Pro-Weed, Anti-GMO Dennis Kucinich Announces Bid For Ohio Governor . . . And He Might Just Win
SPECIAL REPORT By Brandon Turbeville, Natural Blaze
Former Mayor, U.S. Congressman, and famous peace advocate Dennis Kucinich formally announced his run for Governor of the state of Ohio on January 17, 2018. With current Governor John Kasich stepping down due to term limit constraints, leaving a trail of lost jobs, economic stagnation, crumbling infrastructure, police state measures, and environmental destruction in his wake, the Governor’s race is a little crowded in the scramble to fill the position. However, while the other candidates are traditional “conservative” and “liberal” special interest puppets, Kucinich has now thrown his hat into the ring as well.
Known nationally for being one of the few congressmen who voted against the Iraq war and the PATRIOT Act, opposed Free Trade, ran for President twice, and opposed America’s disastrous imperialism in Libya and Syria as well as a number of attempts at war with Iran, Kucinich is well-known in Ohio for his refusal to sell city-owned utilities to private companies.
“The same person, battle scars and all, is before you today, with a wealth of experience, no less ready to stand up, to speak out, to take on corrupt interests on behalf of the people of Ohio, ready to be the voice that bridges left and right, a clear voice unafraid to call things like I see them,” Kucinich said.
Kucinich is framing his campaign around the slogan #PowerToWeThePeople and has already released a number of platform points that include rebuilding Ohio’s Infrastructure, increasing the minimum wage, protecting public ownership, creating a state-run broadband company that would compete with private providers and effectively create net neutrality. Kucinich is also advocating for a universal healthcare option for the state.
Kucinich is decidedly pro medical marijuana and opposed to the disastrous drug war. “Ohio will protect its constitutional right to dispense medical marijuana. We will broaden the conversation towards decriminalization, legalization and licensing to provide hundreds of millions of dollars in increased revenues to the state, to help pay for our expanded health programs. With the help of our congressional delegation we will make necessary changes in federal policy,” Kucinich says.
Kucinich is also well-versed in the GMO debate and the question of sustainable farming versus corporate farming. After all, his wife, Elizabeth Kucinich, has campaigned tirelessly against GMOs, herself being an Executive Producer of [easyazon_link identifier=”B00L0YUS16″ locale=”US” tag=”natblaze-20″]GMO OMG[/easyazon_link], a popular film dealing with the issues of GMOs.
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The candidate favors a sharp move toward growing clean, healthy food in Ohio as well as the production of hemp. Kucinich states,
Agriculture is the foundation of a healthy economy. Farmers are the backbone of human health and our environmental stewards. We will engage farmers in an inclusive opportunity to increase their bottom line. Ohio’s farmers will have a friend in the Governor’s office. In the coming weeks. I will announce an unprecedented plan to bring together farmers, scientists and our university talent to will enable Ohio’s farmers to profit from ecologically-friendly farming so that they can grow wholesome, nutritious, healthy food which will strengthen Ohio’s position as a leading agricultural export state. Regenerative agriculture is the path to carbon sequestration and restoration of our global climate. Regenerative agricultural practices will mean that farmers can reduce expenditures on agricultural input, help boost soil health, reduce exposure to chemicals, limit damaging nutrient runoff into the lake, improving our ability to provide clean drinking water. Ohio’s farmers will be compensated for being on the front lines of climate mitigation. We will also explore removing barriers to growing industrial hemp.
Kucinich has also taken a strong stance against fracking in Ohio, recently releasing a detailed statement detailing his plan to ultimately end the practice and remediate any damages that may have been done to human health and water systems as a result.
Kucinich is no stranger to political campaigns or to taking stands in the face of special interests. He’s known at the national level and he is also widely popular in the Cleveland area which puts him a real position to draw in large amounts of support for his campaign.
Kucinich must first defeat the Democratic political machine to win the nomination of his party before moving on to the general election to face the Republican nominee.
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Brandon Turbeville – article archive here – is an author out of Florence, South Carolina. He is the author of six books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies,Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2, The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria,and The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President. Turbeville has published over 1,000 articles dealing on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s podcast Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at)