Wireless Technology: The Plain Physics & Biophysics
Revised/Updated 6/25/19
By Peter Tocci
Author’s note 12/29/20: A completely re-written, more comprehensive and critical update is here: Giving Life the Electric Chair — The Plain Physics & Biophysics of Phone & WiFi Radiation
Many organizations/sites sharing warnings about the wireless health threat have names like ‘such-and-such for responsible technology.’ Or ‘safe technology.’ Or ‘safer.’ This article endeavors to show that the physics and biophysics of it indicate that all such and similar names are deceptive.
Clearly problematic also is disproportionate focus on human concerns. The worst threat by far is to the ecosystem, which 2G-4G wireless is now playing a major role in collapsing. Even though environment is acknowledged in warnings, emphasis remains on humans. This backwards priority suggests a dangerous disregard for, or lack of, complete understanding.
I won’t say the misguided cautionary campaign, including the opposition to 5G per se, is ALL deliberate controlled opposition, but wittingly or not, these entities flirt with terminal disaster by perpetuating the threat. They imply that we can dance with the 2G-4G devil, but ‘OMG,’ 5G must go! Well, the principles of physics are not forgiving. 2G-4G is a quite sufficiently terminal nightmare.
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Wireless technology obviously exists in the context of technology per se. One thing is certain about most of that, regardless of benefit: It’s toxic. Somewhere along the line from the mining of hard resources (extractivism), to manufacture, use, and disposal, it’s chemically/energetically toxic to planet/biosphere. Wireless encompasses that entire line.
Of ecosystem, smaller species, such as insects, already massively declining, are most susceptible to the radiation. Of humans, fetuses and kids. Do we tacitly agree to poison the kids for money, convenience and comfort?
No routinely exposed living thing is exempt. (Possibly some microorganisms). Bee, bird, tree, pet. (see also)
It’s not difficult to make the case that there’s no such thing as responsible (advanced and high) technology of any kind, never mind wireless (more below). All ‘unnatural’ environmental disaster and damage is tech-sourced. Natural disasters are often worsened. The mantra: “Technology is the sanctified pride of Western ‘Civilization,’ bringing profit, convenience, a high standard of living; and meeting human needs.” Or is that euphemism for unthinking, selfish, even lazy, wants—common sense and wisdom be damned.
It’s not difficult to conclude that what’s been done to the planet to bring Western ‘Civilization’ to its present state is solid proof that where we are is not a good place to be. We rarely see developments and conventions that shape our way of life as examples of insanity that has been ‘normalized.’ One could call it the “Idiotized Society: Conditioned dependence for prosperity and even survival upon self-destructive and suicidal ways and means. A grand oxymoron. Wireless is its poster child.
“Only by the most outrageous violation of ourselves do we come
into conformity with a society bent on its own destruction.” – R.D. Laing
“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted
to a profoundly sick society.” – Krishnamurti
The Physics
Even though electromagnetism is inherent in matter, the electromagnetic radiation (EMR) used in wireless data systems is artificial. “Electromagnetic” means the wave has both electrical and magnetic components/properties. It’s commonly described by wavelength and frequency.
Wavelength is the distance in meters between where the shape of the wave starts and where it begins to repeat. Frequency is how often the shape repeats. It’s measured in cycles per second, or “hertz” (Hz). One Hz is a single repetition, or cycle, per second.
Wireless systems, such as phones and WiFi, use microwave radiation, “micro” meaning short. It comprises three bands of the shortest wavelengths and highest frequencies before ultra-violet light. Definitions vary, but it’s generally considered to have wavelengths between 1 meter and 1 millimeter, with frequencies from millions of hertz (MHz) to billions (GHz): 300MHz to 300GHz. The longest wavelength? A hundred thousand kilometers (acoustic though)! A very good chart on these measurements and their applications is here.
Frequencies for mobile devices, commonly 700MHz to 2.5GHz (WiFi 5GHz also), provide for large amounts of data at speed. Transmitted waves are called “carrier” frequencies, because frequency changes, called frequency modulation (FM) are added to the wave, creating signal pulses. These contain the data.
Longer wavelengths and lower frequencies do not lend themselves to such demands, and the lower bands are taken up by other hardware anyway, as the chart linked above shows.
The microwave frequencies chosen for 1G wireless, introduced in 1983-4 in the range of 824-894MHz, were ‘analog’ – the real shape of the wave going from transmitter to receiver. The 1G carrier waves were modulated with frequencies of 150MHz and up.
