Snapping Turtle Euthanized After Teacher Fed it a Live Puppy in Front of Students
By Brandon Turbeville, Natural Blaze
After an incident involving a teacher at Preston High School in which a Biology teacher allegedly fed a live puppy to a snapping turtle in front of his class, Idaho “officials” have . . . . killed the snapping turtle.
If you’re wondering just what in the hell you just read, allow me to explain.
Idaho science teacher Robert Crosland was accused of feeding a live puppy to a snapping turtle in front of students after school, according to a number of reports.
The official police report was filed by an animal activist named Jill Parrish after learning of the incident. While there has been no statement from the teacher, and the incident is being investigated, the Preston School District Superintendent, Marc Gee, stated that, “the event occurred well after students had been dismissed and was not part of any school-directed program. We emphasize that at no time was the safety of students or staff compromised.” So, clearly something happened, even if we don’t know just what at this point.
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Judging by the school’s reaction as well as the testimony of the students, it’s looking like Crosland is guilty as charged (although we should point out that the investigation has not been completed and, to this writer’s knowledge, Crosland has not spoken about the incident or declared whether he is guilty or innocent).
Crosland is known for keeping exotic animals like snakes and other reptiles in his classroom. Three former students anonymously reported that Crosland used to feed guinea pigs to snakes and snapping turtles during class for the purpose of demonstration.
Jill Parrish stated that a teacher told her last week about the feeding of the puppy which was supposedly disfigured. Parrish certainly believes that not only did the incident take place but that the puppy was alive as she stated, “Allowing children to watch an innocent baby puppy scream because it is being fed to an animal… that is violence. That is not okay.”
Este Hull, a 7th grader at the school, stated that she has known Crosland to feed his reptiles animals, but that they were only mice or birds.
But, as disgusting as this act may be, perhaps what is most shocking is the bizarre cold reactions coming from the parents of the students who witnessed the alleged incident as well as from the students themselves. You would think parents would be horrified at their children being forced to witness a live puppy slowly eaten by a snapping turtle. You would think seventh graders would be horrified to witness it also. Instead, we are seeing a disturbing willingness to defend Crosland not by saying he isn’t guilty but simply that “it’s the circle of life” and “educational” and “normal.”
Of course, there is nothing legitimately educational about feeding a puppy to a turtle unless one is practicing to become a serial killer or future participant in some type of governmental ethnic cleansing program. Such an act is the hallmark of a psychopath and a serial killer, not of well-adjusted scientists and human beings. It’s also not the “circle of life” to be taken by a human and put into an aquarium to feed a snapping turtle. Lastly, it is most definitely not normal.
Still, it seems the majority of the town (known to be the town “that Napoleon Dynamite is from”) are quite okay with feeding a puppy to a turtle. But if Preston, Idaho is lacking in the empathy department, they are at least consistent. As a result of the public outcry surrounding the incident, Crosland has not been arrested, charged, or even fired. Instead, the snapping turtle Crosland kept in captivity was euthanized by mysterious “authorities” later identified as the Idaho Department of Agriculture.
We’re not sure how the turtle can be held responsible for this since the turtle was unable to provide his own food, did not own the aquarium, and was not in control of the class. Still, Preston can at least say that it is living up to its growing reputation as a rather disturbing place to live, given that your neighbors and their children may have no problem with torturing animals for fun.
“Two of the three kids present were mine,” local parent Farahlyn Hansen wrote on Facebook. “NONE of the kids were upset or traumatized. They do not need counseling. They saw the physical state of the very young puppy. It was sick, wouldn’t accept food, and was dying. All of the three kids that were there felt Robert did the humane and right thing. My children work on farms, they understand life and death.”
Mrs. Hansen is, of course, wrong. If her children witnessed this event and felt nothing, they are indeed in need of counseling.
Mrs. Hansen might also want to seek a therapist of her own as well as an immediate parenting workshop. We also wonder about the farm she claims to be running where it would considered acceptable to do something such as what Crosland has been accused of.
What we are witnessing in Preston, Idaho is not some weird random incident that captures attention for a few days and then disappears from the news cycle. It is a symptom of a profoundly sick society and a microcosm of what has become of America after decades of relentless dehumanizing propaganda on television, games, and the entertainment industry and parents who willingly turn there children over to it.
It is the years of family and moral decay that have taken place within the United States as its children are taught to support or at the very least not care whether or not their government slaughters human beings overseas. Years of televised violence, “situational ethics,” post modern education, lack of family cohesiveness have all brought us to this point.
Today, it is a puppy tortured to death in a classroom in Idaho, but soon those children will grow up and the teachers and parents will one day find themselves watching the horizon set on their “circle of life.” Perhaps then they will understand the importance of instilling empathy in their children.
Image: NaturalBlaze via WC [1], WC[2], NYPost/Facebook
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Brandon Turbeville – article archive here – is an author out of Florence, South Carolina. He is the author of six books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies,Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2, The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria,and The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President. Turbeville has published over 1,000 articles dealing on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s podcast Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at)