Happy Holidays from Natural Blaze
Seasons Greetings from Heather Callaghan, Editor
Dear Natural Blazers!
It’s been awhile since I’ve done some special reports or had a direct conversation with all of you.
I just want you to know how much we care about you and appreciate your dedicated readership. Thanks for hanging out with us!
It means so much to us that you spend your time here when our attention spans are so stretched in every direction when we are looking for news online!
Without you, there’d be no reason for me to write anything at all. My research and information that I enjoy rolling off the presses would be only a voice in the wind if it weren’t for your loyal readership, sharing and commenting on our work.
When I research and write a report and see that you’ve shared it with your friends, it makes me feel so grateful you are here! I’m overjoyed and hope that Natural Blaze has made a positive impact in your lives.
Recently, I have not been able to provide as many reports as I like due to reduced resources here. In order to keep ads down, we subsist on less than a shoestring budget here. But that’s okay, because I’m striving to turn that around and address the changing algorithms that make it difficult for people to find our work on the Internet.
With that being said, we would love to extend a special shout out to our Patreon subscribers who give us a helping hand each month with generous donations. We hope to roll out a special gift for all past/current subscribers soon and a new eBooklet for our nearly 12,000 email subscribers.
Did you know that we have EXTRA content available on our Facebook page?
Consider giving us a Like on our Facebook page so that you can receive even more important news content from related websites. The stories on our Facebook page feature some more lighthearted content as well as alternative news on a variety of topics including health and fitness.
“For over five years, I’ve been at my desk scouring the world for the natural health FACTS to cut through all the misinformation and noise when it comes to health.”
We enjoy bringing you curated content but would love to bring more hard hitting stories that give you the cutting edge health news so that you can make informed decisions when it comes to natural living.
We cut through all the confusing information and deliver vetted, accurate health news sometimes the moment it becomes available. For over five years, I’ve been at my desk scouring the web for the natural health FACTS so that you can cut through all the misinformation and noise out there.
Can we ask a small favor from you (not money!)
We don’t want to ask for more funds when people are so strapped for cash to get by each month.
If things are too tight to contribute to our Patreon – we totally understand!
However, you can play a massive part in helping alternative media by sharing and emailing our articles to your friends!
Share or comment on our articles to stand up for independent media like ours! A tiny share is FREE and takes a few seconds of your time but goes a long way in supporting our work and telling the world that you’re done with lamestream corporate media! You want real news and real information that positively improves your lives. We want that, too!
Be sure to let us know what kinds of stories you want to see on our site – what grinds your gears? What do you want to know more about? What ails you? What do you need to make your life better? What inspires you? What topics would you like to open in your emails?
To summarize:
- Resources are low but we are working on that
- We want 2019 to bring you more investigative reports that directly make your life better, gifts and connection from Natural Blaze
- Share our stories to help us out!
Happy holidays!
We listen to our readers and comments and want to dedicate 2019 to YOU!Â
So let’s get closer in the new year –Â Be sure to let us know what you’d like to see on Natural Blaze!
Thank you again from our hearts to your homes.Â
Be warm ~ Be well – Peace, Love and Hugs!
Heather Callaghan & The Natural Blaze Crew