1G analog lasted until 1992-3, when 2G was introduced in the US, using frequencies of 900MHz and, later, 1800MHz. Where 1G was analog, however, from 2G forward, pulsed digital frequencies were/are used.
Pulsed microwave technology was not new when 1G arrived. Guglielmo Marconi developed the first “wireless” in the 1890s. From the 1950s to mid 1970s, however, pulsed microwave was used in military stealth-weapon research. Specific pulse rates (no data) were found to induce specific diseases.
The pathological effects were well understood in the scientific community by the mid-1970s—in weapon research, pulse-frequency by pulse-frequency. See Key Testimony in Toronto at www.activistpost.com/2019/02/wireless-technology-ultra-convenient-endlessly-entertaining-criminally-instigated-terminally-pathological.html Keep this page open to see more sections later.
One unresolved question (academic) for me is whether the original weapon research used analog or digital radiation. Digital tech was available in the late 1950s. A good non-technical introduction to the wireless/weapon issue is this 35-minute edit of a long 2012 video interview of physicist and former Royal Navy microwave weapons expert Barrie Trower, PhD by the International Center Against the Abuse of Covert Technologies.
With knowledge of harm in place, then, weapon technology was adapted virtually unchanged to 2G digital mobile telecom, except that weapons emit much less power than cell phones and WiFi, and that telecom radiation is randomly pulsed by data packets.
No sooner did 2G arrive than health trouble began (more below). This suggests that pulsed digital might be much more dangerous than pulsed analog. This not to say that pulsed analog poses no threat.
“Physics-speaking,” it comes down to this: For bandwidth and speed, digital microwave is needed. For data itself, pulsing is needed. I call it Information Carrying Microwave Radiation (ICMR).
The Biophysics
It should be taught in the earliest possible science and biology classes that life forms are highly susceptible to artificial electromagnetic fields (EMFs) because life forms produce and operate on minute levels of natural electromagnetics. It’s a failure, but no accident, of education that this isn’t common knowledge at the junior high or high school level.
Every atomic ‘component,’ every atom, molecule, cell, tissue, organ, and system is a vibrational field, ‘simple’ or complex. – a vibrational system comprising electricity, magnetism, and frequencies, or rates of vibration. All aspects, in turn, make up a composite field called the organism. Every part of the body field is in communication with every other part.
Biological Sensitivity
The FCC thermal (tissue heating) radiation exposure limit is expressed in milliwatts (mW, a thousandth of a watt) per square centimeter. As of this writing it’s .2 mW/cm2.
The non-thermal exposure limit suggested by review of voluminous existing science—collated and summarized in the 2007 BioInitiative Report (BR, 2000 studies)—was one tenth of a microwatt (μW, a millionth of a watt) per square centimeter – .1 μW/cm2. By 2012 BR (1800 additional studies and updated in 2019), it became 0.003 μW/cm2 to 0.006 μW/cm2. See BioInitiative 2012 – Conclusions.
Thus, the FCC thermal limit – or 200 μW/cm2 – is about 670,000 times higher than the lower BR non-thermal limit. But that’s nothing… The strictest biologically-based public power-level limit to date is a billion times higher than the cosmic background level, in which life has always existed. A cell phone on the moon would produce more background than that.
The point, however, is that below heating, and at all non-thermal levels, power is virtually irrelevant. Pulsing is the culprit.
NOTE: The BR is cited here only to demonstrate the existence of independent science FCC and Industry say doesn’t exist or is “inconclusive.” The BR calls for “…a biologically-based public exposure standard…” which, as suggested here, can’t exist.
Apparently not taken into consideration in appealing to Government/Authority is that you are addressing an establishment that either knew the harm decades before market, or that is cowed by power. The FCC is now defying/dismissing the concerns of NASA, NOAA, astronomers and meteorologists about the 5G satellite program now being launched by madman Elon Musk.
These beggars to authority seem not to understand that there is psychopathic/evil INTENT in this technology.
SO – pulsed microwave somewhere between one tenth of one millionth of a watt and three thousandths of one millionth of a watt per square centimeter (millions/billions of cells) has harmful effect. Such figures give a feel for the sensitivity of biological systems. Also, with 2G-4G wavelengths, the square centimeter is a ‘tube’ going all the way through your body.
Transport channels in cell membranes sense non-thermal 2G-4G pulse frequencies. They can react defensively and shut down. A special channel in cell membranes is called a “Voltage Gated Calcium Channel” (VGCC). As the name implies, 1) the channel is controlled by voltage (via a membrane “voltage sensor”) and 2) it controls the flow of calcium.
