What Will The British Medical Journal Do About HPV Vaccine Misinformation?

HPV vaccine misinformation

By Catherine J Frompovich

One vaccine on the schedule for pre-teen and teenage boys and girls in the USA is the HPV (human papillomavirus vaccine) of which there are three brands: Gardasil®, Cervarix® and Gardasil 9®.   Both Gardasil vaccines [1-2] are the proprietary properties of Merck and Company (USA), while Cervarix [3] is owned by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) in the UK.

Originally, the HPV vaccine was promoted and pushed as a ‘cervical cancer preventive’ vaccine in girls and then a few years later, those same HPV vaccines morphed into prophylactic vaccines for boys, who don’t have a cervix!  Interesting?!  However, Big Pharma is never at a loss to spin pseudoscience to its financial benefits so it was able to convince the U.S. HHS/CDC/FDA that boys, too, had to receive the HPV vaccines, with equally devastating results as girls who received HPV vaccines have experienced.  

Those vaccine adverse horrors are tracked by S.A.N.E. VAX , whose website lists the horrible side effects of HPV vaccines as reported to the CDC’s VAERS reporting system.  As of December 2016, 300 deaths were reported; 14,063 emergency room visits; 4,445 hospitalizations; and the list goes on and on.

Besides the MMR vaccines and influenza vaccines, the HPV vaccine is one of the more-often reported damaging vaccines, as reported to the VAERS system.  And still, the medical profession pushes HPV vaccines like crazy: 3 shots over the course of six months costing mega bucks!  As of 2017, the three-shot series in the USA costs between $390 and $500!  In the UK, the cost is £185 per dose!

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Independent researchers track the destructive ‘progresses’ of the HPV vaccines and try to bring attention to the harms they are causing every chance we get.  One such independent vaccine literature researcher is Elizabeth Hart in Australia.  Ms. Hart established an ongoing dialogue with the Editor-in-Chief of the British Medical Journal (BMJ), Dr Fiona Godlee, who has turned Elizabeth over to Peter Doshi, PhD, a former JohnsHopkins researcher now working as an editor at the BMJ.

Elizabeth forwarded me her latest letter to Dr. Godlee and I was so impressed with the points Elizabeth made that I asked for her permission to publish intact, which she kindly gave me.  It follows below.  Please read it to understand what’s going on with HPV vaccines and understand the need to do your research and question when physicians demand and push your children be vaccinated with HPV vaccines.

Frompovich References:

[1] https://www.merck.com/product/usa/pi_circulars/g/gardasil/gardasil_pi.pdf

[2] https://www.merck.com/product/usa/pi_circulars/g/gardasil_9/gardasil_9_pi.pdf

[3] https://www.gsksource.com/pharma/content/dam/GlaxoSmithKline/US/en/Prescribing_Information/Cervarix/pdf/CERVARIX-PI-PIL.PDF


Elizabeth Hart Letter to Dr. Fiona Godlee, Editor-in-Chief, British Medical Journal

Dr Godlee, I suggest globally fast-tracked experimental HPV vaccination is shaping up to be the biggest scandal in medical history.  

In my previous correspondence with you, and in my responses to Richard Lehman’s BMJ Blog, I have brought serious matters re HPV vaccination to the attention of The BMJ.  I intend to maintain continuity of my correspondence with you and others on this matter to demonstrate that this information is ‘on the record’ with you and The BMJ.  

The BMJ is part of the vast propaganda machine promoting questionable information about HPV vaccination.  For example, busy healthcare professionals probably rely on Richard Lehman’s journal review to keep them up to date with recent developments, and are likely to have taken his careless endorsement of HPV vaccination at face value in his BMJ Blog last December[1].  

There are conscientious doctors out there who want reliable and unbiased information to help their patients/clients.  For example, a doctor wrote to me recently supporting me in my efforts to expose over-vaccination.  Dr Diana Flescher, a specialist in internal medicine and women’s health, lamented “the corruption at the core of medical care in our era”, and decried “the ‘pharmaceuticalization’ of medicine”.  

Dr Flescher said: “The forces arrayed against those of us who long for studies and guidelines we can trust so as to serve our patients in the best way we can, instead of serving as unwitting handmaidens to industry and corporate power, are enormous.”

Doctors currently cannot rely on conflicted and biased information about HPV vaccination being provided by medical/scientific journals and government authorities.  If they do so, they are not properly informing their patients/clients about the many uncertainties surrounding still experimental HPV vaccination.

Dr Godlee, I first alerted you to problems re the evidence base for HPV vaccination in December 2016, and yet today children and their parents continue to be misinformed about HPV vaccination, with important information being withheld from them.  This means they are not giving their ‘informed consent’ to the medical intervention of HPV vaccination.

A recent report in the Daily Mail illustrates how children and their parents are being forced into HPV vaccination, i.e. see the article titled: Furious mother blasts her daughter’s school for giving the 13-year-old the controversial HPV cervical cancer jab without parental consent [2]  (The Daily Mail is notably one of the few newspapers willing to publish articles describing problems with vaccine products.  This newspaper is generally reviled in scientific circles.

