COVID-19 “Decommissioned” by UK Health Authorities
By Peter Tocci
It’s surreal.
Very close to the day the UK was locked down, UK health authorities re-classified COVID-19: “As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK.”
However, policy has not entirely caught up with reality:
The 4 nations public health HCID group made an interim recommendation in January 2020 to classify COVID-19 as an HCID. This was based on consideration of the UK HCID criteria about the virus and the disease with information available during the early stages of the outbreak. Now that more is known about COVID-19, the public health bodies in the UK have reviewed the most up to date information about COVID-19 against the UK HCID criteria. They have determined that several features have now changed; in particular, more information is available about mortality rates (low overall), and there is now greater clinical awareness and a specific and sensitive laboratory test, the availability of which continues to increase.
The Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) is also of the opinion that COVID-19 should no longer be classified as an HCID.
The need to have a national, coordinated response remains, but this is being met by the government’s COVID-19 response.
Cases of COVID-19 are no longer managed by HCID treatment centres only. All healthcare workers managing possible and confirmed cases should follow the updated national infection and prevention (IPC) guidance for COVID-19, which supersedes all previous IPC guidance for COVID-19. This guidance includes instructions about different personal protective equipment (PPE) ensembles that are appropriate for different clinical scenarios.
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Thus, paradoxically, it seems, panic mode is still largely in effect, although people can go to work at least – a big one.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): what you need to do
Stay at home
- Only go outside for food, health reasons or work (but only if you cannot work from home)
- If you go out, stay 2 metres (6ft) away from other people at all times
- Wash your hands as soon as you get home
Do not meet others, even friends or family.
You can spread the virus even if you don’t have symptoms.
This gentleman has some excellent comments – one good one about “social distancing” – and is blank-face funny at times.
For details about testing weakness, history of biological warfare, the SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon hype, societal manipulation, “5G” scare-theory of the virus and more, please see Coronavirus — 2019-nCoV — Coronavirus 2 — SARS-CoV-2 Old Angles Reviewed. Uncommon Angles Offered.
Peter Tocci is a retired massage therapist and wellness consultant with an abiding interest in exploring ‘managed’ history, nefarious covert agendas, and mainstream/mainstream-alternative news-media dereliction, distortion and suppression.
Image: Pixabay
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