Are There Parallels Between The Recognized Opioid and Ignored Vaccine Disasters?

By Catherine J. Frompovich

The Philadelphia Inquirer published “Philadelphia sues opioid drugmakers over role in ‘public health nightmare’” which, ironically, can and should set legal precedent and action for similar lawsuits to be filed against the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Big Pharma corporations and other entities that manufacture and/or distribute vaccines, including GAVI and the UN’s World Health Organization [1] for disseminating false, deceptive and misleading information leading to public health and safety crises, especially for infants, toddlers and teens not only in the USA, but globally.

According to The Inquirer article,

The lawsuit states that while Americans are 4.6 percent of the world’s population, they consume 80 percent of the “global opioid supply.” From 1999 to 2010, the sale of prescription opioids in the U.S. nearly quadrupled. In 2010, there were enough opioids prescribed – 254 million prescriptions – to medicate every American adult round the clock for a month.

Now, let’s juxtapose vaccine stats for just one cohort of U.S. children, 19-35 months old.

Percent of children aged 19-35 months receiving vaccinations for:

Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (4+ doses DTP, DT, or DTaP): 84.6%
Polio (3+ doses): 93.7%
Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) (1+ doses): 91.9%
Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) (primary series + booster dose): 82.7%
Hepatitis B (Hep B) (3+ doses): 92.6%
Chickenpox (Varicella) (1+ doses): 91.8%
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) (4+ doses): 84.1%
Combined 7-vaccine series: 72.2%

Source: CDC

Interesting and rather frightening, “Studies show that the countries with the most vaccines have the worst infant death rate.”

According to The Statistical Portal, here is the telling story of global vaccine market values for various years:

  • 2014: $32.2 Billion
  • 2015: $35.8 Billion
  • 2016: $39.7 Billion
  • 2017: $44.1 Billion
  • 2018: $49 Billion
  • 2019: $54.2 Billion
  • 2020: $59.2 Billion

Vaccines are nothing short of perennial money makers for vested stakeholders!

Is that the propelling market strategy as to why everyone is being mandated in the USA to be vaccinated starting within 24 hours of birth and continuing on into old age or death—whichever comes first? Or is there another agenda?

Philadelphia is not the first municipality to sue regarding the opioid problem created by false and deceptive marketing practices for opioids! Apparently more than 200 lawsuits have been filed! As of September 2017, 41 U.S. states attorneys general were investigating manufacturers and distributors of opioids! But why aren’t they investigating the fraud, deceit and deceptive marketing practices regarding vaccines!

Below is the lawsuit filed by the City of Philadelphia along with some of my thoughts in italics as to how the opioid health crises parallels the health crises attributed to vaccines as documented by reports made to the CDC’s VAERS reporting system and over $3.8 Billion in vaccine damages paid out by the U.S. Vaccine Court Masters via the HHS HRSA [2].

City of Philadelphia Lawsuit Filed Against Opioid Manufacturers / Defendants:

Allergan PLC; Cephalon, Inc.; Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc.; Endo Health Solutions, Inc.; Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; Johnson & Johnson; Purdue Pharma L.P.; Purdue Pharma Inc.;

The Purdue Frederick Company, Inc.

A 160-page lawsuit filed by City of Philadelphia

Page 59 of the City of Philadelphia Lawsuit Filing

III. Defendants’ Wrongful Conduct Created the Public Health and Safety Crisis and was False and Deceptive

Clause 198. Defendants improperly marketed opioids for years using false, misleading and deceptive messages that overstated and/or misrepresented the safety and efficacy of opioids and understated the risks of those drugs.

CJF: Note the false, misleading and deceptive messages are established from the CDC’s various meetings to change CDC epidemiologists data confirming vaccines caused autism: the Simpsonwood June 2000 meeting; the fraudulent Poul Thorsen, MD, PhD, Swedish studies regarding fudged data concerning autism in Sweden; the Merck & Company whistleblowers’ federal qui tam lawsuit alleging fraudulent data regarding the efficacy of the Mumps active in the Merck’s MMR vaccine; and William Thompson, PhD, CDC epidemiologist who confirmed he and others were instructed to trash MMR vaccine data indicating its involvement in autism in young black males under three years of age.

VAXXED: From Cover-up to Catastrophe

Page 60 of the Filing

Clause 201. Defendants, however, knew that these product and marketing promotion claims were false, misleading, and likely to misinform or confuse the targets of the marketing and product promotion described above.

CJF: Based upon the above historical fraudulent science and collusion on the part of the CDC/FDA, everyone involved in the marketing of vaccines from the top down knew the consensus science they were promulgating was designed to misinform deliberately.

Page 68 of the Filing

Clause 238. Defendants cited and promoted their KOLs [Key Opinion Leaders] – and studies and articles by their KOLs – to broaden the chronic opioid therapy market. By contrast, Defendants did not support, acknowledge or disseminate the publications or studies of doctors who were critical of the use of chronic opioid therapy.

CJF: Big Pharma notoriously performs the studies they report to suit their desired efficacy findings and pays physicians to add their names and degrees to papers Pharma publishes in their sham-corporate-owned journals or other medical journals.

Page 75 of the Filing

Clause 273 b. The American Academy of Pain Medicine’s Role in Defendants’ Marketing of Opioids.

CJF: The American Medical Association and the American Pediatric Association promote vaccines as safe and effective despite the fraud that’s prevalent in vaccine research, publication and implementation.

Clause 274. The AAPM, with the assistance, prompting, involvement and funding of Defendants, issued treatment guidelines and sponsored and hosted CMEs essential to Defendants’ marketing plans.