You can’t handle the truth about vaccines (Ad)

The Daily Mail reports mother Laverne Crosebourne did not want her daughter Shian Nichols to have HPV vaccination after reading about possible risks, including seizures, early menopause and, in some cases, death.  Ms Crosebourne said “I read a story of a young girl who had it and died.”  She said “I’ve read other stories about people being really ill from it.  I didn’t have it when I was a girl.”  Ms Crosebourne was adamant her daughter shouldn’t get the vaccine. 

Ms Crosebourne claims she had already refused permission for her daughter to have the HPV injection when it was carried out at her school last year, and that she was stunned when her Year 9 daughter came home from school recently and told her she had received the jab.  According to the Daily Mail, Ms Crosebourne “has now blasted teachers and the NHS immunisation team for not getting parental consent for the vaccine”.  

Ms Crosebourne said: “They have given my daughter the cervical cancer injection without my consent.  Because of the news of the risks surrounding it, I don’t agree with it.  I’m pretty upset, we were astonished to learn she had been given a vaccination, let alone a vaccination I had declined her receiving in Year 8.  How disgusting to realise the blatant disregard of the policies and practices in regards to duty of care.”

It is clear that discerning citizens do not want to be forced into having controversial vaccinations for their children, and they rightly challenge the imposition of medical interventions, i.e. questionable HPV vaccination, for healthy individuals. 

It is notable that Ms Crosebourne and the Daily Mail describe HPV vaccination as the ‘cervical cancer’ injection/jab.  Ms Crosebourne and the Daily Mail, along with millions of others, are being misled with this description that has become common currency.  The vaccine is actually for some strains of HPV which are reputed to be a factor in cervical cancer.  There is as yet no evidence of cervical cancer being prevented by the HPV vaccine products, although government agencies such as Public Health England perpetuate this myth, see for example PHE’s ‘factsheet’ for healthcare professionals on HPV and cervical cancer [3].

The Daily Mail article also includes a link to a NHS video that uses schoolgirls to promote HPV vaccination (see transcript attached).  Girl 3 says “Well I’d rather have three lots of jabs done than have cervical cancer”.  Girl 2 says “I think it’s important because if you get all three done you’re pretty much immune to cervical cancers, it’s just worth it in the long run”.  There is no reference to cervical screening in the NHS video. The girls in the video seem to believe HPV vaccination will definitely protect them from cervical cancer.  These girls are being misled by exaggerations about still experimental HPV vaccination, and are being used to promote questionable information to others.  (The NHS vaccination schedule now states two doses of HPV vaccine are required, although the evidence base for two doses is also open to question.)

Millions of children and young women have been coerced into having multiple doses of HPV vaccines.  These young people are unwitting guinea pigs.  As yet we have no idea how globally fast-tracked HPV vaccination is going to turn out.  

The Daily Mail report also refers to a case last year of a 13-year-old schoolgirl, Shazel Zaman, dying just five days after having the HPV vaccination at school.  Her family claim a doctor dismissed her condition was linked to the ‘cervical cancer jab’ and sent her home citing a stomach bug.  She was found collapsed and unconscious with no pulse an hour later at her home in Bury, and died in hospital four hours later.[4]  Did the HPV vaccination cause this girl’s death?  Did HPV vaccination exacerbate other health problems she may have had?  Undoubtedly this girl’s death was an ‘adverse experience’ after vaccination.  Would Shazel have had this still experimental vaccination if she and her parents had been properly informed about the uncertainties of HPV vaccination?

Other cases are reported on the Sanevax website, the international support group which speaks up on behalf of people who have suffered after HPV vaccination.  See for example the case of a teenage boy in the United States, Joel Gomez, who died after the second dose of HPV vaccine, i.e. fatal myocardial infarction after Gardasil vaccination.[5]  This case has been submitted to the United States Court of Federal Claims Office of Special Masters.

It is of course difficult to prove adverse experiences after vaccination were caused by the vaccine, particularly when authorities are determined to discount any association, i.e. people are usually brushed aside with the ‘correlation is not causation’ mantra.  The widespread denial of adverse experiences after vaccination leaves the reliability of voluntary post-marketing surveillance systems in tatters.

This is why people should very carefully consider the risks and benefits before any medical intervention, because if anything goes wrong, e.g. with vaccination, they can be left physically damaged, including death in the worst case scenario.  And with authorities reluctant to take responsibility.

Ms Crosebourne did not want her daughter to have HPV vaccination, but her wishes were over-ridden by the healthcare professionals who coaxed her daughter into having the jab.  If anything had gone wrong with this vaccination, it would be Ms Crosebourne and her daughter who would have to bear the consequences, and all for a still experimental vaccine product which has been over-hyped in the community.

