The Plan To Silence Doctors Once And For All
Last week an organization of doctors called America’s Frontline Doctors went to Washington DC and gave a press release in front of the Supreme Court.
What this group of doctors said directly contradicted official positions of the World Health Organization and the Centers For Disease Control regarding the coronavirus and treatment of the infection as the new experimental vaccine could arrive before the end of the year.
Members of the doctors’ organization have been fired from their jobs, they have had their website removed and the viral video has been almost scrubbed from the internet.
See: The Lost Book of Remedies
It appears that censoring doctors who speak out against the medical establishment may only be a temporary solution. Just today, right on time, the World Economic Forum released a video called ‘When Your Doctor Is A Robot.’
Will doctors and nurses one day be replaced by artificial intelligence and robots? After all, robots don’t ask questions… They follow orders.
NOTE: This was pulled from YouTube within minutes, but it is still available on a platform that promotes free speech: BitChute
Frontline ER Doctor From Viral HCQ Video Fired From Job (Updated)
AstraZeneca to be exempt from coronavirus vaccine liability claims in most countries
Will Robots Replace Doctors?
Brookings Launches Global Health Financing Initiative with Grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
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