PayPal Nixes Donations To Animal Rescue In Syria But Our Money Still Funds Terrorists
By Brandon Turbeville, Natural Blaze
PayPal Terminates Donations To Animal Rescue Org In Syria Over Sanctions But Western Money Still Flows To Terrorists
While the United States, Britain, France, NATO, Saudi Arabia, and the GCC continue to fund terrorists in Syria, any attempt at relieving the conditions of the Syrian people on behalf of people of good will in the invading nations is consistently blocked by their governments and corporations as a result of Western sanctions.
The West now has the mantle of having caused over 400,000 needless deaths and the destruction of a wide portion of the entire country. Those in the West who oppose such insanity are even prevented from doing anything on their own to alleviate the suffering. But with the human toll so high, one aspect of the war that is never discussed is the toll it has taken on animals.
Syria was not much different than the United States or Europe in many ways before the war. While the average American may have a picture painted for them by Western mainstream media and Hollywood that would depict all countries in the Middle East as sand-dwelling nomads and stern abusive religious fanatics, the reality of the Syrian culture has always been the exact opposite. Contrary to what many Americans may assume about Syria, the people there have the same concerns as the Americans who are so afraid of them. Syrians simply want to live their lives, find good-paying jobs, enjoy sports, and enjoy their families.
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While many Syrians owned pets (it is quite common to see cats and turtles in Syrian homes), the West’s war against the Syrian government has created not only a human refugee crisis and human internal displacement, it has also caused a similar crisis for animals. As Western-backed terrorists took over more and more communities and installed their brutal Sharia law, the Syrian government was forced to liberate these areas by military means. Many Syrians were either killed by terrorists or caught in the crossfire and many others still had no other choice but to flee the conflict. Most of the people who fled had to leave their pets behind.
Like the rest of the world, Syria has had to deal with stray animals that no one cares for as well as cases of animal abuse. But the war has exacerbated that problem as well as the animals who have been left as a result of the war. As a result, a number of selfless animal rescuers have stepped up to rescue and care for these animals. STAR, Syrian Team for Animal Rescue, is one such organization.
As Louia Beshara of al-Monitor wrote,
“The war spared no one. Animals have fled just like human beings, but at least humans have refugee centres and organisations to feed them,” say Hamada Azqul, an agricultural engineer and STAR volunteer.
More than 300,000 people have been killed and millions displaced by the conflict that began with anti-government protests in March 2011.
And the conflict has not spared animals like Betty, a brown-haired mutt who lost a leg after sustaining a bullet wound.
The shelter, in Sahnaya, 14 kilometres (nine miles) southwest of Damascus, is home to dogs and cats, but also more exotic animal victims of the conflict, including turtles and colourful birds.
Many are being treated for war wounds or animal abuse, which volunteers say has increased since the conflict began, while others were left behind by owners fleeing violence around Syria’s capital.
German shepherds and shaggy-haired terriers prance excitedly as STAR staff members stroll into the yard, the dogs jumping up on their hind legs to reach the faces of young volunteers.
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Founde d in May 2016, STAR is treating 110 animals in its infirmary, including Noisy, a frail blind cat, and Sweetie, a chocolate-brown dog who was shot in the back.
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Other pets have undergone amputations, are partially paralysed, or are recovering from burns or knife wounds with the help of STAR’s 11 volunteers.
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More than half of Syria’s population has been displaced by war, with nearly five million seeking refuge in neighbouring countries.
“People who were forced to flee didn’t take their pets with them,” says Hanadi al-Mutahasseb, STAR’s 38-year-old founder.
Those animals left behind face starvation, possible injury by shells or gunfire, or abuse.
“In this war, everyone who carries weapons fires on animals that bother them, so more animals need support,” Mutahasseb says.
Every day, STAR receives dozens of Facebook messages from concerned citizens about wounded or abandoned animals, and its own network of volunteers brings in injured pets found wandering the streets.
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Syria’s conflict has ravaged the country’s infrastructure and economy, leading to a devalued pound and high unemployment.
That means the discarded scraps that many strays used to survive on are often no longer available, with Syrians using every last bit of food they can.
The dire economic situation — and the difficulty of obtaining visas to leave — have affected both Syria’s citizens and its animals.
“Before the war, several European countries welcomed some of Syria’s critical animal cases. But today, animals can no longer travel because they, too, can’t get visas,” says volunteer Iman Amayra, 28.
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And such shows the extent to which the sanctions have hampered every aspect of Syrian life from the highest level of economic activity down to the survival of an unwanted kitten.
If that wasn’t enough, however, PayPal shut off the ability of STAR to receive funds coming from the West as a result of the sanctions, thus putting the animal welfare organization under intense pressure to maintain the level of funding needed to take care of the animals. This is not a surprising move.
Not only do sanctions prevent money from being sent to Syria by average Americans, the upper echelon of PayPal has close ties to both the Obama administration and Human Rights Watch, the former leading the war against Syria and the latter being an important cheerleader for it, even faking photographs and “human rights” reports in the process.
See my articles:
Human Rights Watch FAIL: Uses Photo Of American Bombing Destruction To Condemn Assad
That Time HRW’s Ken Roth Contradicted Himself Twice In 4 Days Over Syria
For those unfamiliar with the true nature of the White Helmets, the following articles are recommended reading: The Real Syria Civil Defense VS The White Helmets – Brandon Turbeville
- MSM Attempts To Promote White Helmets While Hiding Syria Civil Defense – More ‘Fake News’ From Corporate Press – Brandon Turbeville
- White Helmets NGO: A “Rescue And Assist” Operation Under Guise Of Human Rights – Brandon Turbeville
- White Helmets Video And Supporters’ Demonstrations Confirm Lack Of Credibility – Brandon Turbeville
- The REAL Syria Civil Defense Exposes Fake “White Helmets” As Terrorist-Linked Imposters – Vanessa Beeley
- The White Helmets “Black Record:” Vanessa Beeley Talks To RT About French Gov’t Collusion With Al-Qaeda-Linked Group – Vanessa Beeley
- Who Are Syria’s White Helmets? – Vanessa Beeley
- Interviews With Syrian Civilians Reveal White Helmets And Nusra/al-Qaeda Are The Same Thing – Brandon Turbeville
But STAR is no stranger to adversity. It opened its doors in 2016, during the height of the war, when things were not so hopeful as they were today.
STAR is currently asking for donations to be made via
The first step to ending the suffering of animals in Syria is the end to the Western-backed war against the Syrian government and the Syrian people. This includes the removal of Western and Turkish troops, the immediate halt to supplying weapons to terrorists, and the removal of sanctions.
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Brandon Turbeville – article archive here – is an author out of Florence, South Carolina. He is the author of six books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies,Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2, The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria,and The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President. Turbeville has published over 1,000 articles dealing on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s podcast Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at)