Dr Godlee, as outlined in my previous correspondence with you, and responses to Richard Lehman’s BMJ Blog, parents, children and young women must be warned about:

the lack of evidence supporting multiple HPV vaccine doses; the lack of evidence for prevention of cancer; the lack of scientific knowledge about HPV vaccination, i.e. scientists such as Professor Diane Harper admit “the mechanism of immunogenicity from a scientific perspective is poorly understood”. the novel turbo-charged aluminium adjuvants in the VLP HPV vaccine products, which are reported to induce unnaturally high titres, many fold higher than natural infection; the potential for a continuous shift in HPV types (‘type replacement’) as a result of vaccination, and the uncertainties this brings; fear-mongering about the risks of HPV and misleading information; political interference in the implementation of HPV vaccination, e.g. in Australia, which had a domino effect in fast-tracking HPV vaccination around the world; and

the lack of independent and objective evaluation of HPV vaccination.   

(A public record of my correspondence with The BMJ and Cochrane Nordic is being maintained on my website, see Cochrane Nordic and HPV vaccine safetyhttps://over-vaccination.net/cochrane-collaboration/ )

I have brought these matters to your personal attention Dr Godlee.  You may feel like you have been ‘inundated’ with information, but you have a lot of catching up to do.

In your role as Editor-in-Chief of The BMJ, a wholly owned subsidiary of the British Medical Association, I suggest you have a responsibility to ensure healthcare professionals are warned about healthcare controversies.  This is in line with BMJ values [6], e.g.

patients come first; knowledge for healthcare professionals and patients should be independent and unbiased; evidence matters; serving our customers to the best of our ability helps to improve healthcare; and improving healthcare is difficult and requires courage.

It is up to The BMJ to take swift action to alert the community about controversial HPV vaccination.

Healthcare professionals must ensure parents, children and young women are properly informed about the many uncertainties surrounding still experimental HPV vaccination.  Parents, children and young women must be allowed to make an informed decision about HPV vaccination, and to refuse this questionable medical intervention if they so wish. 


Elizabeth Hart



  1. Two is as good as three for HPV.  Richard Lehman’s journal review/BMJ Blog– 5 December 2016.
  2. Furious mother blasts her daughter’s school for giving the 13-year-old the controversial HPV cervical cancer jab without parental consent.  Daily Mail, 3 February 2017, updated 4 February 2017: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4187954/Mother-s-anger-daughter-given-HPV-jab-without-consent.html
  3. HPV vaccination and Cervical Cancer: Addressing the myths. Factsheet for Health Professionals. Public Health England. 23 December 2016.  This factsheet purports to address the ‘myths’ about HPV vaccination, downplaying concerns about this questionable medical intervention, and urging parents/girls to have HPV vaccination. This ‘factsheet’ appears to be a response to adverse publicity about HPV vaccination in the UK media, i.e. adverse experiences after HPV vaccination reported in newspapers such as The Independent, and Daily Mailin mid 2015, and the recent controversy surrounding TV presenter Melinda Messenger’s publicised concerns about HPV vaccination. The PHE factsheet unequivocally supports HPV vaccination and downplays any risk. The factsheet states:“The UK programme has already contributed to preventing future deaths from cervical cancer.  We expect it to eventually prevent hundreds of cancer deaths every year.”  I suggest this is an exaggerated spin on HPV vaccination’s supposed effectiveness.  An author of a HPV vaccine trial paper, Professor Diane Harper, admits “there is no evidence of cancers prevented”, and commentary published in The Lancet in 2011 also notes “A demonstrable reduction of the burden of cervical cancer – the main goal of HPV vaccines – will take several decades”.  If health professionals rely on the biased PHE factsheet, parents/children and young women will not be properly informed about HPV vaccination.  They will remain unaware that there is no independent and objective evaluation of HPV vaccination; that there is no evidence to support multiple doses of HPV vaccines; that “there is no evidence of cancers prevented”; nor will they be informed that HPV vaccines have novel aluminium adjuvants, and vaccination is reported to induce antibody titres many fold higher than natural infection, with who knows what possible downsides.  There is also no mention in the PHE factsheet of the potential for a continuous shift in the prevalence of HPV types (‘type replacement’) as a result of vaccination and the uncertainties this brings. See my email to Dr Richard Lehman re HPV vaccination and ethics (31 January 2017) for references: https://elizabethhart.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/hpv-vaccination-and-ethics-an-email-to-dr-richard-lehman-re-his-bmj-blog.pdf
  4. Also see the report in the Manchester Evening News last year: Teenage girl died just five days after having HPV vaccine jab. 9 May 2016.
  5. Vaccine Injury Compensation Program: Fatality after Gardasil. Sanevax, 11 November 2015: http://sanevax.org/vaccine-injury-compensation-program-fatality-after-gardasil/
  6. About BMJ.The BMJwebsite.

Catherine J Frompovich (website) is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.

Catherine’s latest book, published October 4, 2013, is Vaccination Voodoo, What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines, available on Amazon.com.

Her 2012 book A Cancer Answer, Holistic BREAST Cancer Management, A Guide to Effective & Non-Toxic Treatments, is available on Amazon.com and as a Kindle eBook.

Two of Catherine’s more recent books on Amazon.com are Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking Of Our DNA, A Probe Into What’s Probably Making Us Sick (2009) and Lord, How Can I Make It Through Grieving My Loss, An Inspirational Guide Through the Grieving Process (2008)

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