High Level “Biodefense” Govt Agency Quietly Created for the Event of a Pandemic
By Edge Canopy
A couple weeks ago, it was revealed that the US government is currently focusing on biological warfare and supposedly, the threat that some weaponized disease, bacteria, or virus could pose to the country.
A whole new, cabinet level (high level) government agency has just been created: a “steering committee” that directs the HHS, Department of Health and Human Services, to “take the coordinating lead” pertaining to this issue, according to one article.
The article continues, “Some experts are praising the broad scope of the strategy, new elements that it covers, and the high-level attention and oversight built into the plan.”
The White House press briefing that describes this plan notes that this government agency will work very closely with the existing Department of Homeland Security and other agencies, connecting them more, which will surely make the government’s power differential against the people more of a scary thing.
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“The biodefense National Security Presidential Memorandum names the Secretary of Health and Human Services, Alex Azar, as the Federal lead for biodefense and establishes a Cabinet-level Biodefense Steering Committee,” the press release says.
President Trump spoke on the biological warfare agency, saying:
“Taken together, they represent a new direction in the Nation’s defense against biological threats,” referring to the steps being taken with the new agency. “They have great potential to disrupt the economy, exact a toll on human life, and tear at the very fabric of society,” he said, speaking on biological warfare threats. “My Administration will take steps to improve our understanding of the risks posed by biological threats and to respond to them effectively and efficiently.”

A 36-page document was where this new plan was laid out, and it covered all manner of things from accidental releases of illness-causing agents, to deliberate attacks, and what are referred to as “naturally occurring” biological threats, and according to one article, “pivots off lessons learned during the 2001 anthrax attacks, the 2009 H1N1 flu pandemic, and West Africa’s 2014-16 Ebola outbreak.”
The article continues:
“Robert Kadlec, MD, HHS Assistant Secretary of Preparedness and Response (ASPR) today fleshed out more details about the presidential directive, saying leaders from every federal department involved in biodefense will be part of the cabinet-level steering committee and will be led by HHS Secretary Alex Azar. Azar has asked Kadlec to lead the day-to-day coordination team that supports the steering committee.
As part of the larger biodefense strategy, the coordination team will engage state, local, and territorial governments, along with private and international partners. Kadlec called the plan’s coordination of federal activities and budgets across a full range of biodefense sectors and activities “a monumental step forward.””
If you know the history of the US government’s own involvement with biological warfare, this can’t help but come off as sinister.
In the 1950’s and 60’s, San Francisco was sprayed with serratia marcescens, a bacteria linked to infertility, and at least a couple people passed away due to the infection dumped on those unsuspecting people by the US Navy.

Paperclipped Nazi Kurt Blome who once experimented upon people with the Bubonic Plague in Germany was brought over to America after World War 2, to help biological warfare researchers at Fort Detrick, Maryland. Experiments on civilians in America and people in Guatemala resulted from the research of this era.
One of the world’s largest vaccine manufacturers today, Merck, has a history with biological warfare. George W. Merck, the president of the company in the 1940’s and before, became the head of the US’ biological warfare division secretly during the peak of World War 2 in the mid-1940’s.

He was still the president of Merck while secretly leading thebiowarfare division of the US military, the War Research Service. Then he retired in peace with his face on the cover of Time Magazine, with people oblivious to the fact that he was involved with what would turn into experiments on innocent people.
The full history of the US and biological warfare truly boggles the mind.
Now, when billionaires like Bill Gates warn that some pandemic could pose a great threat to humanity, and new branches of government are created to deal with a “threat of biological warfare,” you know something smells fishy.
This article appeared first at Edge Canopy and can be reshared under a Creative Commons license. Like Era of Wisdom on Facebook.
(Image credit: wakeupamericans)