Humanity Is Awakening Now!
By Neenah Payne
Eckhart Tolle, author of A New Earth: Awakening To Your Life’s Purpose says:
Your life has an inner purpose and an outer purpose. Inner purpose concerns Being and is primary. Outer purpose concerns doing and is secondary. Your inner purpose is to awaken. You share this purpose with every other person on the planet – because it is the purpose of humanity.
Historic Protests Grow Against COVID Policies reported on the massive demonstrations in London and Berlin on August 29 which included a star-studded cast of speakers. Del Bigtree of The Highwire live streamed both the UK and Berlin protests on his site from 9AM ET until 2PM.
In his video Have the People Finally Awoken?, Jeff Berwick, Canadian founder of The Dollar Vigilante, said that the legendary British author David Icke gave his best speech yet – one which may well go down in history. Icke began by saying “What a joy it is to look out upon an island of sanity in a world of madness!” He spoke for about 10 minutes starting around 2:30 in the video and said they were gathered together because of a virus – but it isn’t COVID-19. It is fascism! Icke shouted, “Humanity, get off your knees!” Comments on The Highwire reported that Facebook cut private live streams when Icke came on.
Icke’s new book The Answer is now available on Amazon.
Watch 8/29 London Freedom Rally
You can see the almost 5-hour replay at The Highwire. The CNN article Thousands of Covid-deniers protest in Berlin and London shows relatively small crowds in Germany but includes a photo of the London protest which it describes as a “large crowd” with no estimate of its size.
Watch the London rally. See David Icke’s speech.
Watch 8/29 Berlin Demonstration
Berlin invites Europe shows the Berlin rally was about 5 hours and had lots of musical performances.
Heiko Schoening, M.D. who speaks German and English took the stage at about 29 minutes in the video. He is a member of an organization that represents thousands of medical doctors. He says that our health is under attack by organized crime that has used an ordinary virus to create a massive panic and an economic lockdown. He says the medical and scientific facts are in the book he holds up which is available on their website — but the link was not given. He says COVID-19 is “a scam. It’s a lie”.
Dr. Schoening reminds us that a panic about anthrax took place in 2001. He said that Emergent Bio Solutions, the same company that offered a vaccine then is now making a lot of money selling a COVID vaccine to Germany. He says, “No to organized crime!” Dr. Schoening is a member of Children’s Health Defense Europe launched by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on August 28.
RFK Extends Children’s Health Defense To Europe
Kennedy Holds a Press Conference in Berlin After Launching CHD’s Europe Chapter. On August 28, Kennedy, chair of Children’s Health Defense, held a press conference and met with the leaders of the newly-formed Children’s Health Defense Europe Chapter. Kennedy gave a very passionate speech.
RFK also met with colleagues from all over Europe to discuss global challenges to health and human rights. In the photo below, RFK, Jr. is with organizers Dr. Heiko Schoening, M.D. and Attorneys Markus Haintz & Rolf Karpenstein in front of Brandenburg Gate where his uncle, President John F Kennedy, gave his famous “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech in 1963.
GREAT AWAKENING: Kennedy Addresses Over 1 Million Berliners – End Lockdown – End Mandatory Vaccines says
1 million people are gathered together in Berlin to stand against tyranny today!!! Robert F Kennedy Jr in Berlin launching Children’s Health Defense Europe with organizers Dr Heiko Schoening, M.D. and Attorneys Markus Haintz & Rolf Karpenstein. He spoke near Brandenburg Gate where his uncle President John F Kennedy gave his famous “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech in 1963. RFK Jr spoke today to the largest crowd in German history. One million people from every nation in Europe protesting Bill Gates’s bio security agenda, the rise of the authoritarian surveillance state and the Pharma sponsored coup d’etat against liberal democracy.
Kennedy spoke at the rally in Berlin on 8/29 on behalf of the Children’s Health Defense. Saturday, August 29, was a landmark day for vaccine safety and health freedom advocates. While mainstream media is mischaracterizing rallies and protests as “radical right wing” and grossly underestimating crowd sizes, the truth is apparent: all over the globe, people are waking up and will not allow their freedoms to be taken away.
Kennedy Exposes Bill Gates and Big Pharma!
Massive Blackout: Massive Gathering in Germany As RFK Jr. Exposes Bill Gates & Big Pharma says:
We also published an article written by Kennedy a couple of years ago that also provides more about Gates’ relationship with big pharma…. Mainstream media completely ignored the gathering. According to Kennedy, “This was one of 40 sites scattered around Berlin where some 1.5 million people gathered around separate stages to evade police harassment and peacefully protest the alarming global rise of Medical & Digital Totalitarianism.”
The article adds:
If mainstream media covered a gathering of one thousand, they could make it a big spectacle and make it seem as the “majority” feel a certain way. When they don’t cover something that threatens their and their partners’ interests, which in this case is big pharma, they can make it seem like it never happened, no matter how big the gathering is. Mainstream media can make it seem as if the majority is the minority, and the minority is the majority. Bill Gates has also recently been dubbed the ‘journalism gatekeeper.’ Not only does he practically own the WHO and Big Pharma, the same goes for mainstream media.
