Immune System Seminar Targets Alternative-Minded Health Professionals
One-Day-Event Designed to Educate Both Doctors and Parents
Portland, Oregon – To vax or not to vax seems to be the health question of the hour. However, it is not a black and white issue. There are alternative strategies and protocols, known to health professionals, which build and strengthen the human and animal immune system and protect against disease. On May 5th, from 8:00am to 5:00pm in Portland, Oregon, Immunity Through the Ages, six healthcare experts will speak on different facets of this complex issue.
The event is taking place at the McMenimins – Edgefield Hotel and Brewery on 2126 SW Halsey Street, Troutdale, Oregon near the city of Portland.
Dr. Paul Thomas, author of The Vaccine Friendly Plan will speak about prenatal immunity. Linda Baker, MD, a pediatrician and classical homeopath will share wisdom about the immune system from birth to age five. Debra Gambrel, DO is a pediatric anesthesiologist and will share her insights into vaccinated and unvaccinated children’s vitality. Cilla Whatcott, CCH, PhD and author of There is a Choice: Homeoprophylaxis will present the history of homeoprophylaxis (HP), and provide evidence about its efficacy as a vaccine alternative. Patricia Deotte, DPT will impart the value of exercise and how it affects vitality into the advancing years. Alan Phillips, JD will complete the seminar with information about legal exemptions from vaccination.
“Since writing my book, the Vaccine Friendly Plan I’ve learned some vital research on immune activation,” says Paul Thomas, MD.
Category 1 CME’s and CEU’s will be provided to all health practitioners who attend.
The following morning, May 6th, a two-hour training by Cilla Whatcott is available for health practitioners interested in offering homeoprophylaxis within their practice. She is among the leading authorities on this naturally safe and effective way to educate the immune system.
Cilla Whatcott is a classical homeopath and author of two books on HP, the homeopathic alternative to vaccines. Cilla is founder of (WWC), the organization sponsoring the Immunity Through the Ages educational seminar. It is the third in a series of events held around the U.S. which she is designing to educate doctors and their patients on this subject. Follow WWC at
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The registration fees for physicians; MD, DO are $299, for licensed practitioners; nurse, PA, NP, PT are $199, for holistic practitioners; homeopath, naturopath, nutritionist, energy worker are $150. The fee for parents who wish to attend is $99. To register online, visit is an educational collaborative based in Minnesota. Call WWC 952-212-7905.
At a Glance
Event: Immunity Through the Ages
Date/Time: May 5, 2017, 8:00am-5:00pm
Location: McMenimins – Edgefield Hotel and Brewery on 2126 SW Halsey Street, Troutdale, Oregon
Event Website:
Facebook Event Link:
Calendar Listing
Learn about natural ways to build immunity and protect against disease at Immunity Through the Ages, a one day event. Learn from 6 different health experts about vaccine alternatives, immunity building strategies and vaccine exemptions. Event will be held at McMenimins – Edgefield, 2126 SW Halsey Street, Troutdale, Oregon. CME’s and CEU’s are available to health professionals. Register online at