Will Genetically Modified Humans Be Patented? – Questions For James Corbett
Will the genetically modified humans of our dystopian future be patented by corporations?
Join James for this week’s Question For Corbett where he explores the very real legal precedents for what many would dismiss as science fiction fantasy.
- Open Seeds: Biopiracy and the Patenting of Life
- Episode 360 – Steal This Podcast (Please!)
- Lawsuit against Myriad Genetics
- US Code Title 35 Section 101 – Inventions Patentable
- 7 Takeaways From Supreme Court’s Gene Patent Decision
- Myriad Genetics case decision
- EP 1 375 512 B1 Infectious cDNA of an approved vaccine strain of measles virus. Use for immunogenic compositions
- The NIH claims joint ownership of Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine
- NIH Statement to Axios
- RNA vaccines: an introduction
- What you always needed to know about electroporation based DNA vaccines
- Could a patent get in between you and a Covid-19 test? Yes
- Scientist Announces Gene-Edited Babies, Goes Missing – #NewWorldNextWeek
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