Reclaim the Narrative: “No Such Thing as a Safe Vaccine.”
Op-Ed by Rosanne Lindsay, ND
Vaccines are not “safe and effective.” There is no such thing as a safe vaccine.
But you wouldn’t know it to listen to the narrative being reported in the media. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the agency appointed to hold the final word on health and safety says, “Vaccines are safe and effective. The science is settled.”
However, when asked for proof showing that vaccinated children are healthier than unvaccinated children, the so-called science-based CDC offers none, claiming that it would be immoral to do such a study, to withhold ‘life-saving” preventatives from the population. “Trust us. Case closed.”
But curious minds do not close and do not trust opinion without proof as infectious and chronic disease rates skyrocket in children. Concerned individuals who live by the Precautionary Principle want answers. They refuse to be the guinea pigs who offer up their bodies for experimentation.
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The Original 1889 Study Between The Vaccinated and Unvaccinated
There is no such thing as an “anti-vaxxer.” Those who question vaccination are mostly “ex-vaxxers” who have seen the damage from vaccines firsthand in themselves or their children. They do not trust an agent, or agency, of the vaccine industry under the CDC, established in 1946, which has never published a case-controlled study on vaccines. In reality, the CDC does not have to conduct the controversial study between vaccinated and unvaccinated people. The study to end all studies was already done well before CDC was conceived.
The first study between vaccinated and unvaccinated people was conducted by Alfred Wallace and published in 1889, evaluating the first Small-pox vaccine entitled, Vaccination: Proved Useless & Dangerous.
Using the government’s own data, the study’s conclusions are based on forty-five years of registration statistics concluded the following (p 4):
- That during the forty-five years of the Registration of deaths and their causes, Small-pox mortality has very slightly diminished, while an exceedingly severe Small-pox epidemic occurred within the last twelve years of the period.
- That there is no evidence to show that the slight decrease of Small-pox mortality is due to vaccination.
- That the severity of Small-pox as a disease has not been mitigated by vaccination.
- That several inoculable diseases have increased to an alarming extent coincidently with enforced vaccination.
The first two claims were proved from the Registrar General’s Reports from 1838 to 1882. The results were indisputable, presented in figures and graphs for the entire period so that data could not be manipulated.
The author noted that during this time period, a decline in deaths from Diarrhea and Typhus was six times greater than the decline in deaths from Small-pox due “to more efficient sanitation, greater personal attention to the law of health, and probably also to more rational methods of treatment.” Other reports of the time, such as by Dr. Walter Hadwen, MD, agreed.
Even with health and sanitation improvements taken into account, the fact that mortality from Small-pox had not equally diminished suggested to Wallace that “there is probably some counteracting cause at work…. the cause may, possibly, be vaccination itself.”
Wallace went on to prove his thesis. He writes: “It is now proved from the only complete series of official records that exist: “That one of the most severe epidemics of Small-pox on record, within the period of accurate statistics, occurred after 33 years of official, compulsory, and penal vaccination.”
The science on vaccination was clear in 1889 after 45 years of observation and statistic gathering. This study not only shows vaccination to be “useless and dangerous” but also turns the 1905 United States Supreme Court opinion of Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11, on its head. This opinion upheld the authority of states to enforce compulsory vaccination laws based on a Small-pox outbreak in the United States.
According to the CDC definition of “settled science,” the science on vaccination was “settled” in 1889, which is the reason the CDC ignores and suppresses the science, and will never change its mantra.
Who Owns The Narrative Controls the Outcome
The mainstream media is weaponizing healthy people. It claims that the unvaccinated are a risk to the vaccinated! Why should vaccinated people fear anything, if vaccines work? Yet, the headlines are coming fast and furiously to build the case in the court of public opinion that all must be vaccinated:
- ‘A wake-up call to everybody: unvaccinated child dies from flu in Wisconsin.’ What about vaccinated children who have died?
- State reports first child death related to flu
- CDC flu report: 7 more children have died
- Colorado child who died was only partially vaccinated.
- Pediatric flu death: Emma Splan 6 died of complications
No mention is made that vaccines shed virus that has caused disease for which they claim to prevent, or that vaccine shedding is a known risk to the immunocompromised. Government fails to identify the private Vaccine Court under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) that has quietly paid out $4 billion in over 20,000 petitions of vaccine injuries and deaths since its inception in 1986.
The approved headlines serve a purpose, to pave the way for vaccine mandates and the Healthy People 2020 Act to come.
The CDC holds the final word on health and safety. The CDC owns the language, not because they purchase $4 billion worth of vaccines a year from pharmaceutical companies, not because they have been captured by Big Pharma in blatant conflicts of interest and morality, not because they hide vaccine injuries and deaths in the secret government Vaccine Court, but because we, the people, have allowed tyranny by government officials to run rampant.
Any further studies between the vaccinated and unvaccinated such as the one recently published online (and then deleted), by Anthony R. Mawson, Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Jackson State University’s School of Public Health, is not “new,” but rather upholds the original. As Mawson writes:
“the strength and consistency of the findings, the apparent ‘dose-response’ relationship between vaccination status and several forms of chronic illness, and the significant association between vaccination and NDDs [Neurodevelopmental disorders] all support the possibility that some aspect of the current vaccination program could be contributing to risks of childhood morbidity.”
However, unlike the clear and independent narrative of Wallace from 1889, Mawson et al., are careful to use the CDC narrative in discussing their findings. They qualify the results:
“Vaccines are among the greatest achievements of biomedical science and one of the most effective public health interventions of the 20th century.”
Be aware of mixed messages that maintain, “I am not anti-vaccine.” This is controlled-opposition, what is allowed to be published, even if only temporarily. Under such a narrative, nothing changes. And vaccine mandates become law, as seen in SB277 in California. New bills to remove non-medical exemptions are being strategically introduced around the country. Under controlled-opposition, the freedom to choose is at risk.
As individuals with free-will, do we accept the opinion of government agencies which make a profit off of the very vaccines and drugs they deem “safe and effective?”
If we want the freedom to choose we must defend freedom. We must be perfectly clear. We must reframe the argument, take back the narrative, and reclaim the language. If anyone or any agency should declare “the science is settled,” curious minds now have the original evidence, in black and white, as proof.
The new vaccine narrative is the pre-CDC narrative: Vaccines are useless and dangerous. There is no such thing as a safe vaccine.
Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopathic doctor, writer, Earth keeper, Health Freedom advocate, co-founder of Wisconsin For Vaccine Choice, and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally. Find her on Facebook at Rosanne Lindsay and Natureofhealing. Consult with her (Skype or Zoom consults available) at Subscribe to her blog at, where this article first appeared and at her podcast Thursdays at 5 pm on Blogtalkradio.