Aluminum, Autoimmunity, Autism and Alzheimer’s – Rebutting Big Pharma’s Talking Points
By Gary G. Kohls, MD, guest to Natural Blaze
… About the Safety of Aluminum (and Mercury) in Vaccines
“…only 1 in 10,000 HPV-infected women develop cervical cancer.” — Source
“I predict that Gardasil will become the greatest medical scandal of all times because at some point in time, the evidence will add up to prove that this vaccine…has absolutely no effect on cervical cancer and that all the very many adverse effects which destroy lives and even kill, serve no other purpose than to generate profit for the manufacturers.” — Dr. Bernard Dalbergue a former pharmaceutical industry physician with Gardasil manufacturer Merck
“No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable…for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death.” – President Ronald Reagan, as he signed The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986, absolving drug companies from all medico-legal liability when vaccines kill or disable children
“The 271 vaccines in development span a wide array of diseases, and employ exciting new scientific strategies and technologies. These potential vaccines – all in human clinical trials or under review by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – include 137 for infectious diseases, 99 for cancer, 15 for allergies and 10 for neurological disorders.” — “Statement from the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) – the pharmaceutical industry’s trade association and lobbying group.
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The #1 talking point of Big Pharma, Big Vaccine, the CDC, the AMA and the American Academy of Pediatrics when they try to justify the use of the neurotoxin aluminum (and mercury) in their vaccines is this one: “humans shouldn’t be afraid of the small amount of either aluminum or mercury that is or has been in many human and animal vaccines.”
They say, truthfully, that aluminum is the third most common element in the earth’s crust, behind oxygen and silicone. Oxygen makes up about 47% of the earth’s mass. Silicon is second at 28%, followed by aluminum at 8%. They also say that aluminum may be just as harmless as oxygen and silicone and that humans are also exposed to aluminum in oral antacids and underarm anti-perspirants and that those products haven’t yet been “conclusively” proven to have caused “statistically-significant” health problems. They fail, of course, to mention that the “studies” that prove aluminum’s safety (and efficacy) were designed, performed and paid-for by the very industries that benefit from the unregulated, unexamined and widespread use of injectable aluminum in America’s over-vaccination schedules.
It is important to note that the reason that aluminum has been used in vaccines for the last 80+ years is because it has been found to be an “adjuvant” (defined as “a substance that enhances the body’s immune response to an antigen.” An “antigen” is “a toxin or other foreign substance that induces an immune response in the body”. Interestingly, nobody really understands exactly how aluminum performs as an adjuvant, and there is a desperate search for other adjuvants because the vaccine industry understands just how toxic it is.
Adjuvants, when incubated with certain viral particles in the lab, somehow temporarily hyper-stimulates the production of antibodies and thus usually produces the desired temporary, artificial, serological immunity against the virus, viral particle, bacterial particle of toxoid.
This plausible vaccinology theory ignores the fact that intramuscularly-injected aluminum can easily cause an over-stimulation of antibodies to some of the normal body tissues of the vaccinee, which is known as a “vaccine-induced autoimmune disorder”. How that can happen is dealt with later in this article.
The Differences Between Oral and Injectable Aluminum
It is important to understand that there are important differences between orally-ingested aluminum (in some antacids) and intramuscularly-injected aluminum (which is commonly used in many vaccines).
Orally-ingested aluminum is poorly absorbed through the intestinal mucosa into the blood stream. Only a tiny fraction of the total dose (0.3%) is absorbed, meaning that 99.7% of the ingested aluminum is NOT absorbed and thus passes out of the body through the stool.
There are questions as to how toxic swallowed aluminum is to the bowel mucosa or intestinal bacteria or how damaging to the body’s cells is the 0.3% that gets into the bloodstream. It depends on the total body burden of poisonous metals like aluminum, lead, mercury, iron, cadmium and manganese and the presence of other toxins like psychiatric drugs, vaccines, food additives, etc.). Another important factor is how healthy and mature is the blood-brain barrier (or the placental barrier in the case of women who are unfortunate enough to have submitted to vaccinations during their pregnancies, thus exposing their fetuses to potentially brain-damaging substances). The blood-brain barrier is discussed a bit further on.
Most of the aluminum that gets into the blood stream is excreted through the kidneys. But exactly how damaging aluminum is to kidneys, the blood cells and vascular system hasn’t been thoroughly studied.
However, aluminum (as is true for mercury [thimerosal], another vaccine ingredient that was widely used in injectable infant vaccines early in the dramatic autism epidemic) is known to be highly toxic to every organ system and its mitochondria, especially the kidneys, thyroid, liver, bone and brain.
(Recall that any toxin that gets into the bloodstream can potentially adversely affect every other organ in the body.) The degree of damage inflicted depends partly on the nutritional health of the individual, the amount of anti-oxidants in the diet, the detoxifying systems in the liver – and the blood-brain barrier.
