CDC Admits Flu Vaccine Failed 91% of the Time Against Current Flu Strain
Every year, the Centers for Disease Control releases its data on how effective the flu vaccine has been for the previous season, and nearly every year, the numbers are disappointing. Once again, doctors are now expressing their disappointment over the latest flu vaccine with the release of the CDC’s new data.
This year’s flu vaccine “failed miserably” according to the CDC due to a current flu strain that showed up halfway through the season.
As ABC 7 reports, in fact — the agency rated its effectiveness at just 9% against that strain and the overall effectiveness for the entire season at 29%.
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And this is the case nearly every year. Despite this terrible track record of not working, every year, the CDC continues to urge everyone to get the flu shot. What’s more, according to ABC News, vaccines against most infectious diseases are not considered successful unless they are at least 90% effective. Due to the flu virus’ ability to change so quickly, vaccine effectiveness usually averages around 40%.
Since the United States has never seen a 90% effective rate, the flu vaccine has never been considered successful.
In spite of this fact, municipalities across the country enact laws to ban children and adults alike from schools and workplaces unless they receive the flu vaccine.
As TFTP reported earlier this year, Connecticut parents were told that if they cannot prove their child received the flu vaccine, they will not be allowed to return to school.
The new state law is simple: comply or your child cannot go to school.
Lawmakers claim that the laws like these are necessary because every year in the US roughly 20,000 children under 5 are hospitalized because of the flu. But historically, the data shows that these numbers are largely skewed.
The CDC has been telling the public for nearly a decade that there are more than 200,000 estimated hospitalizations and 36,000 estimated deaths from influenza in the U.S. every year.
But these estimates count a lot of people hospitalized – not just with influenza but also with pneumonia, respiratory and circulatory illnesses – which they counted as probably associated with influenza.
What’s more is the fact that the flu shot is a crap shoot every year. It was no secret that like this year, last year’s vaccine was all but entirely ineffective.
Also, despite reassurance from government officials, the flu vaccine has been documented to cause harm.
As TFTP reported in December, Shane Morgan, like millions of other Americans was vaccinated against the flu virus in November. However, within 36 hours of receiving the shot, he began experiencing symptoms of the flu.
“About 36 hours after he got the flu shot he started to get sick,” said Mr. Morgan’s wife, Monique.
After staying in bed for a week at his house, Morgan did not improve. In fact, things got far worse and he had to be admitted to the emergency room ICU.
Morgan spent the next 3 weeks in the ICU, blinded and paralyzed. He is now home with his family but he is far from back to normal as he’s still partially blind and in a wheelchair.
Despite these reactions and an ineffective track record, governments continue to push for forced vaccinations.
On June 30, 2015, California governor Jerry Brown signed SB 277 effectively stripping the personal and religious belief exemptions for parents who choose not to vaccinate their children. The law went into effect in 2016 and required that all children entering daycare, kindergarten, or 7th grade to be vaccinated unless they have a medical exemption.
As TFTP reported in 2017, this law came to a head when police officers detained a mother to make sure she had vaccinated her son. Porsha Rasheed was simply walking her six-year-old son to the bus stop last year when she was approached by a Claremont police officer and a representative of the school district and harassed in an attempt to find out the vaccination status of her child.
In true Stasi-esque fashion, the officer and the school official approached Rasheed and demanded she show them her papers.
“I just want to know do you have the vaccine records or not?” said Philipe Levasen.
Rasheed then demanded to know who is asking her these questions and the man responds that he is Philipe Levasen.
“What is your position that you need to know this?” asks Rasheed.
“Ma’am, I’m the one who needs to know if you have had the vaccines with your son,” Levasen says.
The Free Thought Project checked with the Claremont Unified School District and there is no position with the title “one who needs to know if you have had the vaccines.”
Luckily, Rasheed flexed her rights and the state agents left. But these cases could become the norm as more and more states mandate vaccinations.
Whether or not you agree with a mother’s decision to not vaccinate their child is irrelevant. While there will likely be many folks cheering on the state in these situations, how you feel personally about vaccines should never lead to a loss of freedom. No person should be forced by government regulation or societal pressure to receive any medication or treatment, including vaccines, against his or her will—especially when the ones telling us to get them are also showing they are only 9% effective.
This article was sourced from The Free Thought Project.
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