At rest, the channel is closed. ICMR (possibly the electro component?) disrupts the sensor, flooding cells with calcium and severely affecting cell function. One might suspect that higher power comes into play in this case (stronger impulses), but cells operate on such tiny voltages, that once the threshold is reached, more power will likely make no difference. The power level that will have no effect has not been found.
“I ask for any scientist(s) from industry / government to ‘humiliate’ me live ‘on-air’ with their expert knowledge by answering one question: ‘What is the safe level of microwave irradiation for the ovarian follicles during the first 100 days development of the embryo?’” – Barrie Trower, PhD, Wi-Fi – A Thalidomide in the Making. Who Cares? (Page 18). Six years, no takers.
Since any body cell is susceptible in both of the above cases, the range of potential effects is impressive. The overall primary culprit may still be pulsing, however, because it could be involved in the VGCC effect as well.
“Pulsed EMFs are, in most cases much more biologically active than are non-pulsed EMFs” (p. 10).
“In summary, then we have evidence for eight different ion channels being activated by EMF exposure, four classes of VGCCs,one class each of voltage-gated sodium, potassium and chloride channels and also one class of plant channel, with each of these channels having a similar voltage-sensor … One can put those observations together with the powerful findings from the physics, that the electrical forces on the voltage-sensor are stunningly strong, something like 7.2 million times stronger than the forces on the singly charged groups in the aqueous phases of the cell. Now you have a stunningly powerful argument that the voltage sensor is the predominant direct target of the EMFs” (p. 13, Section 2).
Pulses must exist at all power levels for data. including ‘biologically based’ exposure limits called for by many ‘concerned’ scientists. The FCC lie about thermal-only harm that underlies its “exposure limit” avoids the pulsing issue. The term for this is scientific fraud.
Two of the worst effects of ICMR are endocrine-system disruption and breakdown of the blood/brain barrier — whatever the specific mechanism(s) may be. Of humans, fetuses, kids, and the young up to about 20 are most susceptible. (There is also a frequency related influence).
For details on the foregoing remarks, see sections High-Level Deceit and Data Pulses and Qualities of RF.
Cumulative Effects
Like sensitivity, this is absolutely critical. As the reader will see in the section Key Testimony in Toronto, effects can occur any time during or after exposure – nominally speaking, since there is normally no escape. Using animals with short life spans, scientists have ‘guesstimated’ the ultimate termination of human reproduction in a few generations. Varying human individual susceptibility might make this a tad inaccurate, but it will all catch up. Meanwhile, millions of innocents will suffer in laboratories – to meet human needs, of course.
Some scientists say more research is needed. Nonsense. Scientifically speaking, in a sane context, we would need, not the thousands we have, but one repeatable study showing harm, in order to invoke the Precautionary Principle.
Without a moratorium (right!), 2G-4G accumulation will continue to build in environment and humans until what’s already known is re-proven. Will it be too late?
Meanwhile, the existing sinister violation of the Nuremberg Code—informed consent to be experimented on—will play on.
“Scientists at the end of WW II were hanged for what scientists
are doing today and getting away with.” – Barrie Trower, PhD
“Biophysics-speaking,” it comes down to this: Given biological sensitivity and cumulative effects, the prospect of “responsible/safe” wireless tech is about as remote as it gets. Now, even IF you could find a power level where no membrane or other effects occur — forever, for ALL life — the possibility of it making the system work is virtual zero.
Related Issues
There are a number of critical corresponding issues that deserve mention, including other “responsible technology” issues: Environmental disasters such as extractive devastations (rape/toxifcation such as mining/drilling/fracking) for raw materials. With 30,000 mines in operation globally, images that comes to mind are a churning school of piranha or a feeding frenzy of sharks.
Also note, the huge number of pipeline incidents, a 50-million-ton annual toxic e-waste stream, plus billions of tons of never-go-away plastics (whose micro-particles we’re now eating and breathing). These things come under the category of normalized insanity, adding up to Earth liquidation. This applies to the vast majority of commodities. Technology and a rigged and crooked economy are such that we must sicken and kill the planet, ourselves and the kids to survive. Slick, eh?
Due to ocean noise pollution – shipping, military sonar, underwater construction, seismic blasts for oil and gas – humpback whales are shortening and ceasing their songs. Isn’t technology grand? Must meet those human needs.