The Blood-Brain Barrier
The normal brain is fortunately relatively safe from many toxins animals are exposed to because of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). The BBB is a system of unique brain capillaries, whose endothelial cells and their unusually “tight junctions” between each cell. Those endothelial cells are supposed to keep large molecules and infectious agents out of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF, the fluid that bathes the brain and spinal cord) and therefore away from the very vulnerable central nervous system (CNS).
The BBB is a very effective defender of the brain, unless it is immature (is as the case for all small infants) or unless it is aged or diseased (which is the norm for the elderly, the acute or chronically ill, the highly medicated, the highly vaccinated and for those who are exposed to toxic substances that are known to harm the BBB. Toxins known to harm the BBB include solvents, herbicides, pesticides, viruses, bacteria, street drugs, many pharmaceutical drugs, toxic foods, toxic water, toxic metals (including the aluminum and mercury in vaccines), electromagnetic radiation, etc.
As touched on above, the aluminum in vaccines is designed to hyper-stimulate antibody production. The vaccine antigens that will be marketed to the public are first manufactured or grown in chicken or duck eggs, chicken kidney cells, mouse brains, African green monkey kidney cells or human fetal cells) in the laboratories of Big Pharma’s vaccine manufacturers like Merck, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Sanofi-Pasteur and MedImmune. Then aluminum nanoparticles are adsorbed onto those antigens in large vats. Then a variety of other substances are added, including preservatives (such as mercury, antibiotics, formaldehyde, phenol, phenoxyethanol) for the multiple-dose vials.
Alzheimer’s And Aluminum In Brain Tissue – True Link Found By Scientist
When the aluminum-containing inoculum is eventually injected into the vaccinee’s muscle tissue, the body’s immune system is supposed to produce antibodies (immunoglobulins) against the antigen which the aluminum nanoparticles were adsorbed. The intensity of antibody production varies tremendously, from zero effect to hyperimmune responses.
Whether the injection accidentally went into the subcutaneous fat, directly into a blood vessel or into scar tissue would account for some of the variance. And the duration of the antibody response also varies tremendously, also depending on those factors.
What is for certain is that any delayed antibody response is likely to be only temporary. Some of the adverse effects, like the high incidence of fainting and the POTS syndrome after the Gardisil vaccinations, might be because the vaccine was injected into a small blood vessel and thus directly into the bloodstream instead of the muscle.
What is also a certainty is that vaccinations have zero (or even negative) effects on cellular immunity, which is the equally important second half of the immune system.
But serious unintended consequences from vaccines can occur, for the injected material is regarded as a foreign body by the vaccinee’s mononuclear cells (macrophages). The macrophage’s main purpose is to attack foreign bodies that penetrate the body’s protective skin or mucosal surfaces, thus ameliorating the toxic effects of germs, slivers, cat bite saliva, injected vaccine ingredients, etc. Properly functioning macrophages will neutralize some of the toxicity of foreign bodies.
How Can Aluminum-Adjuvanted Vaccines Cause Neurotoxic Disorders Like Autism or Dementia?
I describe below two of the serious un-anticipated and unwanted outcomes that can happen when aluminum-coated antigens are injected into an animal’s muscle tissue:
1) After the body’s macrophages ingested the aluminum-coated vaccine material, they will migrate into the lymphatic system (including regional lymph nodes), and then they will go into the bloodstream, which eventually goes to many other distant organs, including the liver, spleen, bone, brain and everywhere else that the blood goes.
Macrophages are capable of crossing into the brain through the unique “tight junctions” that are located between the BBB’s endothelial cells. When the BBB is healthy it will keep out most toxic substances such as most proteins, viruses, bacteria, large molecule drugs, toxic metals and other toxic substances such as dissolved aluminum ions.
If the BBB is immature or diseased, many of those toxic substances are more likely to cross into the cerebrospinal fluid. So, whereas dissolved aluminum in the blood usually can’t get into the brain by itself, when it is inside a macrophage it can enter into the protected space of the brain and thus potentially toxify brain cells (neurons, nutrient glial cells and synaptic cleft organelles where neurotransmitters do their magic. Macrophages appear to be identical to brain microglia in that they have similar nutrient and de-toxifying functions.
What A Scientist Wants You To Know About Alzheimer’s, Aluminium And Elimination
The above phenomena have been well studied and are the mechanisms that explain how injected aluminum-adjuvanted material can cross the diseased or aged BBB of so-called pre-dementia patients or cross the immature BBB into the brains of infants, that might condemn some of those victims to come down with a vaccine-induced dementia or a vaccine-induced autistic spectrum disorder, ADHD, or other behavioral or neuro-degenerative disorder.
How Can Aluminum Adjuvants Cause Autoimmune Disorders?
2) The second serious thing that can happen when aluminum is injected into animal tissue – particularly the small bodies of children or infants – is that the needle can be expected to traumatize whatever tissues it pierces.
