Syrians Are Healthy, Mentally Clear, Not Sickly Like Most Americans: American Journalist’s Experience in Lebanon
By Cassius Kamarampi and Brandon Turbeville
(Era of Wisdom) Brandon Turbeville took a trip to Lebanon, and almost made it to Syria last month, to report on what is really going on.
He observed no chemtrails in Lebanon. He said food is generally cheaper there than in the United States, and it is some of the the most flavorful food he has ever eaten.
Also see: Is American Food Killing Us? B. Turbeville Talks Food & Middle East
Upon arriving back in the United States, he noticed a sickly, tired, generally unwell state of being in Americans, compared to the people who seemed full of life in Lebanon. He described feeling ill for days trying to re-acclimate to the “American diet.”
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This is part two of the interview, part one can be found here.
Brandon Turbeville is a journalist with Activist Post, and he has his own website which you can find here. He is also the vice editor and a contributor at Era of Wisdom, and you can find an excellent interview with Brandon and James Corbett of the Corbett Report at this link.
(Image credit: No Strings, Era of Wisdom)
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