Australian Government Plans To Ban All Animal Testing For Cosmetics In 2020
By Mayukh Saha
We are making some major advancements when it comes to animal care. In the past, we have subjected animals to terrible abuse just for human pleasure. From hunting to placing them as tokens – we were bent to prove our superiority over animals. But as we try to enter a new era where animals are given their rights of ‘life’ too, we are currently placed in a dilemma. Animals have always been used for research purposes – human subjects would be illegal and risky. But why should animals be subjected to different drugs and cosmetic products for our pleasure?
We are still fighting in our minds over this issue. But Australia has decided that it will not allow cosmetic products to be tested on animals any more. The senate has recently passed the Industrial Chemicals Bill 2017 which prohibits testing of new chemicals on animals so that it can be used for cosmetics purposes. This ban marks a huge win for humankind as a whole – and especially a win for animals, science, and consumers.
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The anger has been present in the public for a long time now. There’s a global trend accelerating that is trying to end cosmetic cruelty. The public of Australia certainly was against it. It was time for the government to step in, lend its voice in communion with the public, and see that cosmetic cruelty is brought to an end. And it finally did.
Hannah Stuart, the campaign manager of HSI (Humane Society International) fighting for #BeCrueltyFree Australia claims that they are grateful that the government supported them and now, they will make sure that the ban is successfully implemented.
The government has made its commitment towards eleven reinforcing measures to make sure that all kinds of cosmetic ingredients are captured due to the ban. It has also promised to fund and support any new developments of non-animal testing modern methods. So, the Government is really committed to making this a complete ban and not just a partial one. Stuart claims that it took about 3 years for the senate to actually pass the bill; but then again, it’s better late than never. The commitment of the government to the cause gives them hope. Stuart also mentions that part of the success of the bill is because of the public. There was overwhelming support from the public towards bringing about this national ban. HSI has named Steve Irons and Coalition MPs Jason Wood and the motion co-sponsors Centre Alliance Senator Stirling Griff, Senator Tim Storer, and Senator Derryn Hinch as major supporters of the bill.
Stuart says that all that is left for now is some formalities. Once those are over, the bill can become a law. The bill is set to become active from July 2020 – a small time given for industries to come to terms with the new rules. However, for Stuart, the one-year gap for the industries to transition seems too much. The ban had been announced about 3 years ago and that is enough time for industries to buckle up.
HSI is ready to move the date forward but the government may not agree to it. At least, the positive thing is that the bill has been finally passed. 2020 will be the year when it will be exercised. And there will be an end to cosmetics cruelty.
Let’s hope that other nations will follow this example. Let’s create a #BeCrueltyFree World. We are the power – let’s exercise it well.
Hey! Message me. I am Mayukh. I help people and websites with content, design and social media management. I am an avid traveler and want to go full digital nomadic by summer 2019. I am currently working on – a creative media company. You can reach out to me anytime: mayukh.presi@gmail.
IMAGE CREDIT: Elnur Amikishiyev
This article was sourced from Truth Theory.