That trauma, plus the inevitable inflammation that develops from the vaccine ingredients, will cause the break-down of other para-muscular tissues, such as, obviously, the now-damaged muscle tissue, area blood vessels, white blood cells, platelets, blood clotting factors, collagen tissue, nerve tissue, myelin, etc, likely coating some of these otherwise normal cells with the aluminum adjuvant and setting up the possibility for the body’s immune system to develop antibodies against the body’s own tissues, which is the definition of autoimmune disorders.
So patients with autoimmune disorders like Macrophagic Myofasciitis (MMF), Autoimmune/inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants (ASIA), lupus, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, dermatomyositis, scleroderma, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, Guillain-Barre syndrome, multiple sclerosis, Gulf War Syndrome, Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, etc may actually have vaccine-induced autoimmune disorders. (Google research scholars such as Romain Kroum Gherardi, Yehuda Shoenfeld, Chris Shaw, Lucija Tomljenovic, etc for more.)
There are a multitude of case reports and case series in the world’s medical literature of vaccine-induced autoimmunity. The only get published in the journals that aren’t subsidized and don’t accept advertising money from pharmaceutical companies (and don’t have editors who have been co-opted by Big Pharma, the CDC or the AA).
These vaccine-induced autoimmune disorders are iatrogenic disorders (doctor-caused, prescription drug-caused, vaccine-caused, surgery-caused) and thus their existence makes them taboo subjects – not to be discussed publicly. But in the honorable “first do no harm” profession that I proudly joined after medical school 40+ years ago, drug-induced, iatrogenic disorders were always to be at the top of the differential diagnosis list. That teaching appears to have disappeared over the years.
But, for the sake of our vulnerable patients, especially or babies and the elderly, who are getting sicker and sicker as more and more drugs and vaccines are prescribed, honorable physicians and paraprofessionals should be actively considering the possibility of iatrogenesis whenever they are faced with an autoimmune disordered patient.
Further Vaccinations to Patients who Have Vaccine-Induced Autoimmunity or Vaccine-Induced Neurodevelopmental Disorders Should be Contraindicated
Vaccine-induced injuries, deaths and autoimmune disorders are increasingly common among fully vaccinated populations. The correlation between the huge increases in dementia among America’s fully-vaccinated older adults (who get yearly mercury injections in their flu shots and then get yearly aluminum-containing pneumovax shots) needs to be thoroughly noted.
The worsening of toxic disorders caused by heavy metal exposure is known to happen with every additional exposure to the toxin. Two toxins together can cause enormous synergistic (as opposed to additive) increases in toxicity. That phenomenon of synergy appears to apply when aluminum and mercury vaccines are co-administered. Thus, if vaccine-induced disorders are not recognized, the already toxified patients will have their autism, autoimmune disorders and dementia worsen, and larger long-term health care costs and more human suffering will occur – exactly the opposite of the physician pledge to “first do no harm”.
There are a number of whistle-blower experts (see below) who are trying to alert doctors, journalists and law-makers to the dangers of Big Pharma’s highly profitable over-vaccination business plan. These out-numbered and silenced whistle-blowers are stepping on some very big toes, namely huge multinational pharmaceutical corporations that have large numbers of clever lawyers, cunning front groups, well-paid lobbyists and control of what gets reported on the mainstream news. That combination can easily destroy the careers of honest altruistic researchers that threaten their financial bottom line – and they have – most dramatically and cruelly in the case of Dr Andrew Wakefield (watch one of his powerful talks on YouTube).
What makes the problem urgent is that the medical establishment is allowing itself to be repeatedly brain-washed by Big Pharma’s criminal smearing of honest whistle-blowing physician-scholars like Wakefield, Suzanne Humphries, Sherri Tenpenny, Russell Blaylock, Diane Harper, Toni Bark and Kelly Brogan – as well as non-physician experts like Stephanie Seneff, Brian Hooker, Barbara Loe-Fischer, Gary Goldman, and Robert Kennedy, Jr. (google each of them before dismissing this column and listen to their testimony which is all over YouTube. One can find everything at one website:
If the medical establishment continues in denial or ignorance about the dangers of vaccines, the financial impact of just three vaccine-induced disorders will not only dramatically increase in incidence and intensity but the escalating multi-billion dollar cost to care for the permanently disabled autistics, the permanently disabled “Alzheimer’s Disease” patients and the “mysterious” autoimmune disorder epidemic will bankrupt the nation (if the Pentagon budgets doesn’t do it first).
Photo credit: Andres Rueda via Visualhunt / CC BY
Read more from Dr. Gary Kohls
Dr Kohls is a retired physician from Duluth, MN, USA. He writes a weekly column for the Duluth Reader, the area’s alternative newsweekly magazine. His columns deal with the dangers of American fascism, corporatism, militarism, racism, malnutrition, Big Pharma’s psychiatric drugging and over-vaccination regimens, and other movements that threaten the environment, health, democracy, civility and longevity of the populace. Many of his columns are archived HERE, HERE or HERE