submission with.
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Wall Street Journal – Rahm Emanuel on the Opportunities of Crisis
Tyler Durden (28 Feb. 2021) US ‘Mysteriously’ Sees Lowest Flu Season On Record During COVID Pandemic | ZeroHedge
Fox News (25 Feb. 2021) Amid COVID-19 pandemic, flu has disappeared in the US | Fox News
Samuel Lovett (25 Feb. 2021) Not a single case of flu detected by Public Health England this year as Covid restrictions suppress virus | The Independent
Linda Geddes (10 Jan. 2021) GPs in England see big drop in common cold and flu cases | Coronavirus | The Guardian
Kushi (12 Dec. 2020) Carl DeMaio calls for audit of COVID-19 data citing low flu cases – (
Paul Joseph Watson (5 Jan. 2021) Epidemiologist Says Influenza Cases Are Being Counted as COVID-19 – Summit News
Just the News (1 Jan. 2021) The missing flu riddle: ‘Influenza has been renamed COVID,’ maverick epidemiologist says | Just The News
Coronavirus Disease 2019 vs. the Flu | Johns Hopkins Medicine
Nina Bai (24 Sep. 2020) Can You Tell If It’s the Flu or COVID-19? Doctors Say It’s Not So Clear | UC San Francisco (
Joe Sommerlad (2 Feb. 2021) Cold and flu symptoms should be viewed as potential Covid cases, doctors warn | The Independent
Fact check: A swab test is highly unlikely to misdiagnose flu or common cold as COVID-19 | Reuters
Arman Azad and Renee Baharaeen (23 May, 2020) CDC acknowledges mixing results of viral and antibody tests, plans changes – CNN
Insight History The Covid-19 Data is a ‘Travesty’ (FULL VIDEO) (
Using Antibody Tests for COVID-19 | CDC
Coronavirus (COVID-19): antibody testing – GOV.UK (
Peter Doshi (8 Dec. 2005) Are US flu death figures more PR than science? | The BMJ
The Last American Vagabond (I first saw the above BMJ article in a TLAV video)
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