10 Ways to Prepare for WWIII

prepare WW3

By Jeremiah Johnson 

By now you’re poignantly aware of the false-alarm that was raised in Hawaii on Saturday 1/13/18.  For 38 minutes there was wholesale panic and alarm after the following message alert was sent out to cell phones and over the TV and radio throughout the state:


This message was later rescinded as a false-alarm.  Great, huh?  In the meantime, people panicked.  News reports told of people gathered in hotel lobbies in a state of semi-paralysis, wondering what to do.  One woman (a schoolteacher) attempted to enter a shelter only to find that it was locked.  A professional golfer and his family hid beneath a mattress in the bathroom of a hotel, hoping the attack was not happening.  Other people placed their children inside of storm drains, and still others called authorities with no answer.

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Preparing Falls to You

The bottom line: the government was not prepared to deal with it had it been an actual emergency, and individuals were next to helpless in the face of the threat.

The government will not be able to help you, even if they wanted to.  That leaves you, Mr. John Q. Public or Mrs. Mary Public to inform, prepare, and act with your family should an event such as this become reality.  Are you prepared?  Do you have a plan in order?

Inform yourself:

The Family Preparedness Guide to Surviving a Nuclear Disaster

15 Priorities You Need to Follow In the Event of a Nuclear War

What You Need to Know About Nuclear Attacks

An Urban Guide to Surviving a Nuclear Attack

Naysayers and skeptics would have you say there’s no need.  So, the government of Russia holds yearly drills to shelter all Muscovites in the subway system and in municipal shelters.  China has been building community shelters in rural areas. But there’s no need, right?

10 Ways You Need to Prepare for WWIII

Skeptics will tell you it won’t happen, but they’ll be pounding down your door to take supplies from you and yours…maybe more…when it comes and catches them unprepared.  How about getting a plan together beforehand?  Emergency actions.  You’ll have problems if you’re in the city…any city that may be a target.  You must try, though…there will be a lot of people who will not…until the last minute, and then they’ll just be reacting in a frenzy.  Let’s make a basic, starter plan.

  1. Research existing fallout shelters: Under the Clinton presidency, the civil defense system was shut down in 1996. Go to your local municipal government building and you may be able to find lists or plans of older buildings that have a fallout shelter rating…and then locate the one nearest your home. Here is information from FEMA on emergency shelters and safe rooms.
  2. Food: you’ll need a substantial supply, and be able to transport that supply if you’re in an urban area, or in an area that is likely to receive either a direct strike or some fallout. MRE’sfreeze-dried foodcanned goods, dried food…these for starters.
  3. Water: this is tougher, as it is no light matter to transport several hundred gallons of water anywhere. You want a method for purifying it, concentrating on drawing no supply from a radioactive source, and then taking care of any toxins, by germs or the products or waste of man.  Filters and chemical purifiers are warranted here.
  4. Medical supplies/tools/ weapons/ communications gear: the latter may be no good to you after a strike (because of the EMP, or Electromagnetic Pulse effects of either an EMP weapon or a nuke discharged in the atmosphere for such a purpose)
  5. Each Family member needs an individual plan: when it happens, everyone needs to know where to go and what to do…a linkup point to meet one another and rally.
  6. A hide location out of the blast area safe from fallout: yes, a prepared bug out location that is ready for all of you to make your way there either together or separately. Note: this last one is the “biggie” for the naysayers…yet this is the way it is.  There are all kinds of “moaning” comments, such as “Well, who can afford a place in the mountains?” or “You’ll never be able to travel when it hits,” yada, yada, ad infinitum.  In the end, it’s on you, and it’s tough if you don’t, but it is not anyone’s responsibility but your own.  Nobody is obligated to ensure that you survive, or take the necessary measures to help you do so.  If you can afford the property, you better buy it in advance or structure your lifestyle to enable you to live in an area that meets the requirements for survival.  If not, you do what you can.  The skeptics can stay where they are, physically and mentally.  Be under no illusion, though, that if they need to depart their area, they’ll come to yours and take what you have: their needs “justifying” their actions.
  7. You need to have a primary and alternate route to reach haven, and the means to make it there:  As I mentioned, this is all on you: ultimately you are responsible for the steps you need to take
  8. Definitive Action: When the alarm goes off? Better to be “wrong” one thousand times and in your shelter, executing your plan safe and sound, than for the real thing to occur and you disregard it, and stay in the backyard on the lawn chair guarding the barbeque grill.
  9. Remain in that shelter for a sufficient amount of time: this is where a Faraday cage-protected radio or scanner may come in handy. Remember that the Compton Effect from an EMP lasts for a while, so don’t pull those devices out immediately…or have several cages with duplicate radios in it so you can afford to lose one if necessary.  Monitor to see if any “all clear” is given, or if it’s safe to emerge.  If it’s real?  Oh, you’ll know, all right.
  10. Use your instincts, as well as your knowledge: We’re “hard-wired” for this. If it feels “wrong,” it probably is wrong.  If the guy running up to you with a smile is offering his help?  He probably wants to do something the opposite of friendly.  If it feels as if you’re walking into a trap if you’re sheltering somewhere, then it probably is.  Murphy’s Law: what can go wrong, will go wrong.  Use your instincts and trust in them.

These are suggestions, and you’re not obligated to follow them.  They may be able to provide you with a framework if you don’t already have a plan in place.  You’re not obligated to enable the rest of the world to survive it: just those who are dependent on you.  A strength of mind, body, and heart, and the ability to make a quick decision based on common sense are what will give you an advantage when others are panicking.  Those who are wise will see trouble and take cover beforehand…and the foolish will go on and be destroyed.  One final thing: OPSEC (Operational Security) is paramount.  Don’t let anyone know what you have and where you have it…keep your plans to yourself.  Good luck, and stay in that good fight.  JJ out!

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Jeremiah Johnson is the Nom de plume of a retired Green Beret of the United States Army Special Forces (Airborne). Mr. Johnson was a Special Forces Medic, EMT and ACLS-certified, with comprehensive training in wilderness survival, rescue, and patient-extraction. He is a Certified Master Herbalist and a graduate of the Global College of Natural Medicine of Santa Ana, CA. A graduate of the U.S. Army’s survival course of SERE school (Survival Evasion Resistance Escape), Mr. Johnson also successfully completed the Montana Master Food Preserver Course for home-canning, smoking, and dehydrating foods.

Mr. Johnson dries and tinctures a wide variety of medicinal herbs taken by wild crafting and cultivation, in addition to preserving and canning his own food. An expert in land navigation, survival, mountaineering, and parachuting as trained by the United States Army, Mr. Johnson is an ardent advocate for preparedness, self-sufficiency, and long-term disaster sustainability for families. He and his wife survived Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath. Cross-trained as a Special Forces Engineer, he is an expert in supply, logistics, transport, and long-term storage of perishable materials, having incorporated many of these techniques plus some unique innovations in his own homestead.

Mr. Johnson brings practical, tested experience firmly rooted in formal education to his writings and to our team. He and his wife live in a cabin in the mountains of Western Montana with their three cats.

This information has been made available by Ready Nutrition

Originally published January 15th, 2018

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