AMI Smart Meter Abuse Ramps Up Around the USA

By Catherine J. Frompovich

Daily, I receive requests for information, help and even stories documenting how utility customers, who refuse AMI Smart Meters, are being abused by utility companies, but with the apparent ‘blessings’ of state public utility commissions, which turn blind eyes and deaf ears to the harassments and abuses.

Now it’s time to let public utility consumers know what’s going on around the country because the mainstream media certainly won’t let you know about it.


The TRUE story of a medical doctor, Deborah L. Dykema, of Phoenix, Arizona, who was threatened with jail for her refusal of three smart meters on to her medical practice office wall where she treats patients!

The Arizona Public Service (APS) utility went to her office on March 1, 2018 and worked her over in front of patients, who were kept waiting while this dramatic ‘police state action’ took place in front of them!

As Dr. Dykema stated,

I repeatedly asked the APS supervisor that this matter be discussed at a time that would not keep my sick patients waiting, and they refused, which stopped my ability to see patients with scheduled appointments for nearly 90 minutes. I had several patients that waited 90 minutes and several patients who left the office unable to be seen due to their disruption. [….]

The police stated now that they had legal approval to arrest me. I was certain I was going to have to go to jail to protect my health and the health of my patients and asked my receptionist to contact the media to film this tragedy. Shortly after that, APS finally backed down and stated they would send their installation crew away.

I am still in shock. That a law-abiding citizen and business owner just trying to take care of patients would have their business stopped by a powerful power monopoly without warning, that the police would threaten to arrest me at the monopoly’s insistence citing a statute that does not apply, that I do not have the right in my own building to protect my health and the health of my patients and employees. Has it really gone this far? Do we actually live in a police state where the health rights of individuals do not matter?


Is Your Smart Meter Causing Brain Damage?
Laura Pressley, PhD (13:03 minutes)
Radiofrequency & Radiation
Pulses every 25 seconds over 3,000 pulses a day


AMI Smart Meter Radiofrequencies (RFs) researcher, Mae Woo, of Billings, wrote a letter to the editor at Yellowstone County News in Montana, which ended up being published online with the title “Are smart meters installed without consent?”

I obtained Mae’s permission to cite her letter to the editor verbatim, which is below. Mae asks a question that impacts most important constitutional, human and civil rights issues: Are smart meters installed without consent?

Furthermore, readers ought to take note of the “extortionist opt-out fee of $75/month in order to monthly buy back her constitutional rights to privacy and a clean and healthful environment.”

Are similar harassment tactics being pulled off on you by your electric utility with the apparent ‘blessings’ of your state public utility commission?

Feb 16 2018

Are smart meters installed without consent?
Jonathan McNiven Opinion

Dear Editor:

YVEC Installs Questionable AMI Smart Meters Without Informed Consent

Yellowstone Valley Electric Cooperative (YVEC) has installed new AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) “smart” utility meters without our informed consent. AMI Smart Meters could be an invasion of privacy and also a cyber-security threat. They are associated with a host of health conditions, and catch on fire and explode more easily due to their design.

YVEC has operated under a veil of secrecy and deception concerning these meters. For example, the manager of YVEC adamantly claimed that they did not use any government funding to install these surveillance capable devices. However, legal discovery documents show that YVEC did take government funding to deploy the Smart Grid and Smart Meters.

Other false claims made by YVEC are that AMI Smart Meters radiate much lower than cell phones, thus making them “safe,” and that all utilities have smart meters, therefore, no big deal.

YVEC is the only utility in our area which has deployed two-way surveillance capable meters. The Montana Public Service Commission states that all other utilities, which come under their regulations, do NOT use Smart Meters. They use one-way meters which have lower risks and are not part of the Smart Grid.

Tests taken of AMI Smart meters show radiation readings 10-100 times HIGHER than readings from various cell phones. Numerous research studies have reported adverse health conditions at these and lower densities. In particular, the 10-year government $25 million National Toxicology Program’s studies found that this microwave radiation presents a cancer risk, with a significant correlation between radiation densities and the incidence of tumors in rats.

This situation could be similar to tobacco industry lies 50 years ago, claiming that smoking was also “safe.” Serious degenerative illnesses may take decades to manifest as a result of exposure to toxins.

Worse yet, YVEC has turned off the electricity to a Coop member who refused a Smart Meter, though she always paid for her utility usage. She felt it was unjust to be charged their unreasonable and extortionist opt-out fee of $75/month in order to monthly buy back her constitutional rights to privacy and a clean and healthful environment.

The ACLU, American Civil Liberties Union, is opposed to Smart Meters based on privacy concerns and states that utility customers should not be charged extra for opting out, as this could lead to discrimination against poorer populations.

This dictatorial act on the part of YVEC, which has monopolistic powers, has resulted in the need for her to seek legal counsel in order to get her utility reconnected. Instead of helping its members, the YVEC Board is now fighting and intimidating those members who are trying to tell the truth, protect their community and protect themselves.

Why does the YVEC Board feel the need to ignore and hide the health, safety, and privacy risks associated with these meters? Why would they so abuse the rights of one lone person who understood what was happening and simply did not want to be subject to it?

We call on the YVEC Board to honor their moral and fiduciary responsibilities to protect their members and act in our best interests. There needs to be acknowledgement and honest solutions to the health, safety and privacy hazards they have created by installing these risky devices on our properties without our informed consent.

Mae Woo

Garden City, Michigan

How the ZigBee radio transmitter within the AMI SM broadcasts its RFs, a short video.


Then there’s the ever-present-threat of exploding AMI Smart Meters and fires, which leave homeowners with the thousands-of-dollars repair bills AFTER the utility company forcefully installs an AMI SM—but did not occur with previous safe analog meters! That utility company-sponsored AMI SM damage should be illegal and prosecuted as a crime! How about that, lawyers?



What is Happening to Patients?

Catherine J Frompovich (website) is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.

Catherine’s latest book, published October 4, 2013, is Vaccination Voodoo, What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines, available on

Her 2012 book A Cancer Answer, Holistic BREAST Cancer Management, A Guide to Effective & Non-Toxic Treatments, is available on and as a Kindle eBook.

Two of Catherine’s more recent books on are Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking Of Our DNA, A Probe Into What’s Probably Making Us Sick (2009) and Lord, How Can I Make It Through Grieving My Loss, An Inspirational Guide Through the Grieving Process (2008)

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