Who Is Spraying Us? Raytheon, MITRE Corporation, MIT are Prime Suspects: Peter Kirby


By Cassius Kamarampi

(Era of Wisdom) Peter A. Kirby is a researcher and author from San Rafael, California, author of “Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project.”

In this interview with Era of Wisdom, Peter breaks down his extensive research on the history of weather modification (geoengineering), thoroughly documented in his book yet kept from the public, from the 1940’s to present day.

He goes into exactly who the prime suspects are in spraying us today: corporations such as Raytheon, MITRE Corporation, and their academic foundations in Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Government organizations such as the Department of Defense and its DARPA division, NATO, and the CIA are discussed.

As two residents of Northern California, we discuss our experiences observing the distinct odor of chemtrails recently, and subsequent symptoms. We discuss the observed escalation of spraying activity in 2016, and how a new type of aerosol mix seems to be in use now compared to before mid-2016, that smells plastic, sharp, metallic, and similar to static electricity, rather than the powdery, starchy metallic odor observed previously.

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For an entry level understanding of what chemtrails and geoengineering are, what materials are generally thought to be sprayed, the patents for aerosols, rain tests, and other information, check the sources below.

Please share this with as many people as possible: this history and tangible info is especially important to share with those who need hard evidence in understanding we’re being sprayed.


Peter A. Kirby articles at Activist Post

“Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project” (full book)

Geoengineering Patents that match rain tests

Rain tests by Stop Spraying Us San Francisco

Nuclear physicist J. Marvin Herndon and his retracted coal fly ash geoengineering paper

Sold out, FOX media affiliated VICE Ridicules J. Marvin Herndon

Chemtrails in Spain, 2016

“Worst Chemtrails I’ve Ever Seen,” Sacramento 2016

The Geoengineering Escalation of 2016

Google Searches for “Chemtrails” Skyrocketed in 2016

CIA Director openly proposes spraying

David Keith pushing for spraying

Mainstream media popularizes spraying the skies, inching us toward openly spraying

Mainstream media popularizes spraying the skies, inching us toward openly spraying (2)

Mainstream media popularizes spraying the skies, inching us toward openly spraying (3)

Peter Kirby final ------

This article (Who Is Spraying Us? Raytheon, MITRE Corporation, MIT are Prime Suspects: Peter Kirby Explains) via NB is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Era of Wisdom.org.

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