CDC Scientists’ Study Says Neither Form of Mercury Is Safe – What?
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Lyn Redwood, RN, MSN, have published another article at Eco Watch wherein they discuss two CDC scientists’ revelations about mercury.
Among the findings of the CDC’s new study:
Methylmercury, the highly-regulated neurotoxin found in fish, and ethylmercury (found in medical products, including influenza and tetanus vaccines, ear drops and nasal sprays) are similarly toxic to humans. Methylmercury and ethylmercury share common chemical properties, and both significantly disrupt central nervous system development and function.
Thimerosal is extremely toxic at very low exposures and is more damaging than methylmercury in some studies. For example, ethylmercury is even more destructive to the mitochondria in cells than methylmercury.
The ethylmercury in thimerosal does not leave the body quickly as the CDC once claimed, but is metabolized into highly neurotoxic forms. [CJF emphasis added]
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Despite this stark rejection of a decade of CDC safety assurances, CDC’s public relations machine is still bucking the new scientific consensus; the article concludes with a telling disclaimer in tiny font:
“The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.”
CDC’s website continues to feature now discredited safety assurances. [1]
J.B. Handley, founder of Generation Rescue, says, “With this study, by its own scientists, the CDC has now edged into the realm of criminal endangerment.”
The study “Alkyl Mercury-Induced Toxicity: Multiple Mechanisms of Action” meticulously details identical toxicity pathways shared by both forms of mercury:
- Both ethyl and methyl mercury cause DNA damage or impair DNA synthesis (Burke et al. 2006; Sharpe et al. 2012; Wu et al. 2008).
- Both cause oxidative stress/creation of reactive oxygen species (Dreiem and Seegal 2007; Garg and Chang 2006; Myhre et al. 2003; Sharpe et al. 2012; Yin et al. 2007).
- Both decrease glutathione activity, thus providing less protection from the oxidative stress caused by MeHg and EtHg (Carocci et al. 2014; Ndountse and Chan (2008); Choi et al. 1996; Franco et al. 2006; Mori et al. 2007; Muller et al. 2001; Ndountse and Chan 2008; Wu et al. 2008).
- Both cause effects on cell division by damaging the spindle apparatus during mitosis (Burke et al. 2006; Castoldi et al. 2000; Gribble et al. 2005; Kim et al. 2007; Ou et al. 1999b; Machaty et al. 1999; Rodier et al. 1984).
- Both MeHg and EtHg bind to the amino acid cysteine (Clarkson 1995; Wu et al. 2008).
- Both MeHg and EtHg strongly inhibit the reacylation of arachidonic acid, thus inhibiting the reincorporation of this fatty acid into membrane phospholipids (Shanker et al. 2002; Verity et al. 1994; Zarini et al. 2006).
- Both cause an increase in NOS, causing an overproduction of NO (Chen et al. 2003; Chuu et al. 2001; Shinyashiki et al. 1998).
- Both disrupt glutamate homeostasis (Farina et al. 2003a, b; Manfroi et al. 2004; Mutkus et al. 2005; Yin et al. 2007).
- Both alter intracellular calcium homeostasis (Elferink 1999; Hare et al. 1993; Kang et al. 2006; Limke et al. 2004b; Machaty et al. 1999; Marty and Atchison1997; Minnema et al. 1987; Peng et al. 2002; Sayers et al. 1993; Sirois and Atchison, 2000; Szalai et al. 1999; Tornquist et al. 1999; Zarini et al. 2006).
- Both cause effects on receptor binding/neurotransmitter release involving one or more transmitters (Basu et al. 2008; Coccini et al. 2000; Cooper et al. 2003; Fonfria et al. 2001; Ida-Eto et al. 2011; Ndountse and Chan 2008; Yuan and Atchison 2003). [CJF emphasis added]
“This study is a nuclear bomb detonating over the CDC,” Boyd Haley, chairman emeritus of the University of Kentucky Chemistry Department, said. “It should be getting international, front page headlines.” [1]
You can’t handle the truth about vaccines (Ad)
I strongly recommend your reading, plus saving, this Kennedy-Redwood article. Print it and take it with you to your physician anytime you visit. Also, take it with you when you take your child to see a physician, since doctors are ramrodding vaccines like never before.
The ten-bulleted items above indicate scientific proof of what mercury in both forms methyl and ethyl—the Hg in vaccines—do to damage the entire human organism.
Furthermore, contact your members of Congress and ask them to revisit The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986 (42 U.S.C. §§ 300aa-1 to 300aa-34) to amend it to make Big Pharma and all vaccine manufacturers liable for vaccine damages and defective products liabilities and harms.
Also, start a grassroots citizens’ campaign within your home state legislature to get repressive mandatory vaccine laws overturned. Request legislators introduce legislation to protect infants, toddlers, teens and adults from toxic metal and chemical ingredients being injected into them. That is nothing short of forced chemical child abuse!
By the way, a bill, “An Act relative to best management practices for wireless in schools and public institutions of higher education,” (HD 2454) recently was introduced into the Massachusetts legislative hopper by House of Representatives member Carolyn C. Dykema, which indicates a growing awareness and concern on the part of those in governance about the adverse health issues and problems with and from microwaves, especially Wi-Fi, and in schools in particular.
How are children with learning disabilities caused by adverse reactions to neurotoxic chemicals in vaccines impacted with Wi-Fi in schools and learning centers?
Photo credit: Andres Rueda via Visualhunt / CC BY
This article (CDC Scientists’ Study Says Neither Form of Mercury Is Safe—What?) can be republished with attribution to author and link to Natural
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Catherine J Frompovich (website) is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.
Catherine’s latest book, published October 4, 2013, is Vaccination Voodoo, What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines, available on
Her 2012 book A Cancer Answer, Holistic BREAST Cancer Management, A Guide to Effective & Non-Toxic Treatments, is available on and as a Kindle eBook.
Two of Catherine’s more recent books on are Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking Of Our DNA, A Probe Into What’s Probably Making Us Sick(2009) and Lord, How Can I Make It Through Grieving My Loss, An Inspirational Guide Through the Grieving Process (2008)
Catherine’s NEW book: Eat To Beat Disease, Foods Medicinal Qualities ©2016Catherine J Frompovich is now available