CJF: The article “You Won’t Believe the Outrageous Ways Big Pharma Has Bribed Doctors to Shill Drugs” is exemplary of Big Pharma’s role in vaccine marketing by subsidizing doctors for promoting drugs, and vaccines are pharmaceutical drugs!

Page 80 of the Filing

Clause 297 iv. Defendants’ Misuse of Treatment Guidelines and Consensus Statements to Further Their Deceptive Marketing of Opioids.

CJF: Consensus statements are confirmed by the collusion which takes place within the CDC/FDA as expressed above regarding the Simpsonwood meeting and other examples cited above.

Clause 298. “Treatment guidelines” and consensus statements have been particularly important in securing acceptance for long-term opioid therapy. They are relied upon by doctors, especially general practitioners and family doctors targeted by Defendants, who generally are not experts and have no special training in the treatment of chronic pain.

CJF: Consensus statements are “coin of the realm” for vaccine pushing and enforcement within the medical profession, which must be dealt with legally as the current opioid disaster finally is being addressed after many years of Pharma-and-physician-assisted-promoted abusive prescription writing and marketing practices.

Page 87 of the Filing

V. Defendants’ Widely Disseminated Misrepresentations and Omissions Were Deceptive and Created a Likelihood of Confusion or Misunderstanding as to the Safety and Efficacy of Opioids for Long-Term Use.

CJF: Note that statement applies, in particular, to misrepresentations and omissions regarding annual influenza (flu) vaccines/vaccinations, which for the 2017-2018 flu season are being declared as ten (10) percent effective against the predominant strain

Page 97 of the Filing

Clause 344 B. In Their Deceptive Marketing, Defendants and Their Third Party Allies Omitted to Properly Disclose the Truth about the Risk of Addiction from Long-Term Opioid Use.

CJF: Clause 344 B. parallels the omission to properly disclose the truth (facts) and deliberately imposing lack of informed consent, plus duress by which physicians mandate vaccines be given to infants, toddlers and teens without informing parents, guardians or prospective vaccinees regarding the adverse effects, contraindications or other adverse health issues published on vaccine package inserts that can ensue [vaccines not tested for carcinogenicity, teratogenicity or the ability to interfere with fertility or reproduction] as a result of receiving vaccines, but deceptively pontificating the consensus statement that vaccines are “safe”.

Page 140 of the Filing

VIII. The City Seeks Injunctive Relief to Abate the Public Nuisance and/or Cease Defendants’ Misleading Marketing of Opioids.

CJF: Healthcare consumers, on their behalf and that of their children, should be seeking injunctive relief from Big Pharma’s, the CDC/FDA’s misleading marketing and fraudulent consensus science regarding vaccines in general, but the MMR vaccines and HPV vaccines, in particular, by demanding the U.S. Congress rescind the 1986 vaccine law that has perpetuated the flagrant misleading marketing of vaccines not only in the USA but globally through the CDC’s reputation as a ‘world leader’ in vaccine science—even fraudulent as it is.

The above pharmaceutical problems represent the proverbial “tip of the iceberg” since Big Pharma has been pushing neurotoxic chemicals ever since the Rockefeller Foundation decided on the game plan to make chemicals and pharmaceuticals per se the overarching driving force in allopathic medicine. Learn “The History of the Pharma-Cartel” here.

With the Rockefeller Foundation behind Pharma, there was no stopping them—even the U.S. Congress and the U.S. law! Big Pharma went on to hoodwink and misrepresent their toxic patented chemicals as “medicines” which had the blessings of being reimbursed by healthcare insurance companies!

During the ensuing years of Big Pharma’s ‘marriage’ with the FDA, demagoguery-like techniques on the part of both marriage partners ensued to the point of citizens loss of their inherent rights to self-determination regarding the treatment of their bodies both in good health and in disease conditions.

As a result of the huge pharmaceutical industry’s fraud, deceit and deceptive marketing practices, millions of people either have been harmed permanently or lost their lives, which numerous class action lawsuits attest to. Here’s a list of settlements by Big Pharma from 2004 to 2012. Here’s another list enumerating “Class Action Lawsuit List: Dangerous Drugs & Medical Devices.”

One would think with such a documented history of fraud, deceit, deceptive marketing practices and actual harm to humans, the pharmaceutical industry would be scorned and banned either from continuing to make such products or put out of business! Nothing seems to clean up the pharmaceutical industry even a plea from Congressman Bill Posey to investigate the vaccine industry.

The list of grievances surrounding pharmaceuticals and their acolytes grows in frequency and severity to the point of something like the following death threats to licensed medical doctors and researchers who are bringing the facts about unsafe, fraudulent, deceitful and deceptive vaccine marketing practices to the public.

Where is law enforcement in all of this? Where is the U.S. Congress in all of this? Where do you think all this pharmaceutical industry “get out of jail free card” eventually will lead to and how much more harm will it be allowed to cause humans and animals with their neurotoxic chemicals labeled “medicines”?


[2] Page 9 as of Jan. 3, 2018

Catherine J Frompovich (website) is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.

Catherine’s latest book, published October 4, 2013, is Vaccination Voodoo, What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines, available on

Her 2012 book A Cancer Answer, Holistic BREAST Cancer Management, A Guide to Effective & Non-Toxic Treatments, is available on and as a Kindle eBook.

Two of Catherine’s more recent books on are Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking Of Our DNA, A Probe Into What’s Probably Making Us Sick (2009) and Lord, How Can I Make It Through Grieving My Loss, An Inspirational Guide Through the Grieving Process (2008)

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