This North Carolina Woman Helps Senior Citizens By Doing Their Grocery Shopping To Protect Them From The Coronavirus
By Mayukh Saha
Since you are working from home anyway, why not spare a thought towards the elders in and around your family? They might not be able to do their grocery shopping because of their high susceptibility to coronavirus. And, in any case, if a woman from North Carolina can do it, so can you.
Duke University employee Becky Hoeffler was on the call with her grandfather when he mentioned going out to get some groceries. With the WHO issuing strict warnings towards older people to not leave their houses, Becky was naturally worried about her grandfather contracting the virus. But since he lives in Jersey, there wasn’t much she could do. So she decided to help other senior citizens in her locality with their grocery shopping.
Although Becky believes that helping out a neighbor ut could possibly be the most American thing to do, she was also doing it for treats that her elderly neighbors would definitely give her. Well, two birds with one stone!
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When her neighbor Patti asked her to buy some toilet paper, flour, and fresh fruits, Becky was quite lucky to find those items, especially the toilet paper which Americans, for some unknown reason, have decided to hoard. But Becky did get a loaf of bread for her troubles, so everyone’s a winner.
Becky didn’t just stop there. She went over to the end of her cul-de-sac and spoke to the citizens living there, who advised her to mail her address and phone number so that people all around would be able to see it.
Although no one had yet responded to the notice, probably because they were shy about asking help, Becky recently got in touch with a woman whose fears were quite assuaged by Becky.
Becky’s reasoning is simple. In these troubled times, all we can do as fellow humans is help others out. It wouldn’t cost us a thing. As able-bodied citizens, it is indeed our duty to come out and help those who are too much at a risk to help themselves. At the end of the day, we are in this together.
So, if a North Carolina woman can do this for the senior citizens in her locality, can’t you?
Article source: Truth Theory
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