Thousands of Experimental Bacteria-Ridden Mosquitoes Were Just Released in Florida
By Heather Callaghan, Editor
But don’t worry…….they don’t bite?
The biggest trend for mad scientists now is the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes – the same mosquitoes that are noted for carrying tropical diseases and for getting genetically engineered under the guise of fighting the Zika. Zika is one of the latest banners of scare porn that the mainstream media has foisted on the public in a seeming attempt to pave the way for biotech companies to operate unhindered.
CNN quietly blurbed the following last week:
Thousands of mosquitoes infected with the Wolbachia bacteria were released in an area of the Florida Keys this week, in hopes of a new approach to control the disease-carrying female Aedes aegypti mosquito, which transmits Zika virus, Dengue fever and Chikungunya.
According to the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District, 20,000 male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes were released on Stock Island Tuesday for a field trial that will last 12 weeks. The mosquitoes, which do not bite, have been manually infected with a naturally occurring bacteria called Wolbachia.
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The Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes are to be released twice a week at 20 different spots in the “designated area” for the trial for MosquitoMate. The public was apparently warned that there would be an (ironic) influx of mosquitoes during this time.
CNN adds:
As explained in a presentation by the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District, when these infected male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes mate with female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, the eggs she produces won’t hatch, thus they can’t reproduce. The result, they hope, will be a reduced or eliminated population of female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes and the viruses they spread, including Zika virus.
Similar to the GE mosquitoes that British company Oxitec are trying to release, the offspring die but in this case it is the mechanism of the bacteria doing it.
MosquitoMate claims that their mosquitoes are non-GMO and apparently they have already been released in Kentucky, California an New York. They work closely with University of Kentucky and say, “We rely on a natural approach rather than GMO to reduce the mosquito population in your backyard. We utilize a naturally-occurring bacterium called Wolbachia, which is present in insect cells, to infect our male mosquitoes.” Sounds pretty natural right? Injecting an unnaturally occurring bacterium into the mosquitoes before release…
Then the report goes on to say more scary things about Zika and pregnant women who could have babies born with microcephaly – a link that is questionable.
Andrea Leal, executive director for the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District said:
A successful trial with the Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes could mean the availability of a new tool in the fight against the Aedes aegypti mosquito for not only our District, but for Mosquito Control Districts around the country.
Floridians have been rejecting the release of British company Oxitec’s genetically modified mosquitoes for some time. Is this little “experiment” a way to finally release some type of modified pest?
Florida’s elected are still trying to push for Oxitec’s field trials on the public. It would include the release of thousands of GE mosquitoes. A similar push is happening in Houston, TX by – you guessed it – Oxitec! They just keep buzzing to other locations since they already received FDA approval.
Oxitec also conducted field trials in Brazil, Panama and the Cayman Islands. The company boasts that it has reduced the Aedes mosquito populations by up to 90 percent each time. One has to wonder what the ecological impact is for other animals, like bats and frogs, who may actually be losing most of their food supply. Another thing to consider is that the newly mutated offspring can actually survive maturity if they are antidoted with the antibiotic tetracycline.
One wonders what will happen in a future of competing biotech companies – will their experiments overlap or will the government simply dole out territories with which they can test their patented creatures?
So – don’t you love how the media just tells you what you get to accept and then juxtapose the scary reason why an unacceptable action has to take place right now?
These people should be in prison.
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