It’s similar to a father turning a viable business over to his son, who turns the assets into cash (liquidation) and fritters it away. Our source of life considered, the comforting notion of “responsible technology” becomes perilous wishful thinking. See The Price of Techno-Civilization.
It’s quite telling that almost all results for a “mining disasters” search yield information about human injury or death. Earth? It’s just a hunk of resources to be raped at will, in order to meet…
How did such suicidal insanity become the norm characterizing Western Techno-Civilization? Psychopaths at the helm.
“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately.
Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacturing
are afraid of somebody, afraid of something.They know that there is a power somewhere
so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive
that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom (1913).
“Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives.
I think we’re being run by maniacs for maniacal ends
and I think I’m liable to be put away as insane for expressing that.
that’s what’s insane about it.” – John Lennon
Note that Lennon said “society,” not Government, for example. Or political parties. Or the mainstream media. All key venues are infiltrated.
Environmental disasters, albeit significantly underreported, do appear in mainstream news, but never in proper context: Symptoms of ongoing planetary sacrifice for Elite wealth, power, and control, which they use for additional manipulations that further their interests.
There are only inadequate attempts to address tech-generated planet sacrifice. Its driving force — way of life, including consumerism, in the “developed” world — is held up with pride. And more on the way at breakneck speed. But have no fear, we’re promised “sustainable development” and “clean, renewable energy.” They’ll save the planet, preserve our comfort zones and maintain prosperity.
Will clean, renewable energy slow or stop extractive devastation? Is there sustainable rape/toxification of Earth? Could these promises be Elite psyops for maintaining Earth sacrifice for wealth, power, and control?
It’s more than fair to wonder how the assertions made here can be true when so many international EMF scientists are asking for “safer” and “safe” exposure limits from regulatory authority. Doing so implies their approval of continuation, but there’s not even mention of the most likely scenario: A safe limit might not even be possible. Only a very few scientists have spoken the whole truth. The reader may have seen the main reason for this in Key Testimony in Toronto.
Barrie Trower has been noted. Dr. George Carlo’s story is told in the High-Level Deceit section, as the director of a five-year $28.5m Industry funded, but later industry suppressed, study in the 1990s. Professor Martin Pall is presented in Data Pulses and Qualities of RF. But one scientist, with a highly distinguished career – Professor Olle Johansson formerly of the Karolinska Institute (medical college) in Stockholm – is a prime example of what can happen to truth-tellers—even in science. See But Integrity HAS Spoken.
Here are only three other scientists who have payed the price for truth: Galileo Galilei on astronomy; Andrew Wakefield, MD on MMR vaccine, and Judith Curry, PhD on the politics of climate science and CO2.
In summary, wireless technology is fundamentally a life-negative, pathological energy weapon towering in our midst and cradled in the hands of hapless, appallingly misled and addicted users. It knowingly targets the environment, the unborn and the young. Yet, it’s sold as a great boon – and claimed with utter mendacity to be safe. As a weapon of another kind, however, it’s the foundation of a global surveillance/tracking/total human-control system – a war for your mind and personal autonomy. The conqueror’s sword. See The Real Reason for the Wireless “Season”?
“Only the small secrets need to be protected.
The big ones are kept secret by public disbelief.”
Marshall McLuhan
Most people can’t think like a psychopath: One might hear, “No one would do such a thing.” Utter ruthlessness. No compassion, heart. Highly manipulative. Intelligently cunning, waiting to strike. No regard whatsoever for consequences: The goal is all that matters.
But one can learn to understand to a sufficient degree the drive for total control that characterizes the Elite. For one thing, it’s reflected in outrageous surveillance and censorship stories surfacing in recent times. It’s the same power brokers orchestrating eternal war and sending the U.S.G. puppet system after Iran and Venezuela right now.
So one way of looking at the adapted-weapon telecom system is that if environmental and health atrocities are consequential to having a centralized power to monitor, track, data-mine, file, index and dictate/control every aspect of personal life, including emotions, thoughts, choices and behavior, so be it.
If we can relinquish 2G-4G at the consumer level, 5G will collapse. If we can’t or won’t, then welcome 5G. It will mercifully shorten the coming agony.
Peter Tocci is a retired massage therapist and wellness consultant with an abiding interest in exploring ‘managed’ history, nefarious covert agendas, and mainstream/mainstream-alternative news-media dereliction, distortion and suppression.
© 2019, Peter G Tocci. All Rights Reserved
Image credit: Pixabay
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