Robert Kennedy Jr.: “Pharmaceutical Drugs Are Now The 3rd Leading Cause of DEATH” In US
By Mac Slavo
In an interview with Lior Gantz of the Wealth Research Group, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. discussed the major problems facing the United States today when it comes to health. This is a MUST WATCH interview before you line up for the COVID-19 vaccine or any other vaccine for that matter!
This is an interview you’ll want to watch, as Kennedy talks about vaccine safety and efficacy, as well as how Big Pharma has taken over the government to dictate health policy. Their only concern was that YouTube would censor it or ban them altogether, so an exclusive portion of it, deemed too controversial for YouTube, since it involves the elite cabal, can only be accessed HERE!
Now that Big Pharma is in control, “pharmaceutical drugs are now the third leading cause of death in the United States after heart disease and cancer”, says Kennedy. That’s huge, but it’s all by design. Those in power, simply don’t care about us, and nothing is about health, it’s about profit.
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“Anderson Cooper is sponsored by Pfizer,” says Kennedy. “And Merck sponsors Lester Holt.” Some of the biggest propagandists have a vested interest in making sure the public gets vaccinated, whether it’s safe and effective or not. They also get paid to push pharmaceutical drugs on the population using propaganda.
Because of the rampant pushing of these drugs, “pharmaceutical drugs are now the third leading cause of death in our country after cancer and heart disease,” Kennedy says. Those numbers dwarf the coronavirus deaths (which are heavily manipulated.) Medical journals have become propaganda for big pharma.
All of this has cost Americans dearly. We are paying for the propaganda with our health. Parents are being pressured to vaccinate their children even though it’s common knowledge those vaccines are not safe nor are they effective enough to warrant the potential outcomes. Once a kid gets sick from a vaccine, big pharma has a customer for life. It’s a truly disturbing cycle.
For one example of the hypocrisy, Kennedy says he asked some health officials “how can you be recommending women don’t eat fish during pregnancy, and yet you’re giving them vaccines during pregnancy that contain hundreds of times the aluminum that fish contains.”
Kennedy also talks about how Dr. Anthony Fauci got so much power and has squashed scientific research while pushing other studies in order to move his agenda forward. Fauci has billions of dollars of funding at this disposal and can force scientists to comply with his commands and even manipulate the outcome of studies. has a long history of confronting crucial topics head-on, most recent of which is their call for gold $2,184/ounce, as a response of the irresponsible money printing (counterfeiting operation), led by The Federal Reserve System.
Later in the interview, Kennedy discusses how vaccines are created with in-depth detail as to why they cannot be made safe for everyone and efficacy is always low. He also details how the CDC knows that vaccines have caused the autism epidemic, but we are being lied to in order to prop up big pharma.
If you have the time, this interview is eye-opening and could help give you some information you may not have been privy to before. Consider watching the whole thing. It’s truly mind-blowing how low some people will go to make sure we sacrifice our health and pay for it with our money they’ve already taxed.
Make sure you check out’s MOST-RECENT bombshell report on Bill Gates’ involvement in the vaccine monopoly HERE!
ACCESS both the interview and the EXCLUSIVE CENSORED transcript HERE:
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