Dreaming The Same Dream
Op-ed by Lanaria Amberkira, The Netherlands
On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. held his world-famous speech; “I Have a Dream”. A dream we all dream and dreamed of. I was almost 7 years old and still remember.
His speech was full of fire and passion, right out of his honest heart. Â A speech, and also in that time the greatest demonstration ever in America, was for freedom and emancipation. Equal rights, for all, regardless of color, race or religion, regardless of man or woman. It was the time to make the promises of democracy real. It was the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice.
The Constitution and the Declaration of Independence contain the impressive words; That all people, inclusive black and white, would have “inalienable justice” on “life, freedom, and pursuit of happiness.”
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I have a dream; “That all men are created alike, that we can sit side by side at the brotherhood table. That repression will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that one day my four little children will live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. Let freedom sound all over the world. ” Says deceased   Martin Luther King Jr.

Still, Â black people and the original inhabitants of America, the Native Americans are discriminated and oppressed. This big unfair problem can be placed in a broader context, namely worldwide and that most of the world’s population is still being suppressed and discriminated. That only a few are privileged, that 98% have almost nothing and 2% have almost everything, has all the power and adds more power to themselves. That 98% of the population lives in lies and oppression from the beginning of our lives, orchestrated by the 2% privileged, who had and have still the power.
The same dream dreams; About living together in peace, about the world uniting, about equal rights, about freedom and a world we share together.
Dreaming The Same Dream
I have a dream; That everyone lives with their possibilities and talents and fully utilizes their lives and that others lead their lives and we respect, understand and accept that. We think too much and feel too little. Live and let live.
I have a dream; That women are equal to men and that women should be given more opportunities and leadership, because from 200.000 years before Christ, under predominantly male domination, untill now, did not bring us the promised land.
I have a dream; That humans live in humility, appreciation and gratitude in harmony with our beautiful, unique and miraculous Planet Earth. That we all see paradise, the garden of Eden, what really is here on earth, but not seen by many. That we all may see and wake up. The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we lost the way.
Dreaming about the meaning of life. To develop ourselves. About choices, feelings and emotions. In all of us there is good and evil. Let’s make the choice for love. Let’s develop divinity within us and realize that we are only on our way. Let the individual grow in love, in higher consciousness, but let also grow all in collective consciousness.
Soldiers put down your weapons. Do not fight another’s war, do not fight for the wealth of others. Do not fight for money, oil, not for the Military Industrial Complex and for Banks, or for a religious war. Soldiers! Do not fight for slavery! Fight for freedom, without weapons, but as one people, the human race. In this world there is room for everyone.
There will come a day when People of all races, colors and creeds will put aside their differences.( Native American quote)
I have a dream; That our leaders and rulers will lead us and not suffer. That our leaders feed us with the right ingredients, such as love, empathy, respect, prosperity, well-being, freedom, prosperity, peace, security, education, work and good care and not like now, feeding us with fear, hate, anger, lies, frustration, oppression, repression, poverty and modern slavery.
“Civil disobedience is a moral duty when governments are corrupt or lawless”. (Mahatma Gandhi)
Let freedom sound on every street, at every corner of society, in every place of this world. Let people come together for real change, not by revolution, but by evolution. Revolutions often bring more evil, anarchy and a spiral of violence. An evolution in collective consciousness, justice, love and respect. Because we all dream the same dream. Let’s evolve. In higher consciousness, common sense, in wisdom, love and respect for all that lives and for our next generations.
That our children, grandchildren and their children grow up in a world without war and poverty. Where there is peace, love, prosperity and harmony with the whole world and with society. Live really together.
The era of Greed and Violence is a reality through the centuries and throughout much of the World today. Corruption, Greed, Poverty, Consumerism, Power to the few, and injustice are predominant characteristic of our Civilization accompanied by a great technological advancement that has become a weapon for mass destruction and a tool for suppressing resistance. One thing is for sure, life cannot continue in this way forever.
Ending with the words of the highly respected Martin Luther King Jr. “In the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force”.
Blogpost:Â http://lanariaamberk
Video peacemessage: Â https://youtu.be/jh142luEszgÂ
Note: Feel free to donate and support White Rose Evolution financially. Bankaccount, specially for W.R.E. : Name Lanaria Amberkira, Sluis, The Netherlands NL64ASNB0942698487
Read more from Lanaria Amberkira
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