6 Ways You Can Save the World Everyday
The news is often depressing, the environment is under attack and it can easily seem overwhelming to try and make the slightest difference in the world. Despite this, you still try. We all do. No matter how bad things get, we persevere in trying to make them better—sometimes we need a reminder, though, that our efforts really do count. If you’re feeling burnt out, or getting close, focus on small everyday initiatives that use your energy effectively and provide the satisfaction of knowing you’ve made a difference. The following six tips are a few ways you can accomplish this.
Saving the world doesn’t have to be a monumental undertaking. You save the world a little bit every day when you make the right choices and choose to invest in the world. Rather than get caught up in the pressure to perform, take on little projects that will cumulatively make a great impact on yourself, your community and the world.
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Take Care of Yourself
Have you ever stopped to consider your self-care routine? According to The Atlantic, self-care is an imperative part of every person’s health and wellbeing. What is it, though—and how do you practice it? Self-care simply refers to the act of attuning to one’s own needs and prioritizing one’s own wellness. Too often, we spend busy days ignoring hunger, dealing with negative feelings or medicating pain rather than addressing it directly. All of these behaviors are detrimental, and when you don’t care for yourself, you cannot effectively care for the world around you. Make a change and care for yourself.
Pay It Forward to Others
Once you’ve taken care of yourself and your own needs, you are much better equipped to care for those around you—and that’s exactly what you should do. Pay it forward as often as possible in the most creative ways imaginable. Perhaps you’ve had somebody buy your coffee or meal before—you surely haven’t forgotten how it made your day. Do the same for somebody else, and recognize that you have the power to positively impact the lives of those around you. Nothing could be a more amazing privilege than that, and it‘s your duty to take advantage of it.
Invest in the Environment
You care about yourself and the people around you, and you also care about the environment, too. It can be heartbreaking to see the damage that is done to the environment every single day. People often do not consider the harm they are inflicting on the planet. According to Ecoadmirer, there are many reasons you should care, though, including your own health, biodiversity and global warming. To make a difference, do your part to protect the planet: reduce your energy use as much as possible, recycle consistently and be conscientious of how you use natural resources.
Share Your Eco-Passion
You’re already on top on your environmental obligations—but are your friends and family? When you see somebody toss a can in the trash, there’s no need to be abrasive, but it can certainly be a conversation starter about the importance of recycling and caring for the earth. Sharing your passion for environmentalism doesn’t have to be limited to recycling, though—plenty of eco-initiatives such as the Cadiz Water Project offer topics to get your community interested in the environment. Everybody wants to join an interesting conversation, and you can create those opportunities.
Get Involved in a Cause
Take your talk and turn it into a walk by getting involved in a specific cause. Find one that you are truly passionate about, and find ways to boost its campaign. That may be through donations, spreading awareness or volunteering your time. Causes such as the Cadiz Water Project are a great example of environmentally-focused initiatives. Take the time to educate yourself, research different causes and get invested in one that matches your interests and priorities. You may be surprised by how rewarding it is and what a difference you can make.
Be the Change You Want to See
Making a difference isn’t always easy. It’s a challenge, especially for anybody who cares deeply and wants to improve the world. Ultimately, though, you have to be the change you want to see in the world. Small actions can have huge ripple effects—keep this in mind the next time you feel completely overwhelmed by the world and its problems. Focus on the little things you can do every day, and you’ll see that your effort is rewarded. Your community and the environment will respond in kind, and you can enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that you are spreading positivity.
The world won’t change unless you do. You have the opportunity to affect change every single day, and when you take advantage of that opportunity, those around you will be inspired to do the same. Take your world-saving efforts one day at a time, and you’ll likely see the impact grow.