Can Essiac Tea Help People Treat Cancer?
More and more people discuss the benefits Essiac tea has for cancer. This tea has multiple components and some of them can stimulate the immune system of the persons who suffer from cancer and help them feel better. This tea can be used to eliminate inflammation, reduce cellular mutation, prevent tumour growth and even reduce free radical activity. This tea can have as side effects headaches and frequent urination if it is used in large quantities. As any treatment it can have side effects if you are allergic to one of its components so make sure you check this aspect before taking it, if you do not want to have one of these reactions. The Essiac tea was discovered by indigenous people of Canada many years ago, and in the past, it was used by doctors and nurses to treat cancer patients.
What should you know about Essiac tea and cancer treatment?
The tea is effective if the cancer is discovered in an early stage, but it can be used as a supportive treatment even if the cancer is in a progressed stage. As stated before the tea is made from four ingredients, and every one of them has properties that attacks cancer cells and improve the body’s defence system. The Essiac tea cannot be considered a cure for cancer, but studies show that it has multiple benefits and it can help the body fight tumour growth.
What ingredients does the Essiac tea has?
There are two known recipes according to which the tea is made. The first one is considered a classical one and it includes slippery elm bark, Indian rhubarb root, burdock root and sheep sorrel. Another famous recipe is one of a nurse called Rene Caisse and it is called Flor Essence. The nurse used the recipe to treat cancer during her lifetime, and she decided to add other four herbs to the traditional recipe. She added kelp, red clover, watercress and blessed thistle. It is considered that they have the role to make the mix more effective in offering the body a health tonic.
What benefits has the Essiac tea for cancer patients?
Essiac tea can be used not only to improve the state of cancer patients, but also to help the people who are suffering from skin conditions, respiratory conditions, or metabolism issues.
Essiac tea has antioxidant effects, because burdock root and sheep sorrel are known for having anti-inflammatory properties. It can also be used by the persons who suffer from heart diseases, muscle aches, arthritis and joint disorders.
In case there are cancer patients who experience digestion issues due to their condition then they can use Essiac Tea Organic as a remedy. The slippery elm is a component that helps people deal with bloating and constipation. Also, sheep sorrel can be used as a laxative in case the patients experience digestive system issues. The tea is very effective because it cleans the digestive tract from harmful bacteria.
The antioxidant effects are the ones that are considered the most effective for the patients who suffer from cancer, because it helps them boost their immune system, and they can fight the disorder.