Bioterrorism Drill Featured Mass Vaccination at a Public School

By Heather CallaghanEditor

The Hays Consolidated Independent School District Facebook page removed a post about a planned bioterrorism drill after protest of the use of mass vaccination followed its two posts.

KXAN reports on the district in Kyle, TX:

The vaccination debate unexpectedly came to the Hays CISD Facebook page on Monday following two posts about a planned “emergency response and mass vaccination drill” at Hays High School.

The bioterrorism drill, from 7:30 a.m. until noon on Tuesday, took place in the high school parking lot, involving area first responders and volunteers. Hays County says they hold this kind of drill to practice the emergency distribution of relief items, vaccinations and medication and health assessments.

“This particular scenario was based upon an anthrax release in the county,” said Hays County Emergency Preparedness Coordinator Mike Jones. “We take that as a terrorist event or bioterrorism.”

CISD explained that students were not a part of the drill and they didn’t intend vaccination to be the focus.

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“We want emergency medicine, we want to be able to get water and food when we need it if there is a crisis, but a mass vaccination drill — it’s not real!” said Donna Voetee who spoke out about the event. “A mass vaccination drill promoted by our government, its tyranny and it’s terrifying to me that this would happen.”

She traveled from Lockhart to Kyle to watch but says the actual event was downplayed including the use of mass vaccination, perhaps because of cyber warriors.

It was the follow-up post that the district removed shortly after.

“…the district wanted to highlight that campus operations would not be affected and no actual vaccines or medicine would be used in the drill. Instead, volunteers received candy,” KXAN reports. Candy….

“The government is not here to take care of them; we’re here to provide some resources and get them some direction,” said Jones. During the Memorial Day Flood, the county distributed clean up kits, during the Bastrop Fires, bottled water was distributed. “You can’t always prevent a flood, but you can prepare to approach that flood with better processes and better preparations,” he says.

The government isn’t here to take care of them, but will vaccinate everyone after they have been exposed to anthrax? It sounds like they need some drills for their staff to fix their convolution before communicating to the public because it sounds like people aren’t buying it.

Vaccination has always been propagandized as a preventative, now it’s an emergency supply?

Whether “emergency” supplies are distributed in an event doesn’t depend on the number of people, just “on the subject of the emergency like whether it’s a flood, fire or health problem. It also depends on the community’s needs like if they need water or vaccinations.”

The government isn’t here to take care of you, but you may need vaccinations. Hmmm…

We would just like to remind everyone that there has never been a “debate” about vaccination. A debate is when two sides have equally opposite views of logic to offer. The issue has always been about medical rights and those who want to erase them. You can’t have a debate that coerces yourself out of your own rights. (Please read Animal Farm to see animals get “debated” out of their rights – a great lesson.) There is no debate – the goal is for Big Pharma to force injectable drugs on a rightfully concerned public.

While hosting a bioterrorism drill using literal terror to push vaccines should spark a massive protest, it appears that it merely embroiled people in a “debate.” Or perhaps, the massive outcry on social media taught CISD that the public is not ready to be trained into submitting to this type of drug pushing just yet.

If anything it should cause us to ponder the irony of the word bioterrorism.

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 favorite-velva-smallHeather Callaghan is an independent researcher, writer, speaker and food freedom activist. She is the Editor and co-founder of NaturalBlaze as well as a certified Self-Referencing IITM Practitioner.

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