France Makes Vaccines Mandatory in 2018
Europe’s banana republic is at it again after being given a scare by Germany and Italy, France is making sure that it takes the lead as the most authoritarian communo-fascist country in Europe.
This is because a new French law will force all parents to vaccinate their children in 2018.
According to Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, all vaccines that are universally recommended by health authorities will be compulsory by law. These vaccines are 11 in total.
With a whole host of “services” that became “officials” and are now “authorities” it is no difficult task for the French government to monitor who is vaccinated and who is not.
Thankfully, for the French government, the country already has a robust police state completely unconcerned with individual rights so enforcing the law will be relatively simple.
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While French officials are blaming the anti-vax movement for measles deaths in France, they are noticeably silent on the fact that France is coming apart at the seams. An economy on life support, an immigration crisis and tanking living standards are all contributing to lower quality of life and greater social unrest, two things that contribute to increased spread of disease.
Still, despite the fact that France is largely a failed state, it has plenty of money for bombing. With all of this in mind we can only imagine that many Frenchmen are wondering how much better off the country would be if the French government would put this much effort in to preventing terrorist attacks and putting their heads together to prevent a situation that is ripe for such attacks to take place.
By now, France should consider a national motto that truly embodies the country. Whether it comes to vaccines or terrorist attacks, billboards all over the country should read: France…Come for the baguettes, stay because someone killed you.
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Brandon Turbeville – article archive here – is an author out of Florence, South Carolina. He is the author of six books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies,Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2, The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria,and The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President. Turbeville has published over 1,000 articles dealing on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s podcast Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at)