Song: Awake!
The beautiful song Awake by André Maris featuring Janin Devi was sung at the Berlin rally. It was sung in German by several people but has English subtitles. The lyrics are shown below.
Please stay awake and ask your questions. In a democracy, you should voice your opinion. Please stay awake, with a critical mind. This is the time in which we’ll see if democracy proves itself. I close my eyes for just a moment. I can hardly believe how everything went so fast. What still seemed unthinkable a few months ago has completely become our reality.
Again and again, I try to find my center. Then, comes the question again: Where will all of this lead us? This reality feels like being in a movie and it is nothing comparable to what we know. Neither holding my breath nor pinching myself has helped me get rid of this nightmare.
So, only one thing can help: I must open my eyes. Look closely, go out there, become visible, stand up. Please stay awake and ask your questions. In a democracy, you should voice your opinion. Please stay awake, with a critical mind. This is the time in which we’ll see if democracy proves itself.
But if not what will remain? What about fundamental rights, freedom and the right to speak? Why are scientists not heard? They have already proclaimed their outrage. But the whole world is being stopped, with millions of people deeply shocked. Where are the arguments for this lockdown? So far the explanations are not enough. South Korea and Sweden have shown the way. Their figures are no worse but still we keep shouting: Vaccine is our only chance. Lockdown. No alternative. As always it’s about money. It’s about new laws and a new world.
But stop. I am for democracy, the right to self-determine and the autonomy over my body. I am for diversity of opinions, freedom of speech and against violence. And we are the people. And together we are strong. And we are mature and intelligent. We defend ourselves against any form of deceit.
Please stay awake and ask your questions. In a democracy, you should voice your opinion. Please stay awake, with a critical mind. This is the time in which we’ll see if democracy proves itself.
Film Plandemic Indoctornation: David Martin, PhD
The game-changing film Plandemic: Indoctornation debuted on August 19, 2020.
Del Bigtree interviewed David Martin, PhD who is at the center of the Plandemic 2 film. The site says:
As the leading voice in one of the most controversial and censored documentaries on the internet, David Martin, PhD, joins Del to discuss how his expertise in global finance played a unique part in understanding the illegality regarding the coronavirus patent, and debunking the debunkers.
Dr. Martin enthusiastically agreed to collaborate with Del’s Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) to hold the drug companies accountable on the safety of the COVID vaccine. It normally takes a minimum of five years to test a vaccine for safety. The COVID vaccine is skipping animal trials and is being rushed to 7+ billion people in a few months. The vaccine companies have asked to be exempt from liability so they don’t have to pay if anyone is harmed or killed. What could go wrong?
Dr. Scott Atlas Focuses on Herd Immunity
Time For Civil Disobedience Now? shows that America has been spared the need for mass protests because President Trump has replaced Dr. Fauci with Dr. Scott Atlas.
President Donald Trump has taken on a new coronavirus adviser who shares his belief that schools and college football should resume in the fall — as he continues to be at odds with top experts like Dr. Anthony Fauci. At the White House’s coronavirus briefing on Monday, Trump announced the hiring of Dr. Scott Atlas, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, a conservative think tank at Stanford University.
Since the beginning of the US coronavirus outbreak, Atlas has spoken out against imposing lockdown measures, saying it impedes herd immunity and is costing the lives of people too afraid to seek emergency medical treatment for other issues. “In the absence of immunization, society needs circulation of the virus, assuming high-risk people can be isolated,” he wrote in an op-ed for The Hill in April. “It is very possible that whole-population isolation prevented natural herd immunity from developing.”
Since May, Atlas has also appeared on Fox News regularly to speak on the US coronavirus crisis, and shared opinions often at odds with many public-health experts’ warnings. For one, Atlas has said that he thinks schools should reopen and that the college football season should be able to start without any issues. These ideas seem to line up with the president’s own ideas about the pandemic.
Dr. Scott Atlas’ Plan to Re-Open America Now! shows that both Trump and Dr. Atlas may be putting their lives on the line now to rescue America from Fauci’s disastrous COVID “health” policies.
We Are At A Tipping Point Now
The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference is by Malcolm Gladwell who says it takes just 10% of the people to shift the narrative and the consciousness of the group. So, everyone who gets informed, stands up, and speaks out now makes a difference. Everything you think, say, and do can help shape the future of America and humanity now.
David Icke says we are standing at a Fork in the Road now between democracy and global fascism. There are over 7 billion people on the planet. We can determine our fate if enough people wake up and take a stand. Just sharing this article with 10 friends and asking them to share it with 10 others can help more Americans wake up now and join the growing global movement against the COVID policies and reassert health and freedom in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave!
Top image: Unsplash
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